Source: Steven Ferdman / Getty For The Freaks: Twitter Reacts To Allegedly Leaked Nude Photos Of Dave East Someone must have a vendetta against rapper Dave East , because they’ve just leaked his ALLEGED nude photos. A dropbox filled with pictures of angles of a male’s bare penis is circulating the internet. In the file, screenshots of East’s face from a snap chat account are followed by photos of the erected phallus from the same account name. We obviously can’t share the file here because that’s illegal! Whoever created the dropbox link is likely to be punished if charges are pressed against them. And unlucky for them, whether they are real or fake, the peen pictures are actually helping East gain fans. Folks are REALLY enjoying the photos. Fans are lacing up their Timb boots, ready to walk to Dave East’s doorstep over them! Dave east gone have me outside like — Aerin (@boujeeaerin) June 6, 2019 Hit the flip to see how Dave East’s alleged peen flicks are causing chaos (and JOKES!).
Source: Timothy Norris / Getty Gemini season officially begins on Tuesday, May 21. According to astrologists, this season brings a sense of wonder, curiosity, and amusement to everyone, not just those with their birthdays over the next few weeks. The season is ruled by the chatty astrological Twins and may cause people of all zodiac signs to feel more inclined to keep busy with exploring new ideas and thoughts. In astrology, the term “season” refers to the 30-day period the sun spends visiting a zodiac sign. During this time, the essence of that particular sign will have a major influence on everyone, regardless of which Sun sign a person belongs to. This brings us to the season of the Gemini, which is simultaneously the best and the worst sign we can all be ruled by. There’s really no denying that Geminis catch more heat then any other sign–but it’s not without good reason. People will crack jokes about Geminis all year round, but now, with their season in full swing, the tweets about the twins and their many…unique…traits are around every corner. If you don’t personally know anyone who falls under this particular astrological sign, let’s look at a few celebrities who might be able to help you get a good understanding of what they’re all about. Kanye West , Kendrick Lamar , Tupac , and Andre 3000 are all Geminis–so does that mean there’s something about these next 4 weeks that brings out some really amazing rapping? Well, probably not, but a lot of their traits lend themselves to things that are perfect for getting into entertainment like being creative, loving to talk a lot, and wanting to entertain large groups of people. With such incredible artists representing the Geminis, you might be wondering why they catch such a bad rap. Like we mentioned before, Geminis are represented by The Twins, and that causes some issues among Geminis and those around them. Here’s how explains their ever-changing personalities: “The Gemini-born can easily see both sides of an issue, a wonderfully practical quality. Less practical is the fact that you’re not sure which Twin will show up half the time. Geminis may not know who’s showing up either, which can prompt others to consider them fickle and restless. They can be wishy-washy, too, changing their mood on a simple whim.” But enough explanation, let’s get to the jokes. Here’s some of the funniest tweets about Geminis in honor of their season starting: me on my way to tweet about Gemini season knowing everyone hates me — dani || i hope i meet john (@Danitozier1) May 21, 2019 gemini season is here which means im back on my bullshit and feeling myself again — … (@luisagibsonxo) May 21, 2019 All the other signs now that it’s Gemini season — Dead Man’s Zest (@OhFrickitsNic) May 21, 2019 Gemini season is upon us — Lucy Hale (@lucyhale) May 21, 2019 A Joyful Baby Rhino who thinks he's a Lamb. Wonderful! #TuesdayThoughts #Gemini #TuesdayMotivation #Rhinos — Tom Hall (@TomHall) May 21, 2019 It's Gemini season bitches — Solaa (@taatakook) May 21, 2019 My two personalities showing out all Gemini season — Ugly A. Hell (@unb0therd__) May 21, 2019 All the Geminis’ after being dragged by astro twitter all year — starheal (@starheal) May 21, 2019 me talking about being a gemini during gemini season knowing everybody hates me — Christina Marie (@beautvchickee) May 21, 2019 Looking over the current planet placements for this Gemini season and — astro (@starsNcharts) May 21, 2019
Ayesha Curry going to pop up in the Warriors locker room like… — King Kemo (@cpetties) May 8, 2019 Hilarious Ayesha Curry Tweets & Memes Poor Ayesha . She just wants to feel like she’s still got it after having three kids and that’s perfectly OK. Most people feel the same way (whether they admit it or not). Sometimes you need a lil stranger thirst or random heart eyes or maybe even a friendly stalker to put some pep in your step. We get it. But the jokes are still gonna fly and they’re absolutely HILARIOUS. Steph ain’t even get an edge up for his wedding. You know he ain’t holding it down at the crib. — Dexya Stark (@DexHinton) May 7, 2019 Peep the hilarious tweets and memes inspired by Ayesha Curry’s now infamous Red Table reveal on the flip.
Source: Ezra Shaw / Getty Warriors Blow 31-Point Lead To Clippers Last night game 2 of the NBA playoffs featuring the Golden State Warriors and the L.A. Clippers came to a dramatic and historic finish. With 7:31 on the clock in the 3rd quarter, Kevin Durant sank a free throw that gave the Warriors a 31-point lead over the seemingly defeated Clippers. We say seemingly, but the only ones who thought the game was over were the Dubs. .01% win probability in the 3rd? No problem for the Clippers — SportsCenter (@SportsCenter) April 16, 2019 Despite statistically having basically no chance at winning, the Clippers liked their odds and went on to run off a scoring barrage that the NBA has never seen in a playoff game. They outscored the Warriors 72-37 in the final 20 minutes of the game as they were led by South Gwinnett’s finest, Lou Williams. “This is who we've been all season.” @KristenLedlow caught up with @TeamLou23 after the Clippers erased a 31-pt deficit at Oracle Arena. #ClipperNation | #NBAPlayoffs — NBA on TNT (@NBAonTNT) April 16, 2019 #NBATwitter was in disbelief and the jokes they were a-plenty. “How y’all blow a 31-point lead to the Clippers at the crib?” Warriors: — Josiah Johnson (@KingJosiah54) April 16, 2019 Those who are hyper-aware and simultaneously uber petty noticed that the 3, 1, lead, and Warriors don’t belong in the same sentence together Another 3-1 lead blown by the Warriors in the playoffs — Complex Sports (@ComplexSports) April 16, 2019 Warriors blew a 31-Point lead to the 8th seed Clippers — Hoop Central (@TheHoopCentral) April 16, 2019 *Jay-Z “yikes” face* Flip for more jokes at the Warriors expense.
An investigation has been launched on the West Midlands Police department after video surfaced of officers aggressively hitting and pepper spraying a Black man inside an unidentified room before shutting the door on the person recording. Sources claim that the victim was a Muslim, which allegedly lead to the violent attack — however, officers have not confirmed. The department released a statement saying: “On February 25 officers were called by a doctor who was conducting a mental health assessment in Sandwell. During the assessment, the 38-year-old man became violent and assaulted the doctor with a metal crutch, so police were called. The video circulating on social media shows edited footage of officers who attended but does not show the events which lead up to his restraint.” West Midlands Police didn’t take responsibility for the officers volatile behavior, but they did refer themselves to the Independent Office for Police Conduct. After the assault, the unidentified victim was arrested on suspicion of assault and taken into custody. He is currently receiving treatment in a mental health facility.
Source: Scott Olson / Getty R. Kelly’s “Spirit” Reportedly Told Him To Do Gayle King Interview After Robert Kelly ‘s telling interview with Gayle King only made matters much, much worse for the accused child molester, we’ve all been wondering why ON EARTH he decided to sit for that chat in the first place. It turns out, his mind was telling him no…but his spirit told him YEeeeEeeeS. …But seriously. His spirit told him to do it, this according to TMZ ‘s “sources:” “R. Kelly sat down with Gayle King because he is in constant touch with his “spirit” and tends to listen to it more than the people around him. He also said he felt he owed it to himself and his fans to break his silence and tell his side,” the site states. TMZ also states Kelly is unbothered by all the jokes on social media and how he’s been depicted… “After the interview aired last week, many viewers thought it was all an act, some felt he was having a mental breakdown and others used the emotional soundbites to make fun of Kelly on social media. But, we’re told R. Kelly gives “zero f***s” about how he’s being portrayed, and he can’t be bothered by the public’s reaction …” If you missed his interview with Gayle King, watch that here .
Source: Richard Harbaugh / Getty March is Women’s History Month and we’re celebrating 31 different women over the month, spanning the worlds of entertainment, politics, local, global and beyond. Entry number 11 arguably plays one of the more intriguing and outstanding mothers on television but if you’ve known of her family tree and her own prowess behind the scenes as a director, activist and humanitarian and overall ray of sunshine on social media then you’d have a much stronger understanding of why she’s a powerhouse of a woman. Meet Tracee Ellis-Ross, our all-time favorite Girlfriend, Rainbow Johnson and one of our 31 inspiring women. What can you say about Tracee Ellis-Ross? She’s a delight on Instagram and has been part of our television lives for the better part of almost two decades now, first as Joan Clayton on Girlfriends and now as Rainbow Johnson on black’ish . But the more you think about Tracee’s overall impact in Hollywood, the more you realize she’s one of the many women who don’t deal with the same “trends” or “standards” that have been placed on women since the dawn of time. That you have to get married, have children and be fulfilled in that way. Instead, Ross has placed her career and her worth first, not adhering to any idea of what a “standard” should be for her. To her, she’s her own standard — and you will deal. Multi-award winner, one of our favorite people in our heads. We love Tracee. When it comes to her very famous mother, Ross says, “The Diana Ross we all know kind of doesn’t hold a candle to the mom that I have, in her extraordinary ability to love.” Aside from acting, Ellis Ross can be found dropping gems of inspiration or wisdom on Instagram and maybe drops a fun twerk or a fire selfie that keeps applying pressure on everybody’s neck. Go Tracee go! FUN FACT: In 2017, Ross became the first African-American woman to win Best Actress in a Comedy series at the Golden Globes! QUOTE: “My life is mine….” The world is a better place thanks to women like Tracee Ellis Ross and if you want your world to be better and be free from painful fibroids, head to AlateHealth . RELATED: 5 Times Tracee Ellis Ross Was Our Best Friend In Our Heads RELATED: Even Tracee Ellis Ross Didn’t Love Her Body At One Point RELATED: Self-Love: Tracee Ellis Ross Jokes About Her Lazy Eye On Instagram
Source: Richard Harbaugh / Getty March is Women’s History Month and we’re celebrating 31 different women over the month, spanning the worlds of entertainment, politics, local, global and beyond. Entry number 11 arguably plays one of the more intriguing and outstanding mothers on television but if you’ve known of her family tree and her own prowess behind the scenes as a director, activist and humanitarian and overall ray of sunshine on social media then you’d have a much stronger understanding of why she’s a powerhouse of a woman. Meet Tracee Ellis-Ross, our all-time favorite Girlfriend, Rainbow Johnson and one of our 31 inspiring women. What can you say about Tracee Ellis-Ross? She’s a delight on Instagram and has been part of our television lives for the better part of almost two decades now, first as Joan Clayton on Girlfriends and now as Rainbow Johnson on black’ish . But the more you think about Tracee’s overall impact in Hollywood, the more you realize she’s one of the many women who don’t deal with the same “trends” or “standards” that have been placed on women since the dawn of time. That you have to get married, have children and be fulfilled in that way. Instead, Ross has placed her career and her worth first, not adhering to any idea of what a “standard” should be for her. To her, she’s her own standard — and you will deal. Multi-award winner, one of our favorite people in our heads. We love Tracee. When it comes to her very famous mother, Ross says, “The Diana Ross we all know kind of doesn’t hold a candle to the mom that I have, in her extraordinary ability to love.” Aside from acting, Ellis Ross can be found dropping gems of inspiration or wisdom on Instagram and maybe drops a fun twerk or a fire selfie that keeps applying pressure on everybody’s neck. Go Tracee go! FUN FACT: In 2017, Ross became the first African-American woman to win Best Actress in a Comedy series at the Golden Globes! QUOTE: “My life is mine….” The world is a better place thanks to women like Tracee Ellis Ross and if you want your world to be better and be free from painful fibroids, head to AlateHealth . RELATED: 5 Times Tracee Ellis Ross Was Our Best Friend In Our Heads RELATED: Even Tracee Ellis Ross Didn’t Love Her Body At One Point RELATED: Self-Love: Tracee Ellis Ross Jokes About Her Lazy Eye On Instagram
Source: Jerritt Clark / Getty Pure Comedy: Black Twitter Starts A #FreeTristanThompson Hashtag There have been all sorts of discussions over who’s right, wrong and in between with this Khloe-Tristan-Jordyn situation. One thing for sure we all agree on is JOKES WILL BE MADE. After already dragging Khloe and her lil friends all week, Black Twitter produced a #FreeTristanThompson hashtag. It’s no secret that after all of the SH*T Tristan has done to Khloe she kontinues to kling on. Cheating, singles only parties at his home, kissing her sister’s bestie — none of it has worked! Tristan: so it’s over right? I cheated. Khloe: No. Jordyn is the reason this happened. We’re a family! Tristan: — Lizzy (@Lizzytrizzy) March 1, 2019 #FreeTristanThompson perfectly captures the thirst behind Khloe’s klinging to the relationship. Hit the flip for more.
Source: Jerritt Clark / Getty Future Denies Banning Plus Size Women From the Club Twitter went ALL THE WAY LEFT on Thursday night after rumors started to surface claiming that Future instructed the Miami club he was performing at not to let in any plus size women. This all started when plus-size model Naomie Chaput went to her Instagram page, posting screenshots of a conversation with her and a friend, claiming she was denied entry into a STORY Miami because Future wouldn’t allow any bigger girls into the establishment. In case you missed it, you can check out Naomie’s full Instagram story in the video below: “So, just got news that this is true, that Future said no fatties in the club—and he has all the rights to do so,” she said to her followers. “I’m just trying to understand really why this is, like, a thing. Why is he allowed to put those rules in place…the discrimination is insane to me.” Following these allegations, both the criticism and the jokes immediately began to fly in Future’s direction. Security: yo Future the BBW’s outside the club starting up a rally Future sitting in VIP: — TNASTY (@FirstNiteKing) March 1, 2019 This how Future scanned the club before he shut it down — three-eyed raven (@tear_rio) March 1, 2019 Ever since Drake said “I like my girls BBW”, Future hasn’t collabed with him. It all makes sense now. — Jerrett (@KoofiDonJon) March 1, 2019 After seeing his name dragged through the mud, Future emerged onto his own Twitter page, denying the rumors that he made any sort of specific requests about what women he did and didn’t want in the club. According to the rapper, he loves all women and the story circulating is all cap. STOP CAPPIN ON MY NAME..I love all women . — FUTURE/FREEBANDZ (@1future) March 1, 2019 So, there you have it. Maybe this situation was all a misunderstanding…or maybe the club’s bouncers were the ones to discriminate about who they were letting in and Future had nothing to do with it.