How does the other-other half live?
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Washington Post Empathizes With Family "Squeaking By" On $300K A Year
How does the other-other half live?
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Washington Post Empathizes With Family "Squeaking By" On $300K A Year
Posted in Celebrities, Hot Stuff
Tagged article, cintra-wilson, Game, give-the-writer, left-image500, like-the-exact, Money, morning, People, piece, police, recessionomics, Street, the rich, writer
Today, in the New York Times awesome profile on Rahm Emanuel , some great stories. Chief among them: Rahm not getting invited to Camp David, Rahm nixing Sidney Blumenthal ‘s role in Hilary Clinton’s office, and Rahm the “pile driver.” But why? Because it looks like the Obama administration’s trying to debunk the idea of a psychotic, power-crazed Jew, running around the White House, making decisions and deciding policy for the rest of the country.
Read the rest here:
The Two Sides of Rahm Emanuel: Sociopathic Political Hitman and Puppy Lover
Posted in Celebrities, Hot Stuff
Tagged battering rahm, clinton, country, fire, give-the-writer, Gossip, hillary-clinton, left-image500, new-york-times, office, politics, president, roosevelt, valerie jarrett, weinsteins
Or so goes today’s lacerating NYT piece on The Weinstein Company ‘s fate, “The Weinsteins Scamble to Regain a Golden Touch in Hollywood.” Like old Miramax films, it’s juicy, exciting, illuminating, and troubling. It also lays their survival strategy bare.
See original here:
Harvey Weinstein: Sad, Senile, Barely Surviving The Next Big Thing
Posted in Celebrities, Hot Stuff
Tagged fire, give-the-writer, kevin-smith, left-image500, like-the-exact, office, recessionomics, regrets, weakly-executed, weinsteins, writer
How does the other-other half live? You know, the families who are now forced to “squeak by” on $300K a year? Leave it to the Washington Post to not only find out, but to attempt to elicit empathy! Yes: “squeak by,” as in the article’s title: “Squeaking By On $300,000.” Now, give the writer the benefit of the doubt.
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Washington Post Empathizes With Family "Sqeaking By" On $300K A Year
Posted in Celebrities, Hot Stuff
Tagged cintra-wilson, Game, give-the-writer, left-image500, like-the-exact, Money, People, piece, police, recessionomics, the rich, writer