Tag Archives: keeping-things

Jersey Shore Recap: Ready to Ruuuumble!

DING! DING! DING! The gloves came off on Jersey Shore: Family Vacation this week — but not between Ronnie Jen Harley for a change. Instead, some loser/jerk/douchebag at a club insulted Deena, which brought the cast together in retribution against this loser/jerk/douchebag . Where did things go from where? How ugly and/or violent did it get? And do we have an update on Jen and Ronnie??? Scroll down to find out! 1. Keeping Things Chill Deena Cortese was pregnant and back in town early in this episode. As a result, the ladies decided to do a low-key, “classy” wine night. What could go wrong from there, right? 2. No, He Didn’t Mean Phat Together, they drank, they ate “17 pounds of cheese. And they laughed. And they had a fun time overall. However, on their way out of the restaurant, some dude in white linen pants slammed as Deena fat. 3. Take It Away, JWOWW! “Oh, hell no!” Jenni told the camera. “You can come after me all day, but the moment you talk about my friends, game over. I will annihilate you.” 4. What the Eff is Wrong with You?!? JWOWW then charged at the dude and asked him: “Were you just making fun of a pregnant girl?!” Without missing a beat, he replied, “I was. I did. I called her fat.” 5. And Then It… Was… On! BOOM! “You’re a piece of shit! You’re a f-cking bitch, bro!” she yelled in the loser’s face. White Linen Pants Man called Jenni a bitch and suggested she should go party with him. 6. Wanna Get Whooped?!? “You wanna get whooped by a f-ckin bitch?! This is what’s wrong with America. Piece of shits like you going after pregnant girls,” Jenni added before the girls managed to pull her away. “He’s lucky that I’m full of brie and have Louboutins on.” HA! View Slideshow

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Jersey Shore Recap: Ready to Ruuuumble!

Bianca Balti Naked in GQ Italy of the Day

Bianca Balti is amazing…for a 32 year old – i repeat OLD model you may know from doing some Victoria’s Secret modeling… She’s the kind of girl you look at and think, “I’d get her pregnant”….but unfortunately, sperm already made its way to her UTERUS before you ever could…so you could just imagine being the stepfather to her already exisitng kid….that probably has a rich dad, models aren’t dumb, maximize opportunity when it comes your way….gettin’ paid…get paid….make sure you keeping getting paid…even if you have to use the uterus for that.. I guess the only interesting thing in this is that GQ, a mainstream men’s magazine owned by Conde Nast, a big mainstream private company, posts tits, at least in their European market…and Playboy, a porn magazine that intellectualized porn, but is still porn doesn’t…because as I know, and I guess they know…if you start out mainstream and show tits, it’s ok, but if you show tits and try to go mainstream, you gotta stop showing tit…and really, there’s no need for further investigation of the tit…artistic because it’s black and white – that’s how you know….. The post Bianca Balti Naked in GQ Italy of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Bianca Balti Naked in GQ Italy of the Day

Ava Sambora Looks Good in a Bikini of the Day

Ava Sambora is a young, cute, California girl with a Heather Locklear mom and a rockstar dad, which means she’s like a Kate Hudson, who doesn’t need to work, has access to everything and anything she wants, but all she really wants is a legit career or to be celebrated for being her own person, instead of just taking your free money from her parents…. So she could use that trust fund or allowance to travel the world and have a good time…I mean her dad’s in fucking Bon Jovi, dude’s got serious money…but I guess her mom raised her to use that body – to get that attention – to find an earner of her own – because she can…. Maybe Richie Sambora’s got a handful of kids to spread his wealth to – via groupies around the world…leaving Ava forced to fend for herself in this scary social media run world…the only place a girl really matters… But what makes no sense, is that she’s keeping things bootleg, she decided to shoot with a company known for being an “escort” agency from people in the know. A paparazzi agency that “helps” make immigrant whores seem legit, instead of working with a real agency for a real brand. It makes no sense to me, but her young, fit ass, makes that confusion all seem to make sense..and everything is ok…even more than ok….perfect…amazing…round…just cheesy as fuck…. To See The Rest of the Pics CLICK HERE The post Ava Sambora Looks Good in a Bikini of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Ava Sambora Looks Good in a Bikini of the Day

Trivia Time: What Ya Know Bout Obama’s Fatherland, Kenya? [QUIZ]

Are you a Kenya-phile, or do you just have a passing knowledge of this iconic East African country? Test your smarts here.

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Trivia Time: What Ya Know Bout Obama’s Fatherland, Kenya? [QUIZ]

President Obama Responds To Laquan McDonald Shooting Video And Chicago Prostests

President Obama Addresses Laquan McDonald Shooting And Protests With protesters taking to the streets of Chicago after footage of the police murder of 17-year-old Laquan McDonald, President Barack Obama released a statement via his official Facebook page and Twitter. The President noted that he too was horrified by the footage of the teen’s shooting death , he commended the protesters for keeping things nonviolent: Very diplomatic and rational response, don’t you think?? Facebook

President Obama Responds To Laquan McDonald Shooting Video And Chicago Prostests

Khloe Kardashian Releases New Book of the Day

The Kardashians are lucky that the majority of America are too tired, over extended and uneducated to understand that what they see on TV is not real, but instead something they can mindlessly believe in because their actual life is garbage, over extended, uneducated….you know with actual problems like barely getting by, living in poverty, having abusive white trash boyfriends and whatever else the “normals” of society who buy into this Kardashian storyline have wrong in their life to make the Kardashians be something they buy into and attach themselves and distract themselves with… I always just assume the world fucking get it. They know this is all bullshit…. From Stories of Lamar almost dying in a whorehouse in vegas, to the hookers being paid to inject him with Speedballs, all while Khloe and her whore mom ran to his bedside, only to announce they are still married, only to announce she’s realized she loves him and will care for him…in the Soap Opera scamming the housewife at home dramatic curve…. That so conveniently, happened when her book was scheduled to be released…where she talks about relationships…because it’s time for Khloe to have her own storyline…the family feels bad for her for being the monster in the family… I will state the obvious, when 100s of millions of dollars are involved in ANYTHING, what you see as a public, is not real…it’s all part of a storyline…to keep everything moving forward…but you already know that… I’m only posting this because it’s just a fucking joke…the Kardashians are getting creative in their stories…from sex tapes to sex changes, to whores and drugs…to cheating…it’s all fucking evil…and people will die in keeping things going for them…because they’ve come so far…and own the fucking media… The post Khloe Kardashian Releases New Book of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Khloe Kardashian Releases New Book of the Day

Strippers Congratulate the Bushwackers of the Day

I never watched wrestling. Even as a young kid, I was more into playing with Barbies, washing their hair and telling them they were pretty girls, ass I rubbed their pussy mound and nippleless tits, as people around me would call me a little faggot, when really I was just practicing ripping off panties for when I was older.. I just thought dudes on dudes, especially coupled with bad acting was homoerotic and beneath me. I preferred my boners to come from inanimate objects.. But I do remember the Bushwackers, and apparently they were inducted into the Wrestling Hall of Fame, and in keeping things as classy as Wrestling, you know the lowest form of sport, loved by immigrants and white supremicists in their trailer parks alike…Rick’s Cabaret, a publicly traded strip club I would buy shares in just because investing in a strip club is funny to me, threw them a party… Here are some of the pics…also funny to me… The post Strippers Congratulate the Bushwackers of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Strippers Congratulate the Bushwackers of the Day

Strippers Congratulate the Bushwackers of the Day

I never watched wrestling. Even as a young kid, I was more into playing with Barbies, washing their hair and telling them they were pretty girls, ass I rubbed their pussy mound and nippleless tits, as people around me would call me a little faggot, when really I was just practicing ripping off panties for when I was older.. I just thought dudes on dudes, especially coupled with bad acting was homoerotic and beneath me. I preferred my boners to come from inanimate objects.. But I do remember the Bushwackers, and apparently they were inducted into the Wrestling Hall of Fame, and in keeping things as classy as Wrestling, you know the lowest form of sport, loved by immigrants and white supremicists in their trailer parks alike…Rick’s Cabaret, a publicly traded strip club I would buy shares in just because investing in a strip club is funny to me, threw them a party… Here are some of the pics…also funny to me… The post Strippers Congratulate the Bushwackers of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Strippers Congratulate the Bushwackers of the Day

So Precious: Mariah Carey Takes Dem Babies To The Georgia Aquarium

It’s great she’s keeping things upbeat with the kids during this divorce . Mariah Carey Visits Georgia Aquarium With Twins Monroe And Moroccan Cannon Mariah Carey shared several photos from her visit to the Georgia Aquarium with twins Roc and Roe this week on her Instagram. Hit the flip to see ‘em! Instagram

So Precious: Mariah Carey Takes Dem Babies To The Georgia Aquarium

Ashley Tisdale Honeymoon Bikini Pic of the Day

Ashley Tisdale brings hope to girls everywhere, that as long as you are rich, famous, and have dudes everywhere wanting to be up inside you…even if you had botched plastic surgery, you career is dull, and you’re not as cute as you’re marketed to be…coupled with being Jewish enough to find a quality Jewish man who needs a Jewish girl to make him babies that are Jewish too, instead of those ghetto money grubbing converts, you can live happily ever too…and post honeymoon pics of yourself in a bikini…all wholesome at least in comparison to all the trash that is going on… For some reason, I think there’s some level of merit in this. I mean Ashley Tisdale could just as easily posted pics of her spread asshole crying for attention, but she’s keeping things G Rated, and in a world full of smut, the G rated stuff is starting to become pornographic, appealing and sexy, like happily “just” married and starting a family like a good girl bikini pic, is replacing the single, sex crazed, half naked at the pool party crying for likes because I am an instagram selfie….

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Ashley Tisdale Honeymoon Bikini Pic of the Day