Tag Archives: general-public

Izabel Goulart’s Panty Flash of the Day

Izabel Goulart had a high fashion Panty Flash, which is not like a Paris Hilton panty flash, in which she has hired the paparazzi to snap off a picture of her panties as she gets out of a car, something the general public thinks is a natural whoring, but anyone who knows Paris Hilton would know is not some random event, partially because she is a fame whore, but more importantly, because any panties her vagina comes in contact with would be so soiled… No, this is not a post about Paris Hilton, it is about Izabel Goulart’s panty flashing for a fashion shot, and not for the paparazzi…which is still panties being flashed and thus still count as a panty flash to me, since about the same production goes into this as panty flashes you see on the fame whore…and all panty flashes are created equally….in this affirmative action kind of world… The post Izabel Goulart’s Panty Flash of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Izabel Goulart’s Panty Flash of the Day

Pornstar Julia Ann Sings the Diarrhea Song of the Day

Her name is Julia Ann. Apparently, she’s a pornstar, I know very little about porn stars, because I don’t watch porn. I don’t find it erotic or sexy and I don’t find the girls all that hot or exciting, most importantly, because I get get everyday girls, who are actually hot, and not as broken or as eager to be seen by men everywhere, jerked off to by men everywhere, but still into men jerking off to them….who talk to me to send me shit all the time… I mean thanks to porn, the younger generation is fucked and that’s a good thing, I just rather focus on that fucked generation than the pornstars… That said, this Pornstar, Julia Ann sings the Diarrhea song, something she does on set…is pretty funny. The post Pornstar Julia Ann Sings the Diarrhea Song of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather – Celebrity Gossip, Hot Girls, Comedy, Good Times… .

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Pornstar Julia Ann Sings the Diarrhea Song of the Day

Kim Kardashian Naked for Love Magazine of the Day

It amazes me that Kim Kardashian’s new found talent is selling magazines by getting naked. More importantly, it amazes me that the general public is interested or buying into Kim Kardasahian getting naked in magazines to go viral, even though she is a fucking virus, one so bad it’s killing off our youth… It’s like they don’t remember that when she was 25 she filmed a sex tape / porn, and you can see her getting railed by black dude…you can google that shit and see her actually naked…when she was younger and prettier…less damaged and fat….with a different kind of desperation that was appealing not just greedy and disgusting… I mean she’s old as fuck now, sure I approve of everyone getting naked in pictures….it’s not a big deal…but I don’t understand why this one. is one people care about…based on everything she’s done to get to this level…She’s the fucking worst. I’ve already mentioned this issue of Love MAgazine they are milking…at least once in reference to her diaper looking ass HERE ….make it stop. The post Kim Kardashian Naked for Love Magazine of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather – Celebrity Gossip, Hot Girls, Comedy, Good Times… .

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Kim Kardashian Naked for Love Magazine of the Day

The 10 Things We Learned From Yung Berg On The Breakfast Club

While Yung Berg has crafted a very respectable song writing career, we assume the general public tends to only recognize him for his rachet ways. The chronic chain snatching victim’s recent visit to The Breakfast Club proved our theory to be correct. Continued Continue reading

Candice Swanepoel BTS Holiday Costume of the Day

Nothing says Christmas like a South African slave driver / farmer’s daughter wearing a Santa Outfit for an evil corporation that owns her and uses her to push shitty made, shitty styled, shitty product for fat chicks from the midwest who love malls, discount panties they feel they are buying into a lifestyle and upping their sex appeal with, at an affordable price…all because everyone in their trailer park watched the fashion show the other night…and the general public love tacky, shitty things…peddled by Jewish billionaires via exploited Chinese factory workers…. It’s a Christmas Miracal…and here’s Santa Candice Swanepoel….

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Candice Swanepoel BTS Holiday Costume of the Day

Photoshopped Model of the Day

Some feminist magazine is putting some bathing suit company on blast because the model they hired to do the campaign, decided to exploit her client, who paid her well to be in their campaign, because she’s a fucking model and that is what they fucking do….by making a big deal about how they photoshopped her… You know, because feminists are trendy now, and hating on photoshopped images to make a girl look better than she would not photoshopped is considered objectifying a woman and not celebrating her real form, false marketing like a push up bra…even though being a model to begin with is objectifying women and giving unrealistic images to the public….because unrealistic images are far more fun to jerk off to than some flawed picture of a girl… The fact is that she looks better photoshopped…that’s why they photoshopped them…stop your whining you fucking feminists idiots. No one likes fat girls who don’t shut the fuck up about how badly the media treats ugly people and celebrates hot people…

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Photoshopped Model of the Day

Top 10 Arianna Grande Showed Her ass on Today Show of the Day

#454328068 / gettyimages.com I like the idea of making random top 10 lists, and really not bother with the whole list thing, it’s my clever clickbait strategy that will allow me to fit in with all the other sites doing it, because the general public are retards and love lists even when those lists are randomly thrown together because internet journalism is flimsy.. That said, I am into seeing this Disney chick flashing the Today show her panties on her big trying to get famous tour, but only because I know she takes massive black cock in whatever she’s hiding under her panties, you see because Big Sean leaked a nude years ago….and with that nude I can easily determine that she’s a size queen and her vagina is a monster….and nothing makes white dudes happy like knowing a white girl they jerk off to get ravaged everyday by huge black cock. #454328016 / gettyimages.com #454327834 / gettyimages.com #454327832 / gettyimages.com

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Top 10 Arianna Grande Showed Her ass on Today Show of the Day

Finally a Prank Gone Right of the Day

I hate these prank videos a lot. I don’t find them funny, I find them annoying, especially when I see the people behind the shitty pranks get away with the pranks, and turn those pranks around into viral videos, because the general public are retards who love stupidities like pranks… So seeing this dude and he “social commentary” on how people will react to an ATM robbery…a simplistic idea that should end with him being arrested….getting punched in the nose and crying like a little bitch brought me joy… I figure there is enough shitty content on TV and the people producing it on the internet deserve to get punished for it… If you don’t like that, here’s a guy picking up dog shit with the American Flag to piss off you patriots…

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Finally a Prank Gone Right of the Day

Claudia Schiffer for Marie Claire UK of the Day

Claudia Schiffer may be in her 40s, but she was one of those supermodels in an era before instagram, when you actually needed to be chosen and needed to be professional on set, and needed to work fucking hard in order to make the millions…you know before one topless scene in a music video allowed your bird face to be the highest paid, biggest deal, since the fat one got too fat for Sample Size clothing…. She represents and era that’s long gone, when the media fed us people and we had no choice to collectively decide if they were good or not, and for some reason that represents a simpler time, because the masses and general public shouldn’t be responsible for deciding anything, because they are fucking idiots – proven by everything that is popular now… At least when the industry chooses their hits, things like Claudia Schiffer happen…. Here she is revisiting modelling in Marie Claire UK…hiding her old face but still lovely enough for me, even knowing David Copperfield’s best illusion was making his dick disappear inside her….

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Claudia Schiffer for Marie Claire UK of the Day

No Pants Subway Ride of the Day

Improv everywhere recruited a ton of people, because that’s what you do when you have a huge internet following for being one of the original internet video sensations, that I am going to assume got a lot of people rich in the process of making dumb flash mob videos the general public liked as much as they like Upworthy or Buzzfeed…to get in their underwear on the subway, an idea I assume they’ve done before and that I am only supporting because I like people, even weird hippie lesbians who are into this kind of thing, in their underwear, pants off is the only way to live, even if they are built to never be without pants, in underwear that shouldn’t ever be seen…it’s still entertaining.

No Pants Subway Ride of the Day