Remember when, even though Kailyn Lowry and Javi Marroquin were getting divorced, it really seemed like they'd be able to be mature about things and be friendly enough to parent their child together? … Oh, wait. That was never a thing, was it? We always assumed that Kailyn and Javi's divorce would be an absolute mess, and with every new episode of Teen Mom 2, we've been proved right. Huh. Since the moment Javi returned home from his deployment — literally, the very moment he came home — things have been tense between them. They've gotten into constant, needless arguments about the dumbest things, so it just stands to reason that when it comes to the important stuff, things would get even more heated. And in this new clip from the show, to say things are heated would be a bit of an understatement. Kailyn and Javi are working out the custody arrangement for their son Lincoln, and their lawyers advised them to get together to work out the arrangements for holidays. Things are going … well, they're not going great from the beginning, but when the subject of Christmas comes up, they take a turn for the ugly. It seems like Kailyn isn't willing to budge in her belief that Lincoln should stay with her for Christmas so that he can be with his brother, Isaac. Javi points out that that's not fair to him, and they talk over each other for a while until Kailyn tells him “My kids come first.” And Javi, in perhaps the most savage moment in Teen Mom history, looks incredulous and asks “They do?” Watch the madness in the clip below:
You really have to give it up for Leah Messer — girl has come a long way. Sure, she still has a little scandal every now and then. Every once in a while she'll get some hate for being “too thin,” or people will get angry with her for putting too much makeup on her daughters . But when you remember that not that long ago, Leah was losing custody of her twins because she was unable to get them to school on time or feed them breakfast, it doesn't seem all that bad, does it? Yes, Leah has really grown up a lot lately, and she proves that in this new Teen Mom 2 clip. In the clip, she meets up with Jeremy Calvert to exchange their daughter. Jeremy takes to opportunity to let her know about his engagement to Brooke Wehr . It's a little awkward at first — Jeremy's obviously hoping to get a big reaction from Leah — but she just tells him congratulations and that she's happy for him. Then she tells Jeremy to make sure he wants to spend the rest of his life with Brooke, since Brooke would be their kid's stepmother. It sounds a little strange at first, but hey, Leah had two failed marriages by the tender age of 23. If anyone can talk about being sure about getting hitched, it's her. She tells him to be careful since he's “a very irrational person,” and he gets angry. But we all know she's not wrong . Jeremy starts to tell her that she's irrational, and she agrees — she tells him that “we were very irrational, and that was the biggest mistake of my life.” See Leah give it to Jeremy in the clip below:
You really have to give it up for Leah Messer — girl has come a long way. Sure, she still has a little scandal every now and then. Every once in a while she'll get some hate for being “too thin,” or people will get angry with her for putting too much makeup on her daughters . But when you remember that not that long ago, Leah was losing custody of her twins because she was unable to get them to school on time or feed them breakfast, it doesn't seem all that bad, does it? Yes, Leah has really grown up a lot lately, and she proves that in this new Teen Mom 2 clip. In the clip, she meets up with Jeremy Calvert to exchange their daughter. Jeremy takes to opportunity to let her know about his engagement to Brooke Wehr . It's a little awkward at first — Jeremy's obviously hoping to get a big reaction from Leah — but she just tells him congratulations and that she's happy for him. Then she tells Jeremy to make sure he wants to spend the rest of his life with Brooke, since Brooke would be their kid's stepmother. It sounds a little strange at first, but hey, Leah had two failed marriages by the tender age of 23. If anyone can talk about being sure about getting hitched, it's her. She tells him to be careful since he's “a very irrational person,” and he gets angry. But we all know she's not wrong . Jeremy starts to tell her that she's irrational, and she agrees — she tells him that “we were very irrational, and that was the biggest mistake of my life.” See Leah give it to Jeremy in the clip below:
Teen Wolf Season 6 Episode 8 was titled “Blitzkrieg.” That doesn’t go a long way toward explaining what actually transpired, of course. So scroll down for a summary of events… Watch Teen Wolf Season 6 Episode 8 Online On this installment of the MTV hit, Scott, Lydia and Malia decided to storm the rift in an attempt to get Stiles back. Meanwhile, elsewhere during an intense hour of television, Liam, Hayden and Mason made a deal with Theo in order to learn Douglas’s real plan. How did it go? And what else transpired on Teen Wolf this week? Use the video above to watch Teen Wolf online and find out now.
Jeremy Calvert has a few things to say to Leah Messer. A few angry and bitter things to say to Leah Messer, we should clarify. As those who watch Teen Mom 2 online or on television witnessed this week, tension ran unusually high between Jeremy and Leah. The parents of three-year old daughter Adalynn divorced back in 2015, but had been on relatively amicable terms until recently. Not any longer, and it appears the reality show is to blame. Calvert, who recently called out MTV for manipulating footage and ruining lives through editing, went off on TM2 and his ex-wife. Jeremy was not pleased about Messer’s interpretation of his actions, making it look like he practically kidnapped their child. As depicted on Monday’s episode, Calvert took Adalynn on a trip to Ohio , failing to answer any phone calls or texts from Leah. The incident took place after Messer’s hometown of Elkview, West Virginia, suffered a major flood. Here’s where it gets a little complicated: While Messer’s house fortunately came out of the natural disaster unscathed, Calvert’s family residence in Ohio was significantly damaged. Jeremy therefore left South Dakota, where he had been working as a pipeline engineer, to return home and help out his folks. He had Adalynn with him at the time, and Leah claimed she was left in the dark when it came to her child’s whereabouts. “We’re supposed to get another flash-flood warning, and she’s in another city and I know nothing!” she screamed at one point. Leah later said Jeremy “lied” when confronted about this But now Calvert has taken to Instagram to tell his side of the story, which he says is just another case of MTV stirring up drama. “So, to clarify tonight’s episode about me leaving West Virginia and not informing Leah on my travels,” the reality star captioned a video clip. Jeremy Calvert Clarifies Teen Mom 2 Scene “I texted her at 6:42 pm and did not get a text message back until 9:38 pm when I was already in Ohio.” He continued in his attempt to escape blame: “I am not waiting around 3 hours for my ex-wife to respond to me and say yes you can take our child to Ohio or not during a disaster.” “We didn’t have no water, electricity and everything was flooded, debris everywhere. “So, no, I was trying to spend some quality time with my daughter while I had a chance to be home from South Dakota even though it was a complete nightmare trip and everybody lost everything.” “So, I tried my best to communicate.” “I can’t help if somebody don’t answer their phone, read text messages or whatever situation may be on that behalf. I can only do what I can do.” Jeremy Calvert Goes Off on Teen Mom 2 Editing “The phone conversations you all saw tonight took [place] a week later when I was already back in West Virginia,” he continues. Unlike how it looks, he was “packing my clothes, getting ready to go back to work in Sioux Falls, South Dakota.” “Therefore MTV, all they want to do is stir the pot and cause more drama that was unnecessary.” “Because we had already hashed out the issues, but they wanted to bring it back up,” he says. “So they have some good drama for TV for you all to watch and get your own opinions about and get the ratings through the roof.” “So there you go on that bunch of bulls–t.” It doesn’t sound as though this will be the last time we hear from Calvert on this topic, which he has promised to refute on a line-item basis. “As a repercussion for deceitful editing, I will address each scene with what really happened,” he told Instagram followers earlier this month, adding: “I appreciate all of your support over the years.” He has not addressed rumors that Jeremy Calvert and Brooke Wehr broke up earlier this month after getting engaged last fall. Messer, meanwhile, seems unfazed by her ex-husband’s complaints and rants, or is certainly trying to put on a positive front. On Tuesday night, she shared a meme that reads “Don’t let anyone rent a space in your head, unless they’re a good tenant.” Determined not to let either Jeremy bring her down or criticism over her parenting affect her, Messer wrote the following as a caption to this message: Becoming aware of who and what impacts you positively and negatively is essential to learning how to choose to feel good. Your thoughts and how you think about things create your feelings yet it’s important to remember that they don’t define you. T ake inventory of who is taking residence in your mind. Observe their presence and how you’re affected by them. If they’re not good tenants, it’s time to evict! A good first step is to replace the thought of them with someone who adds value to your life, then make a mental list of at least 10 things you appreciate about this person. Your mood will elevate almost immediately. View Slideshow: Leah Messer’s Messed-Up Love Life: The Ultimate Timeline! There is no reason to excuse perpetual behavior that doesn’t serve you. Your mind, the thoughts you think and the beliefs you have, become the reality you experience. Deep stuff.
Leah Messer is not a perfect parent — hey, who is? But seriously, she's not perfect in the sense that she's done a whole lot of things during her time on Teen Mom 2 that have either been scary, alarming, or just plain sad. Remember when she had to drive her kids to school but it was impossible for her to wake up so that she could get them to school on time , let alone give them breakfast? Or how about the time that one of her daughters couldn't find any food in the house and was so distraught that she went outside and collapsed in tears on the front lawn? Things were so bad that she lost custody of the twins to their father, Corey Simms. She got it back eventually, but still, she's got some hot mess tendencies and if you watch Teen Mom 2 online , you can't dispute that. But you know who we never expected to have a totally unprovoked douchey meltdown regarding Leah's parenting? Her second ex-husband and the father of her youngest daughter, Jeremy Calvert. Jeremy has usually been pretty cool and collected, almost indifferent if anything. But something's changed. In this sneak peek from next week's episode of Teen Mom 2, he absolutely loses it while talking to Leah. All Leah tried to do was call him to check on their daughter, since he'd taken her out of state and hadn't been in touch for several hours. And Jeremy thought it was acceptable to act like this. See Jeremy's meltdown in the video below:
Yesterday, we reported that Leah Messer’s second husband, Jeremy Calvert, got engaged to Brooke Wehr after just over a year of dating. Now, if you watch Teen Mom 2 online , you’re probably aware that emotional toughness isn’t exactly Leah’s strong suit, so fans have been anxiously keeping an eye on Leah’s social media pages to watch for signs of a meltdown. Today, Leah posted for the first time since the news of Jeremy’s engagement went public. Maybe we’re just being optimistic, but it seems like she might actually be in a good place. Leah posted the above pic, along with a caption reading: “My heart is COMPLETE! We just need sissies to be home now.” Yes, it seems Leah is enjoying time alone with her youngest daughter, now that her oldest two have returned to school. Hard not to take the bit about her heart being “COMPLETE!” as a subtle way of assuring fans and haters alike that all is well. It’s surprising or totally expected, depending on your perspective. On the one hand, Leah is something of an expert at pretending everything is okay when it’s actually anything but. On the other hand, Leah has been down this road before. Her first husband, Corey Simms, married Miranda Patterson last year, and Leah handled it mildly well. Okay, so Leah and Miranda went at it multiple times on both the show and on social media, but now that the dust has settled, it seems like everything is mostly, kinda okay, right? Anyway, that’s what she seems to be telling herself. Of course, if she felt like drunk-dialing her ex and giving him an earful, now would be the time. Based on her castmates social media pages it looks as though the show’s eighth season is currently filming. We’re not saying we want Leah to flip out on Jeremy and start another feud with Brooke, but if she’s gonna do something like that, she might as well do it while the cameras are rolling, right? That’s kinda the deal with the Teen Mom girls. View Slideshow: Leah Messer’s Messed-Up Love Life: The Ultimate Timeline! Some of them lead pretty crappy lives, but at least they’re well-compensated for it and they can serve as an object lesson in what not to do. We suppose that’s more than most folks who live crappy lives can say.
Leah Messer might not get along with her exes, but she did something so sweet for Jeremy Calvert that she shared it with Teen Mom fans. Messer's daughter, Adalynn, was climbing up a playground structure when Messer told her to look down the slide. There was Calvert waiting to give his 3-year-old daughter a big hug. The little girl was so cute as she realized what was going on, then hustled down the slide, right into Calvert's arms. “Her surprise today was DADDY!,” Messer wrote on the Instagram video. “Made mommy all emotional!!” Leah, who also has two daughters by her first ex-husband, Corey Simms, added in the caption. “So happy for my baby!!!” We're happy for Addie too, and from the looks of it, this is just the preview of a scene we'll get to watch play out in HD. Production captured the embrace, which viewers will likely see on when they watch Teen Mom 2 online next season. One eagle-eyed fan wrote: “I see you all are filming again ( see the camera dude in the back lol) 🙂 that hug probably lasted longer than you were able to capture.” “Such a beautiful moment.” The compliments just kept coming: – “This was such an amazing video!!! Just saw it and it definitely made my day!” – “God bless you guys and all of you guys sure deserve happiness she missed her Daddy!!!!” – “Thanks for sharing this moment!!! I bet Jeremy couldn't hold back his tears either!!!!” It really was pretty beautiful. Calvert and Messer have had their ups and downs while co-parenting Adalynn, which was chronicled on last season of Teen Mom 2. Since then, however, things have improved significantly. The former couple, who have always enjoyed a good co-parenting relationship despite going through a tough divorce, are very amicable. There were some bumps in the road earlier this year, though. When the most recent MTV reunion special aired back in June, Messer was frustrated with her ex and very vocal about this. At issue? Him being around less and less these days. “I don’t know what’s wrong with him right now,” she said. “I have full custody of Addie. He was doing great, but he moved in with his girlfriend in Ohio.” Calvert does work a lot, and is on the road frequently for his job, and visiting the aforementioned girlfriend, Brooke Wehr (pictured above). There may be some hard feelings there, but they haven't taken away from what the former spouses are trying to do in putting Addie first. It's really nice to see that the two are working to make sure they remain on good terms, and their daughter sees him whenever he can. Watch the emotional video below …
Jeremy Calvert is really over Leah Messer. So over the Teen Mom 2 star, in fact, that he wants to sell the wedding band she gave him to the highest bidder on eBay. Guess all that drunk flirting between Leah and Jeremy at dinner a while back didn’t amount to much. According to The Ashley’s Reality Roundup , Jeremy is doing some spring cleaning and took to Instagram to post some of the items he plans to hawk on the auction site. Among them was the wedding ring, for which the starting bid he announced would be $500. I know five hundos is just a jumping off point, but still… that’s IT?! After fans came at him with the hate, he shot back at them with some pointed instructions. “You all should know what she done with her wedding set so kiss my white ass!” he wrote in the comment section. View Slideshow: Teen Mom Cast: Before They Were Stars … He did not elaborate on what Leah did with her rings, so we can just leave that up to the imagination. Eventually, Jeremy deleted the post, and we haven’t seen the ring on eBay thus far. It appears to be a time of purging for Jeremy. We recently learned that he intends to quit Teen Mom 2 for good and will forbid Adalynn, the daughter he shares with Leah, to appear on the show as well. “Jeremy is over it,” revealed a source. “He’s tired of being attached to this show, and now that he and Leah are divorced, he doesn’t want to be part of her drama,” the source added. “He’s tired of dealing with all the negativity that comes from him being on the show, too.” If Jeremy’s tired of the drama, he might be better advised to take the ring to a pawn shop for a discreet trade, rather than post to one of the world’s largest social media sites to announce its sale. Just a suggestion. View Slideshow: Leah Messer’s Messed-Up Love Life: The Ultimate Timeline!
It’s been several months since the Internet went totally and completely insane over the color of a dress . So clearly it’s time for another brain-teaser to drive every man, woman and child out of their minds, right? This one comes to us from a Hungarian cartoonist named Gergely Dudas. His pen name is Dudolf; he created the image on Wednesday, December 16; and he then shared it on his Facebook page. The puzzle has since garnered over 112,000 Shares and over 52,000 Likes… although we’re not sure if anyone actually likes it. Based on the responses we’ve seen thus far online, most folks appear to either hate it, really hate it or REALLY, REALLY hate it. All we’re being asked to do here is to find a single panda bear from among a great many snowmen. No problem, right? A panda looks nothing at all like a snowman, right? Okay, sure. Keep thinking that. Then, feast your eyes on this black-and-white-and-white-and-black-and-black-and-white-again-and-oh-my-effin-God-where-is-the-panda????!?!?!?!?! image and then get right back to us, okay? ( HINT : Keep your eyes on the right side of the puzzle. That’s all we’re going to say. And, no, it didn’t take us the last seven hours just to narrow it down that much. We have no idea why you would think that.)