Ten years after Survivor first aired, the craze of reality-competition still hasn’t plateaued in terms of sheer ingenuity or fervor. What’s just begun, however, is formal appreciation of the reality-competition host. The Emmys began awarding reality emcees only in 2008, meaning an entire televised profession is unaware of its greatest practitioners. That’s why Movieline is stepping in to rank the 10 greatest reality-competition hosts working today, from chef skewerers to tribal council tribunals. Our No. 1 gives an unforgettable performance.
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The 10 Greatest Reality-Competition Show Hosts
Posted in Celebrities, Gossip, Hollywood, Hot Stuff, News
Tagged craze, entire-televised, first-aired, gordon-ramsay, heidi-klum, Hollywood, ingenuity-or-fervor, padma-lakshmi, reality, reality-emcees, sheer-ingenuity