Tag Archives: gateway-pundit

Failed Jobs President Attacks Romney on Jobs in New Ad

Barack Obama, the worst jobs president since the Great Depression, released a new ad today attacking Governor Mitt Romney on jobs. Unbelievable. Obama plays the ‘War on the Rich’ card in this new ad. USA Today reported: President Obama’s campaign … Continue reading → Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Gateway Pundit Discovery Date : 14/05/2012 12:03 Number of articles : 3


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Failed Jobs President Attacks Romney on Jobs in New Ad

Failed Jobs President Attacks Romney on Jobs in New Ad

Barack Obama, the worst jobs president since the Great Depression, released a new ad today attacking Governor Mitt Romney on jobs. Unbelievable. Obama plays the ‘War on the Rich’ card in this new ad. USA Today reported: President Obama’s campaign … Continue reading → Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Gateway Pundit Discovery Date : 14/05/2012 12:03 Number of articles : 3


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Failed Jobs President Attacks Romney on Jobs in New Ad

Romney Donor on Obama’s ‘Enemies List’: They’re Stalking My Kids (Video)


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Romney donor Frank VanderSloot, one of the eight men detailed by the president’s “Truth Team” by the campaign, was on with Greta Van Susteren on Friday night. Frank is discovering what it means to be on a president’s “enemies list.” … Continue reading → Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Gateway Pundit Discovery Date : 12/05/2012 17:29 Number of articles : 2

Romney Donor on Obama’s ‘Enemies List’: They’re Stalking My Kids (Video)

MSNBC Goes Ape on Tim Carney


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Watch this and see who is being rude and who is trying to have a real discussion. Tim Carney, on MSNBC, is trying (while smiling) to make a point but his “host,” some rude woman who deserves to be nameless, won’t even let him finish making his point — which was, of course, a criticism of the media, but hardly a terribly rude one. Every time he tried to explain what he was trying to say, she cut him… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Amspecblog Discovery Date : 11/05/2012 22:10 Number of articles : 2

MSNBC Goes Ape on Tim Carney

Mitt Romney on Marriage at Liberty University: “One Man and One Woman” (Video)


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Governor Mitt Romney spoke today at the Liberty University commencement. The Republican nominee for president focused largely on a message of faith, family, hard work and service, but he also addressed the emerging same-sex marriage issue by saying “marriage is … Continue reading → Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Gateway Pundit Discovery Date : 12/05/2012 18:30 Number of articles : 2

Mitt Romney on Marriage at Liberty University: “One Man and One Woman” (Video)

NC Dem Governor Perdue on Amendment Vote: It Makes North Carolina “Look Like Mississippi” (Video)


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North Carolina Democrat Governor Beverly Perdue told reporters today that Tuesday’s marriage amendment makes North Carolina “look like Mississippi.” 61 percent of NC citizens voted in favor of traditional marriage. Via WITN: WRAL reported: Passage of a constitutional amendment defining … Continue reading → Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Gateway Pundit Discovery Date : 12/05/2012 03:43 Number of articles : 2

NC Dem Governor Perdue on Amendment Vote: It Makes North Carolina “Look Like Mississippi” (Video)

Beach Boys Singer: “Obama’s a Socialist A-Hole” (Video)


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Beach Boys singer Bruce Johnson told reporters, “If Obama is reelected, we’re f**ked!… He’s a socialist a**hole.” Don’t hold back, Bruce. Via TMZ: TMZ reported: Americans will be “f**ked” if Barack Obama gets re-elected … this according to Beach Boys … Continue reading → Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Gateway Pundit Discovery Date : 11/05/2012 18:21 Number of articles : 2

Beach Boys Singer: “Obama’s a Socialist A-Hole” (Video)

Good Grief… Lib Media Still Pounding Romney Bully Story – Completely Ignore Obama’s Assault on Nerdy Black Girl


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Oh libs, please! If the lamestream media is going to carry Obama’s water so openly this year, lets hope they’re at least getting paid. Yahoo today continued to pound on the 45 year-old story that Mitt Romney… Yes, this Mitt … Continue reading → Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Gateway Pundit Discovery Date : 11/05/2012 05:58 Number of articles : 2

Good Grief… Lib Media Still Pounding Romney Bully Story – Completely Ignore Obama’s Assault on Nerdy Black Girl

Video: Report On NC Amendment One Shows What Politics-Fueled Anti-Gay Hate Looks Like


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This video report shows what politics-fueled antigay hate and ignorance looks like in NC, just hours away from voting on the anti-gay marriage Amendment One. Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : The New Civil Rights Movement Discovery Date : 07/05/2012 12:45 Number of articles : 2

Video: Report On NC Amendment One Shows What Politics-Fueled Anti-Gay Hate Looks Like

This Is Scary… Trumka: “I’ve Talked With Obama About a Second Term Agenda” (Video)


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This is scary. It looks like Barack Obama has had discussions with every radical on earth, including the Russians, about his second term. It’s just too bad he can’t be honest about it with the American people. AFL-CIO chief Richard … Continue reading → Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Gateway Pundit Discovery Date : 07/05/2012 15:13 Number of articles : 2

This Is Scary… Trumka: “I’ve Talked With Obama About a Second Term Agenda” (Video)