Tag Archives: gateway-pundit

Devastating… Obama Knew About OBL’s Hideout in Abbottabad Since Summer of 2010 – Refused to Act (Video)


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General Jack Keane (Retired), the former Vice Chief of Staff of the Army, told Mike Huckabee tonight that Barack Obama knew about Osama Bin Laden’s hideout since the summer of 2010. But Barack Obama refused to act for several months. … Continue reading → Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Gateway Pundit Discovery Date : 06/05/2012 02:54 Number of articles : 2

Devastating… Obama Knew About OBL’s Hideout in Abbottabad Since Summer of 2010 – Refused to Act (Video)

WAR ON WOMEN! President Obama Forgets Michelle Obama Leaving Air Force One (MUST SEE VIDEO)



He’s so cool. Oops! President Barack Obama forgot about the First Lady when leaving Air Force One today at the Ohio airport. It was his first “official” campaign event of the season. Via LifeNews: You’ve gotta love his reaction once … Continue reading → Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Gateway Pundit Discovery Date : 05/05/2012 18:31 Number of articles : 3

WAR ON WOMEN! President Obama Forgets Michelle Obama Leaving Air Force One (MUST SEE VIDEO)

#Occupy Organizer Claims NYPD Was Behind Rapes & Violence at Zuccotti Park (Video)


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Too much pot. Occupy Wall Street organizer Harrison Schultz was on Hannity tonight. Harrison blamed the New York Police Department for the rapes and violence at the #OWS Zuccotti Park camp. “Those were the people the NYPD were sending down … Continue reading → Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Gateway Pundit Discovery Date : 04/05/2012 04:17 Number of articles : 2

#Occupy Organizer Claims NYPD Was Behind Rapes & Violence at Zuccotti Park (Video)

WOW!… Michelle Malkin POUNDS Lib Juan Williams For Comparing #Occupy Terror Movement to Tea Party (Video)


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This was beautiful. Michelle Malkin smacked down lib Juan Williams for comparing the #Occupy terrorists, rapists, criminals and thugs to the peaceful tea party movement. From the video: “These occupiers and the Democrats behind them, can no more disown the … Continue reading → Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Gateway Pundit Discovery Date : 03/05/2012 03:49 Number of articles : 2

WOW!… Michelle Malkin POUNDS Lib Juan Williams For Comparing #Occupy Terror Movement to Tea Party (Video)

Emily Blunt In ‘Looper’ Looks Nothing Like Bruce Willis In Dailies!


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So much of the “Looper” promotional material has focused on Bruce Willis I and Bruce Willis II, but a new still features a shotgun-wielding Emily Blunt. Plus, dogs hate the “Dexter” theme song, and Val Kilmer removes his sunglasses in today’s Dailies! » Walking and talking will save lives, says new campaign starring the reunited Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : MTV Movies Blog Discovery Date : 01/05/2012 00:37 Number of articles : 2

Emily Blunt In ‘Looper’ Looks Nothing Like Bruce Willis In Dailies!

John McCain on Obama’s Latest Osama Victory Lap: “You Know the Thing About Heroes? They Don’t Brag” (Video)


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Senator John McCain (R-AZ) slammed President Obama tonight on his Osama Bin Laden victory lap. “I’ve had the great honor of serving in the company of heroes and you know one thing about heroes? They don’t brag.” Ouch. Senator McCain … Continue reading → Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Gateway Pundit Discovery Date : 01/05/2012 03:03 Number of articles : 2

John McCain on Obama’s Latest Osama Victory Lap: “You Know the Thing About Heroes? They Don’t Brag” (Video)

Awful… Obama Smirks, Says Romney Wouldn’t Have Killed Bin Laden (Video)


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Worst. President. Ever. Obama again today claimed Mitt Romney would not have killed Osama Bin Laden in Pah-kistahn. What a horrible leader. Via The Weekly Standard: Of course, Barack Obama misrepresented Mitt Romney’s previous statements on killing Bin Laden. But, … Continue reading → Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Gateway Pundit Discovery Date : 30/04/2012 20:58 Number of articles : 2

Awful… Obama Smirks, Says Romney Wouldn’t Have Killed Bin Laden (Video)

Pig Bill Maher: Barack Obama Is First Black President of “The Racist States of America” (Video)


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How does he do it? Pig Bill Maher outdoes himself once again… Bill Maher last night described failed President Barack Obama as the first black president of “the racist states of America.” As usual, his leftist audience loved it. Via … Continue reading → Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Gateway Pundit Discovery Date : 28/04/2012 22:50 Number of articles : 2

Pig Bill Maher: Barack Obama Is First Black President of “The Racist States of America” (Video)

Anti-Bullying Crusader Curses and Bashes GOP, Christians & Callista Gingrich During Abusive High School Speech (Video)


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Radical gay activist, GOP-basher and “anti-bullying” crusader Dan Savage was asked to speak at a high school journalism convention. The result was predictable. Savage insulted and cursed at the Christian students, attacked Republicans and bashed Callista Gingrich. So much for … Continue reading → Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Gateway Pundit Discovery Date : 28/04/2012 06:22 Number of articles : 2

Anti-Bullying Crusader Curses and Bashes GOP, Christians & Callista Gingrich During Abusive High School Speech (Video)

Anti-Bullying Crusader Curses and Bashes GOP, Christians & Callista Gingrich During Abusive High School Speech (Video)


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Radical gay activist, GOP-basher and “anti-bullying” crusader Dan Savage was asked to speak at a high school journalism convention. The result was predictable. Savage insulted and cursed at the Christian students, attacked Republicans and bashed Callista Gingrich. So much for … Continue reading → Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Gateway Pundit Discovery Date : 28/04/2012 06:22 Number of articles : 2

Anti-Bullying Crusader Curses and Bashes GOP, Christians & Callista Gingrich During Abusive High School Speech (Video)