Tag Archives: kelly rohrbach

Joy Corrigan Strategic Mainstream Hipster Nude Photoshoot of the Day

Joy Corrigan is the younger bootleg Charlotte McKinney which is pretty bootleg since Charlotte McKinney is pretty bootleg but was less bootleg than Joy, pure Jot, who used to hang out with her before she moved to Los Angeles…to be the sloppy tits everyone loves…. Well, Joy has moved from Florida to LA to make it and I guess being naked on horses running your vag on the coarse horse hair is the look and feel for shoots this season…desert is out. Cowboy is in…America….like shooting black people due to racism before they stage an uprising – another civil war – but hotter and more lovely… The post Joy Corrigan Strategic Mainstream Hipster Nude Photoshoot of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Joy Corrigan Strategic Mainstream Hipster Nude Photoshoot of the Day

Kelly Rohrbach for British GQ – Like She’s Made It of the Day

I’ve said it before – and I’ll say it again…Kelly Rohrbach was some low level bikini model from Sports Illustrated swim, which I guess makes her not that low level, because SI Swim is the top of the bikini model charts, you seen it’s that stamp of approval that makes all your instagram whoring worth your time and effort…you know because without a publication to publish you – you’re just doing it for yourself and that’s lame… I think she did one or two issues because she’s still young in the scene and in being young in the scene, that means she has already been one of the models Leonardo DiCaprio co-signed with his penis or at least by promoting to the world as his girlfriend, because he may be gay… Before turning her over to his film producer friends, who cast her as Pam Anderson in the Baywatch remake no one needs to see because it’s going to suck and you can see all these bitches in bikinis without the storyline on the internet. It’s kinda what they do… Now Leo has moved onto old timer Nina Agdal – who has been around for a while, because I guess he likes his whores more seasoned and mature….you know where she’s trying to get pregnant to make it all worth it and to make sure While Kelly’s just getting her career started, all being promoted in GQ UK…in a bathing suit.. She’s hot…Like I always say….good enough for leo goood enough for me…I mean good enough for a homeless man good enough for me is my other saying…I have no standards or taste – but appreciate this.. The post Kelly Rohrbach for British GQ – Like She’s Made It of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Kelly Rohrbach for British GQ – Like She’s Made It of the Day

Taylor Swift Still Pregnant of the Day

I announced that Taylor Swift was pregnant a long time ago, I said I had very legitimate sources who told me she was pregnant, I said that she’s been getting bustier slowly because of that pregnancy, she just hasn’t announced that pregnancy….no one believed me… Maybe they think I’m a lie, or a joke, or a hack who doesn’t know what I am talking about, and I am…but over the years, I’ve broke countless stories that are sent to me – and no one even bothers noticing…and not just sex tapes…real life stories of cheating and fame whoring…you see because I like making Taylor Swift Pregnancy announcements about me… The truth is…she may not be pregnant, but she’s thicker in the GUNT…that WOMB is Swollen, she’s wearing a sweatshirt to cover it..and she’s got bigger tits popping out as part of the diversion… Sounds pregnant enough to em… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Taylor Swift Still Pregnant of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Taylor Swift Still Pregnant of the Day

Kelly Rohrbach Topless on Set of the Day

If you’re the rumored pussy that Leonardo DiCaprio puts his dick in, even if he doesn’t put his dick in you, and even if it is only for a few months while he’s rolling out the next titty models to fake date….you need to maximize that as hard as you can…like Kelly Rohrbach… You see, she was a low hanging fruit with a great body and tits, who was in one issue of Sports Illustrated SWIM…a magazine that barely even exists anymore…and the A-Lister and boom – life happened for her big tits.. Big tits she’s busted out on set in Malibu, because to me…she’s still a low level titty model…because she is.. I wwonder how good of a surfer she is…as she poses with her surfboard…I mean…when you get past staring at the tits… More importantly, I wonder why her tits look so sloppy…I’m such a hater…but I am not hating, I’m just pointing out the sloppy tits.. All this to say…at least she’s not Charlotte McKInney… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Kelly Rohrbach Topless on Set of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Kelly Rohrbach Topless on Set of the Day

When You Bang Leonardo DiCaprio You Land Vogue Beauty of the Day

Here’s a pretty simple mathematical equation for you… Big Titty Published Once Model Kelly Rohrbach + Sex or Fake Sex To Hide His Homosexuality with Leonardo DiCaprio = Landing Baywatch Movie and leveraging that to a Vogue Spread…because now you fucking matter and all it took was a little fucking or the illusion of fucking… Make fucking fucking count girls…and be like this whore Kelly Rohrbach…in Vogue Beauty..lookin’ all big titty and modeling.. The post When You Bang Leonardo DiCaprio You Land Vogue Beauty of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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When You Bang Leonardo DiCaprio You Land Vogue Beauty of the Day

Dad Trolls Son

This kid is going places!!! Continue reading

Kelly Rohrbach Works It Good For GQ Mexico

You guys probably know by now that I’m not a big fan of the new Baywatch movie — as far as I’m concerned, nobody can ever compete with  Pamela Anderson in her prime. But I am a fan of  Kelly Rohrbach , aka the busty blonde hottie attempting to replace her as the new CJ Parker. So here’s a new bikini photoshoot Kelly did for GQ Mexico . She’s still no Pam, but I look forward to seeing her continue to try in many more shoots just like this. Continue reading

Camille Rowe by Guy Aroch of the Day

I am guessing that Camille Rowe, fashion model, who gets naked a lot, is in the new iteration of Playboy where they don’t get naked, but are already going as far as they can with their non nudity, which seems to be pretty implied nudity, I can see her fucking nipples nudity, since it’s the dumbest marketing strategy the magazine that was built on hot girls getting naked could do, all in efforts to land ad dollars..pretty fucking lame reason for anything… Own your brand. Own your concept. Skirting on the fine line of “nude” is just lamer than girls trying to not get pics reported on instagram…meaning Playboy doesn’t even need to exist anymore – since they don’t do nudity – I can see 1000 filtered pics of girls as naked as they can get without being naked everyday. Get it together you idiots.. I’ll just be staring at every old pic of hot model Camille Rowe Naked I’ve posted on this site over the years for companies not called PLAYBOY… The post Camille Rowe by Guy Aroch of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Camille Rowe by Guy Aroch of the Day

Kelly Rohrbach Face She Made When Fucking Leo Up the Ass of the Day

Kelly Rohrbach looks like the kind of girl who uses her pussy to get ahead, like some kind of low level opportunist who fucks high level people who is now on some low level movie called Baywatch…she used to fuck Leo… I guess in her defence, all models are on some level hooking…I call it doing the same thing as street hookers, just in a higher rate hotel….with richer people who can hook them up…but it’s all the same fucking thing… I mean she looks like a stripper…her tits were designed for lap dances, but she’s clearly smarter in how she uses them… I call this face – the how she fucked leo up the ass face… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Kelly Rohrbach Face She Made When Fucking Leo Up the Ass of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Kelly Rohrbach Face She Made When Fucking Leo Up the Ass of the Day

Kelly Rohrbach for Baywatch of the Day

I like to think she wears this bathing suit, that I am going to assume by the “fashionable” zipper on the front, is actually not state issued LA County bathing suit uniform, but rather Hollywood using some vapid cunt with a good body Leo pretended to fuck to get people to the movies… Speaking of Vapid Cunt, I like the pussy definition in the top picture, it looks like there is a pillow I want to lay my head / mouth on…. But since she’s always in the same thing, I’m going to just imagine, it’s the same bathing suit day after day, so that it really smells like it should, even though they probably have budget for hundreds of the same suit, all of which I’d volunteer to hand wash…with my mouth… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Kelly Rohrbach for Baywatch of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Kelly Rohrbach for Baywatch of the Day