Tag Archives: gabriel aubrey

Smoking Gun: Halle Berry Obtains Proof Ex Bleaching Daughter’s Hair

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Halle Berry’s custody battle just got a bit messier. The Academy-Award winning star claims to have proof her ex-boyfriend Gabriel Aubry and father to daughter, Nahla…

Smoking Gun: Halle Berry Obtains Proof Ex Bleaching Daughter’s Hair

Smoking Gun: Halle Berry Obtains Proof Ex Bleaching Daughter’s Hair

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Halle Berry’s custody battle just got a bit messier. The Academy-Award winning star claims to have proof her ex-boyfriend Gabriel Aubry and father to daughter, Nahla…

Smoking Gun: Halle Berry Obtains Proof Ex Bleaching Daughter’s Hair

Halle Berry Breaks 20k A Month For Child Support!!!!!!

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Actress Halle Berry may have to pay ex boyfriend Gabriel Aubrey 20,000 a month in child support. That is only a portion of what he is asking for to try and maintain a lifestyle he says his daughter is accustomed to. Crazy thing is Aubrey has not been rewarded any type of custody of their daughter to make these types of demands.

Halle Berry Breaks 20k A Month For Child Support!!!!!!

Epitome Of A Bad Father? Child Services Recommends Halle Berry’s Baby Daddy “Catch Fade Gabe” Have Monitored Visitations With Nahla

When will the baby daddy drama end !? The Los Angeles County of Department of Children and Family Services is recommending that Halle Berry’s ex-boyfriend, Gabriel Aubry, have another adult present during his custodial time with their three-year-old daughter, Nahla. According to Radaronline : “Case workers are recommending that a nanny be present with Gabriel during his visitation times. Halle’s nanny had been with Nahla when Gabriel had his custodial time from noon until she went to sleep. However, after the alleged incident between the nanny and Gabe, that hasn’t been in place, and he has been alone with Nahla. “It will be up to the judge to implement the recommendations. Gabriel is fighting having another person with him, he feels that Halle is trying to make his time with their daughter as uncomfortable as possible,” the insider says. “The report does recommend that Halle and Gabriel attend parenting classes together, so that they can co-parent Nahla more harmoniously. The classes will give them the tools to work through their issues, and hopefully become better parents for it.” Meanwhile, “Gabriel Aubry is unlikely to be charged with any crime in relation to the police report the nanny filed,” a law enforcement source revealed. SMH! The only one who’s going to be really suffering is poor Nahla in all of this… What do you think of the all the drama? More On Bossip! Bossip Exclusive: “Love & Hip-Hop” Is About To Get Dirty… Vh1 Bringing Series To Atlanta Bangers Grown Up: A Gallery Of Celebrity Seeds That Could Get Every Single Ounce Of The Bizness! Sugarbabies: A List Of The Most Spoiled And Scandalous Sugar Daddy Having Slores Of All Time!!! (Part 2) This Can Get Weird: Ex-Spouses And Ex-Boos That Are Still Somehow BFFs

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Epitome Of A Bad Father? Child Services Recommends Halle Berry’s Baby Daddy “Catch Fade Gabe” Have Monitored Visitations With Nahla

Kim Kardashian and Kris Humphries dating

Kim Kardashian#39;s now dated 38% of the NFL and NBA. The incredible thing is she#39;s single-handedly changing the mindset of college athletes across the nation. Before Kim entered the scene, these football and basketball players wanted to get drafted so they could make millions of dollars and win a Super Bowl or NBA Championship. Well that didn#39;t last long. Kim Kardashian and Halle Berry#39;s ex Gabriel Aubrey already broke up. But don#39;t feel bad for Kim because she#39;s already “reboun

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Kim Kardashian and Kris Humphries dating

Halle Berry’s Ex Comes Out Swingin’

Filed under: Gabriel Aubrey , Halle Berry , Break-ups

Source: Halle Berry Gave the Boot to Gabriel Aubry

Well, this makes a lot more sense. When word first spread last week that Gabriel Aubrey dumped Halle Berry , experts (i.e. the THG staff, our interns and the pizza guy) questioned the model’s sanity. Did he really think he’d find a better looking girfriend?!? Now, though, an insider close to the situation says the break-up took place awhile ago – and Berry was the driving force behind it. “She kicked him out months ago because he wasn’t able to pull his weight in the relationship and she wanted to move on,” a source told People . “They’re very amicable in healthy ways because of their child. Her main concern is for the health and happiness of her daughter.” A rep for the Academy Award winner, meanwhile, confirms that she and Aubry “have been split for some time, but remain friends and committed parents to their daughter.” Aubry himself has released a statement over the weekend saying he’s sad about the break-up, but recognizing Halle as a “special and beautiful” person. She then went out and proved that on Saturday, taking part in the Revlon Run/Walk for Women. Check out photos of Berry at the event, above and below: [Photos: PacificCoastNewsOnline.com]

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Source: Halle Berry Gave the Boot to Gabriel Aubry

Kourtney and Khloe Shopping For New Bambino

Robertson Boulevard is always buzzing with celebrities… Our cameras spotted reality star sisters Kourtney and Khloe Kardashian shopping for the new bambino at Bel Bambini

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Kourtney and Khloe Shopping For New Bambino

Halle Berry’s Cutaway Is Keeping Us Alive

Halle Berry looked stunning on the red carpet last night. The Catwoman star wore a black cutaway dress at the Keep A Child Alive Charity event further dispelling any rumors that she might be pregnant again .

Halle’s Precious Cargo

Here’s a sight that could melt a thousand hearts… Halle Berry carrying her adorable daughter Nahla through LAX airport this afternoon as they  jetted off together with her equally gorgeous model boyfriend and babydaddy, Gabriel Aubrey . Little Nahla napped on her mother’s shoulder all the way through the security screening process, including metal detectors.  So when are you adding to the brood Halle

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Halle’s Precious Cargo