Tag Archives: gonna-assume

Candice Swanepoel Works It On The Streets

Here’s one of my all-time favorite models  Candice Swanepoel out in New York, and going by her all-spandex outfit here, I’m gonna assume she’s heading to the gym. (That kind of expert analysis is why they pay me the big bucks.) But considering how good Candice looks in workout gear, I don’t get why there aren’t paps stationed inside her gym 24/7. Hell, I’d offer to do it myself, but I’m pretty sure I’m deathly allergic to exercise equipment. Photos: PacificCoastNews

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Candice Swanepoel Works It On The Streets

Shelby Keeton in her Bikini for Marie Claire of the Day

Shelby Keeton is a babe. Which I guess would explain why she’s a model. I’m surprised I’ve never heard of her, because if I had, I would have taken advantage of her low level of fame and booked her to shoot nudes in my basement at a discount rate, but now that she’s in some major publication, she’s probably more expensive than “Free cocaine”…making her one of the many who have got away. Lost opportunity that I should spend more time preventing by stalking the “New Faces” section of the modelling agencies…. I don’t know where she’s from, but I’m gonna assume heaven.

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Shelby Keeton in her Bikini for Marie Claire of the Day

“Jailbait” Ariana Grande and Mac Miller Have a Song of the Day

Ariana Grande is some jail bait from Nickelodeon who guys who watch Nickelodeon are into, because I get requests for her nude pics often, and I assume those requests come from people who know who she fucking is, and since her only role to date has been on a kids show, I’m gonna assume that revelation and love for her happened while masturbating to a kids show… Well, it turns out she makes music with white rappers, I guess re-inventing herself in a time of change, when moving away from

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“Jailbait” Ariana Grande and Mac Miller Have a Song of the Day

Throwback Lara Stone Nude Photoshoot of the Day

The nice thing about nude pics is that they last forever…long after the girl in them is old, dead, fat, retired or locked in a basement somewhere. These pics were taken in 2007, long before Lara Stone tried to sue me for posting her honey moon pics….and long before I called her out for having a shitty ass….and long before I re-fell in love with her awesome fucking tits… If you want to see MY LARA STONE TIMELINE OF OUR TURBULENT RELATIONSHIP CLICK HERE I’ve posted these pics before – but I like to think of them as a reminder of Halloween, now that she’s wearing her 5 year older and married costume everyday of her fucking life.

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Throwback Lara Stone Nude Photoshoot of the Day

Ashley Greene’s Tits for GQ UK of the Day

I have never had an interest in this Florida trash that fucked her way into relevance….from banging Jonas brothers…to banging Twilight producers to get cast in the shit to make herself important…because I never found her hot…if anything I thought she was boring and obvious in her PR efforts…I think she’s a bit of a bullshitter, bottom feeder, phony but that was before today…or more importantly before her breast implants that I am gonna assume she’s got…not cuz I love fake tits…but I do appreciate their ability to save shitty tits…but because I appreciate an otherwise dull and undeserving actress slutting out.

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Ashley Greene’s Tits for GQ UK of the Day

Ashley Greene’s Tits for GQ UK of the Day

I have never had an interest in this Florida trash that fucked her way into relevance….from banging Jonas brothers…to banging Twilight producers to get cast in the shit to make herself important…because I never found her hot…if anything I thought she was boring and obvious in her PR efforts…I think she’s a bit of a bullshitter, bottom feeder, phony but that was before today…or more importantly before her breast implants that I am gonna assume she’s got…not cuz I love fake tits…but I do appreciate their ability to save shitty tits…but because I appreciate an otherwise dull and undeserving actress slutting out.

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Ashley Greene’s Tits for GQ UK of the Day

Anna Faris Ass Profile in a Black Dress of the Day

Who gives a fuck about Anna Faris….I’m gonna assume she’s so irrelevant that even she doesn’t know who Anna Faris is…Sure that doesn’t make sense, but I’m irritated in the simple fact that she’s one of those actresses who is cast as the hot chick, the body, the token get naked chick, yet she doesn’t carrry that into her everyday life, like in these pics, why the fuck does she think it is acceptable to wear a black dress, that’s barely revealing, does she not know her role in Hollywood as a whole….she’s gotta really step her shit up, otherwise some other slut’s just gonna replace the bitch…

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Anna Faris Ass Profile in a Black Dress of the Day

Ciara Showing Off Tit for Bullshit of the Day

Unless Ciara starts dating Kanye West, I’m gonna say she’s not a man…..because a few years ago, back when she was semi-relevant with a song about sucking dick in the park, there was a rumor going around that she was a man, cuz men who dress like women like to suck dick in the park, and sure there is no guarantee that that rumor wasn’t actually truth, but based on her tits, I’m gonna assume it was the weirdest publicity stunt in the history of trying to be a celebrity…and here are those tits.

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Ciara Showing Off Tit for Bullshit of the Day