It’s an exciting time for former Teen Mom 3 star Briana DeJesus. Not only is Briana joining the cast of Teen Mom 2 this season, she’s also currently expecting her second child. Briana’s been relatively tight-lipped about the details of her pregnancy, but that might be partially due to the fact that prior to her surprise casting on TM2, there just wasn’t much interest in her personal life. These days, however, scrutiny of Briana is at an all-time high, and it seems she’s enjoying the attention. (The “shying away and complaining about her lack of privacy” phase should come around the time of her second season on the show.) Late last night, Briana posted the above photo to her Instagram page, along with some highly-anticipated revelations about her forthcoming bundle of joy: “God, was today such a hectic day,” DeJesus captioned the image. “I had about a million break downs but I’m glad I was able to spend my 23rd birthday celebrating my daughters baby shower and pulling this off! Thank you for everyone who came out of their way to make it special for me.” She added: “I feel so huge and I am so uncomfortable in my skin but that only means that the time is coming! Stella, you will be loved and everybody can’t wait to meet you! Yes (in case the photo didn’t give it away), DeJesus is having a baby girl that she plans to name Stella. She didn’t reveal any details with regard to her due date, but based on the pic and the fact that she had her baby shower over the weekend, we can assume she’s about ready to pop. As for the other big question about her pregnancy, it looks like Briana is taking the Kailyn Lowry route when it comes to her baby daddy: Just as TM2 fans had to wait months to find out that Chris Lopez got Kailyn pregnant , they’re now being kept in suspense by Briana. All we know for sure is that it’s not the same guy who fathered Briana’s first child. We’re guessing she’ll make some sort of reveal on the show this season, but it could be that she’s keeping the dad’s name under wraps because he wants it that way. Either way, you can watch Teen Mom 2 online to get caught up in time for what promises to be a drama-packed season. View Slideshow: Briana DeJesus Photos: From 16 & Pregnant to Teen Mom 2!
Originally posted here:
Briana DeJesus: Reveals Baby Name, Gender!