Tag Archives: jersey-governor

Robert Pattinson Confronts Bullying In ‘The Rover’

The British heartthrob veers away from his ‘Twilight’ days with an all-new kind of role in David Michôd’s ‘The Rover.’

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Robert Pattinson Confronts Bullying In ‘The Rover’

Happy Early Father’s Day, Now Seriously Stop Dancing Like That Dad

Jimmy Fallon and New Jersey Governor Chris Christie gave dads and early Father’s Day gift on Thursday night with ‘The Evolution of Dad Dancing.’

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Happy Early Father’s Day, Now Seriously Stop Dancing Like That Dad

Chris Christie Fat Jokes: N.J. Governor Dishes ‘Em Out on Letterman

Chris Christie stopped by the Late Show with David Letterman last night, and fat jokes about the New Jersey Governor were flying left and right. For a change of pace, Christie was the one making them this time. Chris Christie on Letterman Typically a good sport about his weight, Christie began by taking out a doughnut and starting to eat it just moments into his interview with Letterman. “I didn’t know this was going to be this long,” he deadpanned. After pausing to take his own bite of Christie’s doughnut, Dave asked his politician guest if his repeated fat jokes at Chris’ expense bothered him. Chris’ take? “If the joke is funny, I laugh, even if it’s about me. If it’s not funny I don’t laugh. But it’s [never] something that bugged me all that much.” Asked what percentage of Letterman’s jokes qualified as funny, Christie replied “about 40 percent” and then pulled out note cards with a few of his favorites. Classic. Chris may not be known for his love of healthy recipes , but the popular Garden State Republican has a healthy self-awareness and sense of humor. He can dish it out and take it as well, which you gotta respect.

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Chris Christie Fat Jokes: N.J. Governor Dishes ‘Em Out on Letterman

Governor Christie Evacuates Jersey Shore: ‘Get the Hell Off the Beach…You‘ve Maximized Your Tan’


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During a press conference this afternoon to address logistical concerns surrounding Hurricane Irene’s approaching descent on the Northeastern U.S., New Jersey Governor Chris Christie warned beach-goers to, “get the hell off the Beach in Asbury Park and get out.” “You’re done. It’s 4:30 PM. You’ve maximized your tan. Get off the beach. Get in you cars and get out of those areas.” Perhaps Christie figured… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : The Blaze Discovery Date : 27/08/2011 01:09 Number of articles : 2

Governor Christie Evacuates Jersey Shore: ‘Get the Hell Off the Beach…You‘ve Maximized Your Tan’

DOJ’s Chris Christie Accuser Has History of Left-wing Activism; Will Media Report?

Which is bigger news for the mainstream media: accusations of impropriety against a Republican rising star, or politically-motivated accusations of impropriety against a Republican rising star? We're about to find out. Plenty of reporters were certainly eager to inform their readers and viewers about allegations against New Jersey Governor Chris Christie that claimed he had spent about $2,000 more than was allocated on travel expenses during his time as a U.S. attorney. But it turns out that the author of the Justice Department report that made those allegations is an uber-partisan who has previously used her position in the Inspector General's office to advance a leftist agenda. Will the media report these facts, and their implications for the report on Christie's alleged improprieties? read more

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DOJ’s Chris Christie Accuser Has History of Left-wing Activism; Will Media Report?

Maddow Mocks Gov. Christie’s Math Skills Before Making Same Subtraction Error

Rachel Maddow on Wednesday mocked the math skills of New Jersey Governor Chris Christie only seconds before she made the exact same arithmetic mistake she bashed him for. In a short segment about the state of New Jersey losing some education funding as a result of errors made during the application process, the MSNBC host placed all the blame on the new Republican governor. To put a fine point on what Maddow claimed was Christie’s incompetence, she played a video of the Governor on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” earlier in the day misstating the number of points Ohio edged out New Jersey for this award. Hysterically, when the clip ended, Maddow made the very same subtraction error (video follows with transcript and commentary):  RACHEL MADDOW, HOST: Even while talking about the application process, Governor Christie has still been making some basic mistakes as evidenced by his appearance on this network this morning. (BEGIN VIDEOTAPE) GOVERNOR CHRIS CHRISTIE, (R-NEW JERSEY): We came in eleventh, ten people won, and we lost by 2.2 points… UNKNOWN MALE: Next year. CHRISTIE: …to Ohio. UNKNOWN MALE: Next year. CHRISTIE: If there’s more money. I doubt there will be. (END VIDEOTAPE) MADDOW: 2.2? According to the Department of Education, Ohio got 440.8 points in the final phase, and New Jersey got 437.8 points which is not three points. It’s 2.2 points. I don’t know if there was a math section, but if there is, I bet that’s Obama’s fault, too. Nice job, Rach. You really are the smartest gal in the class. Maybe more hysterically, the story doesn’t end there, for someone must have noticed Maddow’s error and decided to re-film this final section for the video to be posted at MSNBC’s website and possibly the reruns. See if you notice a little difference: MADDOW: 2.2 points Governor Christie? According to the Department of Education, Ohio got 440.8 points in the final phase and New Jersey got 437.8 points which using math – using my powers of math comprehension that’s three points not 2.2. I wonder if there’s a math component to the test. If there is, I bet that’s Obama’s fault, too.   Makes you wonder how many takes they needed for Maddow to finally get it right. 

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Maddow Mocks Gov. Christie’s Math Skills Before Making Same Subtraction Error