Tag Archives: jaafar-jackson

TMZ Live — Lindsay, Katherine Jackson, & Joe Francis

Filed under: Lindsay Lohan , Katherine Jackson , Alejandra Jackson , Jermaine Jackson , Randy Jackson , Jaafar Jackson , Joe Francis , TMZ Live We took your questions on everything today — including Lindsay Lohan wanting a restraining order against a paparazzo, Katherine Jackson ousting Jermaine and Randy ‘s kids, and Joe Francis ‘ car seized by cops. Plus: Celebrities in TSA scanners! Read more

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TMZ Live — Lindsay, Katherine Jackson, & Joe Francis

Katherine Jackson: My Way Or the Highway

Filed under: Katherine Jackson , Michael Jackson , Alejandra Jackson , Jermaine Jackson , Randy Jackson , jaafar jackson , jermajesty jackson , Celebrity Justice TMZ has learned there’s a standoff at the Jackson family homestead between Katherine Jackson and Jackson baby mama Alejandra Jackson — but the smart money is on Katherine. TMZ broke the story … Katherine has asked Alejandra and her four kids –… Read more

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Katherine Jackson: My Way Or the Highway

Katherine Jackson Downsizing Number of Grandkids

Katherine Jackson is cutting down on the number of grandchildren living with her after the recent stun gun attack on Blanket. Probably a smart move. Sources with direct knowledge of the situation say Katherine told Alejandra Genevieve Oaziaza to take her kids and move out of the estate next week. Katherine is the late Michael Jackson’s mother. Alejandra lives with her along with two of her children by Randy Jackson and two by Jermaine Jackson . Supervising seven children is just too much for the 79-year-old grandmother, as evidenced by Jaafar Jackson trying to taser Blanket earlier this year. FOR THE KIDS : Katherine made the right move. The L.A. County Department of Children and Family Services came, took the gun and conducted interviewed. No charges were filed, or actions taken. The family denies the stun gun incident was as bad as what was reported, but apparently whatever happened prompted the kids’ change in location. KJ is not heartless, though – Alejandra, Jermajesty, Donte, Randy Jr. and Jaafar Jackson are headed to a San Fernando Valley condo the estate owns. As of next week, Prince, Paris and Blanket will have the run of the mansion, unobstructed and stun gun free. That’s probably better for all involved.

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Katherine Jackson Downsizing Number of Grandkids

TMZ Live: Corey Feldman, Conan O’Brien & Jaafar

Filed under: TMZ Live Harvey and Gary took your questions on everything today — including the shocking video of Jaafar Jackson, Corey Feldman’s new Corey Haim tattoo, and the possible Fox deal with Conan O’Brien. Plus: Jason Wahler’s Mexico arrest … and when will … Permalink

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TMZ Live: Corey Feldman, Conan O’Brien & Jaafar

Jaafar Jackson — Gunnin’ for His Lil Bro

Filed under: Michael Jackson Katherine Jackson and her people insist the incident involving Jermaine Jackson’s son Jaafar and the stun gun was an isolated event — but TMZ has obtained a home movie that shows Jaafar is no stranger to guns. The scene — which appears to have been … Permalink

Jaafar Jackson — Gunnin’ for His Lil Bro

Jermaine Jackson on Jaafar: It Wasn’t a Stun Gun

Filed under: Michael Jackson Jermaine Jackson admits his son was in the wrong for ordering something online — but according to him, it wasn’t a stun gun.Though extremely vague on what 13-year-old son Jaafar — who was with him — actually purchased, Jermaine says he “never … Permalink

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Jermaine Jackson on Jaafar: It Wasn’t a Stun Gun

Jermaine Jackson … Connect the Dots

Filed under: Michael Jackson Jermaine Jackson has finally admitted that his son Jaafar Jackson purchased a “little thing” online recently … but Jermaine claims his child never used it on Michael Jackson’s son Blanket. It’s all part of a new interview Jermaine just gave to … Permalink

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Jermaine Jackson … Connect the Dots

The Return of Jaafar Jackson

Filed under: Michael Jackson Jaafar Jackson left his Encino home without incident earlier today — looking cool, calm and collected as the stun gun drama continues to unfold around him. The 13-year-old was seen hanging out in Woodland Hills, CA with his younger brother … Permalink

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The Return of Jaafar Jackson

Stun Gun in Jackson Caper — Small But Powerful

Filed under: Michael Jackson Here’s the type of stun gun DCFS officials confiscated at the Jackson family home last night — and according to the manufacturer, it’s the smallest, most powerful single battery unit on the market.Sources tell TMZ — Jaafar Jackson ordered a … Permalink

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Stun Gun in Jackson Caper — Small But Powerful