Tag Archives: jonah-goldberg

Open Thread: Obama, the Musical

As Jonah Goldberg puts it, ” Oh, Dear Lord “. Hey, at least the dancing is impressive. Thoughts? 

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Open Thread: Obama, the Musical

Schultz Steamed Beck ‘Allowed’ On Airwaves

Jonah Goldberg might want to file this one away for his sequel to Liberal Fascism . . . On his MSNBC show this evening, Ed Schultz sputtered that it’s “pathetic” that Glenn Beck is “on the airwaves in this country” and “allowed” to express his opposition to public schools and support for home-schooling and vouchers. Schultz aired a clip in which Beck had this to say . . . GLENN BECK: The problem in America is we’re being indoctrinated from dawn until dusk, every single day, seven days a week. We’re being indoctrinated by Washington, we’re being indoctrinated by our unions, we’re being indoctrinated in our schools, we’re being indoctrinated in the media. We’re being indoctrinated!  What are you even talking about? You’re darn right we should abolish public schools. Here’s Schultz, in the course of commenting . . . ED SCHULTZ: This guy’s dangerous!  He’s a huge supporter of home-schooling and private-school vouchers. And this is an admission that he really does want two Americas. And I think it’s pathetic that somebody’s on the airwaves in this country that’s allowed to say this kind of garbage. It’s against the foundation of this country and everything that this country has stood for when it comes to opportunity in education. And he wants to take that away? Say Ed, why not advocate the establishment, say, of the House Un-American Media Activities Committee? How about a new Obama czar, empowered to determine which pundits are permitted on the air, and what they’re “allowed” to say?  

Schultz Steamed Beck ‘Allowed’ On Airwaves

Idiot Inks Boffo Book Deal

Oh, good, Jonah Goldberg just got a million dollars to write another book. Hooray for the publishing industry! Jonah Goldberg—who has a career of any kind solely because his mother told Linda Tripp to secretly tape conversations with a lady who gave the president a blow job, and who is generally considered to be one of the most intellectually lazy pundits of any political persuasion of all time—writes about The Simpsons for The National Review Online

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Idiot Inks Boffo Book Deal