If you watched Teen Mom 2 this week, then you know what a roller coaster ride of an episode it was. We got to see Chelsea Houska do a sweet little gender reveal for her husband, Cole DeBoer, which was adorable and wonderful and precious. But then we saw Leah Messer discuss her daughter’s increasing health problems , which, as always, was positively heartbreaking. Briana DeJesus was dealing with her breakup with Javi Marroquin , which was pretty whatever, but the best part of her segments was her sister, Brittany, comforting her while on painkillers after a wisdom tooth removal. Kailyn Lowry’s segments dealt with Javi too, but we also got to see Isaac’s birthday — so cute! And then there’s Jenelle Evans. In the previous episode we’d learned that David Eason had just been fired , so of course in this week’s show, Jenelle explained that he’d just been refusing to film for his own personal reasons. In another scene, she gave us a good example of her lack of parenting skills when she explained to her mother Barbara that she hadn’t given Jace his medication because he was “fine,” because that’s how medicine works. She also didn’t return the medication she didn’t give him to Barb. Barbara asked Jenelle out to lunch, but Jenelle shut her down because she was too busy, and then we saw Jace and Barb back at home. He told her that Jenelle didn’t allow him to call her, which is awful, and then he told her that the whole family had gone out on the boat for a big, fun day. Well, the whole family minus Kaiser, who they stuck in daycare. Barbara was upset at that news, because it doesn’t sound fair to exclude poor Kaiser when they actually do something fun. She said that it broke her heart. And then Jace actually said “Mommy and David are pieces of sh-t.” Barbara looked shocked and asked him what he’d said, so he repeated himself, and he spit on the ground for good measure. She didn’t say anything, because what can you say after something like that? Then the episode ended. A lot of Teen Mom 2 fans had a lot of feelings about the moment — most were as shocked as Barb was. Some thought that he was repeating something he’d heard from her, but others thought that the phrasing sounded something more like David would say, particularly with the spitting on the ground for emphasis. Regardless, most people agreed that it really did seem like he was fully aware of what he was saying, and that he meant it. Since it was the last scene of the episode, and since the next episode obviously hasn’t aired yet, we don’t know how Barbara ended up dealing with what Jace said, or if Jenelle heard about it before watching the episode. But since Jenelle is Jenelle, she’s discussing the issue on Twitter in the dumbest manner possible. Early this morning, she tweeted “If Jace lived with me he wouldn’t have ever spoke those words about ANYONE.” “Thought me and my mom were actually building our relationship lately and now it’s two steps back.” There are approximately a million things wrong with this one short tweet, but let’s try to break it down anyway, all right? For one, why is she blaming her mother for this? Sure, Jace may have heard the sentiment from her originally, but it’s not like she forced the kid to say it. And since this was filmed several months ago, it shouldn’t have an impact on any progress their relationship is making now. Also, why on earth does she think that anyone would actually believe that Jace wouldn’t talk like this if he lived with her? We’ve seen Jenelle and David both be absolutely horrible to all kinds of people — David’s called Kaiser a “screaming little bitch,” he’s called Dr. Drew a “f-g,” and it’s impossible to keep up with all the names he’s called Nathan Griffith. Throughout the years we’ve seen Jenelle say awful things about Barbara in front of Jace, too. If Jace lived with Jenelle and David, he’d almost certainly being saying worse about several people. And let’s be real, it’s not like Jace was wrong in his original statement, anyway. Does she forget that she’s been on a reality show for the better part of a decade and that lots of people are familiar with her life and her personality? Because anyone who’s ever seen like ten minutes of her footage would be able to tell you that her statement on this subject is absolute nonsense, and it’s a little embarrassing that she’s trying to act like she could raise Jace better than Barbara is. Jenelle, just … stop, girl. Just stop for a little bit. View Slideshow: Jenelle Evans’ Son Says What We’re All Thinking: Mom, You’re a Real Piece of S–t!
The rest is here:
Jenelle Evans: My Son Would NEVER Call Me a Piece of S–t If He Actually Knew Me!