Tag Archives: know-because

Bella Thorne’s Pop Music Is Fake As F%ck

I know because I love Bella Thorne , I’m supposed to pretend that she’s a real musical artist and not just another Autotuned wannabe/professional social media star. But I’m sorry. I just can’t do it. This “song” is generic garbage. Anyway, even though I may not enjoy Bella’s music, at least I can still enjoy her music videos… on mute.

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Bella Thorne’s Pop Music Is Fake As F%ck

Charli XCX for Impulse Fragrance of the Day

Charli XCX is some low level Big Tits from the UK who wears a Leotard and uses every chance she gets to show off those tits and get noticed…and I guess it works, since she gets featured on songs, she gets paid by brands, she has concerts and I guess people pay to see her perform, and the funny thing is I was once in one of her events she was playing at. I was drunk and remember nothing, but thinking to myself “who is that midget in he leotard, are we at the circus”…I only found out it was Charli XCX after the fact at which point I said “What’s an XCX”….and I still don’t know because I don’t bother googling this shit, I just look at her tits in bathing suits…not because I care but because they are tits. The post Charli XCX for Impulse Fragrance of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Charli XCX for Impulse Fragrance of the Day

Fawk Up The Covers: Future Covers Flaunt Magazine’s “Elixir Issue” [PHOTOS]

Future Covers Flaunt Magazine #FutureHive rejoice — Nayvadius is out here “fawking up commas” and snatching magazine covers. The Atlanta rapper covers the May “Elixir Issue” of Flaunt Magazine, and talks about growing into manhood and overcoming his ego. In the issue, Future talks learning from his mistakes and getting wiser with age… “If I could have just listened when I was 20—and sometimes you feel like you’re the greatest 20-year-old there is—but there are certain things that you just don’t know because they just come from timing, they just come from living from living and learning, through experiences as you get older.” He also talks finding the answers for himself… “I mean that in a great way because a lot of people are going to tell you don’t do this or don’t do that, and you shouldn’t do this and you shouldn’t do that. And if you don’t have confidence in yourself you’re going to always be looking for answers from somebody else, when really they’re giving you the wrong answers.” Hit the flip for more pics… Flaunt

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Fawk Up The Covers: Future Covers Flaunt Magazine’s “Elixir Issue” [PHOTOS]

Dakota Fanning Doesn’t Cameltoe of the Day

This may not be exciting developments in Dakota Fanning’s career, but I like to think it just contributes to how creepy she is. You know the fact that her tight pants don’t get jacked up her vagina like tight pants do to every other girl in existence…I know because I stare at vaginas…when other guys stare at tits and asses…because Vagina Definition excites me…which in and of itself may be as creepy as Dakota Fanning not having a vagina….because she’s a robot we should have been aware of when she was roboting back in the 90s when she was 3 and acted 46….it was like she was programmed to be human adult, while being in a kid body…and now we find out she’s got no genitals….weird. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE

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Dakota Fanning Doesn’t Cameltoe of the Day

Jennifer Lawrence Still Looking Naked on Set of the Day

I went to a party this past weekend to stalk Jennifer Lawrence. She’s filming X-Men in Montreal, and according to these pictures, she’s in body paint, and looking hotter than ever. Unfortunately, we didn’t have the chance to meet, or have sex, like I know she wanted, because she got in a fight with one of her co-stars and ended up storming out of the party….which was a bit of a bummer for me…because I like to believe I had a chance… I mean don’t all famous Oscar winners want to have unprotected sex with dirty perverts who have the hottest blog no one has ever heard of? You know because celebrities are crazy and do crazy things. I guess not…but at least I can jerk off to her pics… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Jennifer Lawrence Still Looking Naked on Set of the Day

Victoria Silvstedt Fingering Herself In A Bikini of the Day

I hate this useless fucking cunt. She tried to sue me when I posted pics of her getting eaten out by a Greek Billionaire. She has sued people I know because she’s one of those attention seeking twats who likes attention on her terms. Not that she deserves any attention, she was in Playboy a decade ago, big fucking deal, anyone can get fake tits. Her body is old, tired and boring to watch hang onto its sex appeal, her fake tits are as retarded as my neighbor’s kid, and that fucker is wheel chair bound and always in a bib. She is not worth jerking off to, she is just a low level hooker with the right clientele, but when she fingers herself in a bikini, I have no choice but to post the shit, cuz that’s just the kind of blogger I am, one who puts his personal opinon aside to report the fucking bikini pics in an objective way. To See the Rest of the Pics – Follow This Link GO

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Victoria Silvstedt Fingering Herself In A Bikini of the Day