Billy Brasfield takes to his Twitter account to heap praise on Gaga’s upcoming clip. By James Montgomery Lady Gaga Photo: David Wolff-Patrick/ Getty Images We may not know what it looks like, but we know it’s coming soon, and, from the sound of things, it’s going to be quite the experience. We’re talking, of course, about Lady Gaga’s hotly anticipated “Born This Way” video , which she apparently shot this past weekend, and, according to her makeup artist Billy Brasfield, it’s the kind of thing that defies explanation. And adjectives. (Though that didn’t stop him from heaping ’em on.) In fact, the “BTW” video is apparently so awe-inducing that it brought Brasfield to tears. “Have you ever been a part of something that was so profound, so inspiring, so incredibly beautiful, that as it was happening, it brought tears to your eyes and you had been given a gift, and you were thankful?” he tweeted on Monday. “It happened to me [and] I am thankful. 1/22, 1/23, 1/24- 2011 LADY GAGA–#BORNTHISWAY.” Brasfield then followed that message up with another tweet Tuesday morning (January 25), in which he continued to pile praise on the “Born This Way” clip. “After days of sensory overload, of amazing song, ridiculously beautiful imagery, fashion, beautiful People, great friends, and a life changing experience, I am awake again after 24 hours of sleep,” he wrote. “Hello New York City and snow.” Of course, Brasfield isn’t the only member of Gaga’s team hyping the “Born This Way” video these days. On Monday, LG’s fashion director (and Thierry Mugler creative director) Nicola Formichetti took to his Twitter account to praise the shoot, writing, “Ok kids, get ready for [‘Born This Way’]. We’ve just created the most amazing thing ever.” Related Artists Lady Gaga
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Lady Gaga’s ‘Born This Way’ Video Is ‘Profound,’ Makeup Artist Says