Tag Archives: leaders

Fox News’ NewsCorp donates $1 Million to Republican Governors Association

Unlike the national political parties and federal candidates, the governors’ associations can take in unlimited amounts from corporations, and companies are showing their interest. News Corp., the media company controlled by Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Rupert Murdoch, gave the RGA $1 million in June. Wellpoint Inc., the biggest U.S. health insurer, contributed a total of $500,000 to the Republican group. Republicans, fueled by record fundraising, are poised to win most of the state governorships in November, which would give them an advantage in congressional redistricting and a new pool of talent for national office. “The Republican Party was not going to be rebuilt out of Washington,” said Mike Schrimpf, an RGA spokesman. “Our party has always fared best when our leaders came from the states.” The Republicans’ biggest corporate donor was New York-based News Corp. Teri Everett, a spokeswoman, said the company “actively supports organizations that advocate a pro-job, low tax, economic growth agenda.” News Corp. opposes proposed federal rule changes that would weaken the position of its Fox network in negotiations with cable companies. Governors may have a stake in the issue. http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2010-08-16/republicans-set-for-gains-in-u-s-govern… added by: jeffissleeping

ESPN’s George Bodenheimer Summons The Gods, And Other Tales Of Whoring [Dispatches From The World Cup]

NEAR RUSTENBURG / DURBAN, South Africa — Our friends at ESPN treat the World Cup like a luxury safari. A few days ago, I got to see how their leaders rough it. The occasion was a braai, a South African barbecue. But not your typical braai. Think wine and white tablecloth. More

ESPN’s George Bodenheimer Summons The Gods, And Other Tales Of Whoring [Dispatches From The World Cup]

US Open begins at difficult Pebble Beach (AP)

The bright blue skies at Pebble Beach are almost always deceiving in June, mainly because they’re almost always accompanied by a brisk, humidity-sapping north wind. Beautiful days like these can be rough on golfers, and can prompt statements like these from the leaders at the USGA: “This golf course will not get away from us.” That USGA secretary Tom O’Toole felt the need to make…

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US Open begins at difficult Pebble Beach (AP)

Your Guide to England’s Super-Exciting Election [Anarchy In The UK]

Huzzah! America’s Deadbeat Older Brother, the United Kingdom , is holding an election for Best Wizard! Or Prime Minister, or something. Who are the “Party Leaders” who might lead the UK? Is one of them Ringo? We know who Ringo is. More

Lip Sync of the Week of the Day

This video is amazing. I laughed and I never laugh…I guess Asians aren’t the robots from the future I thought they were….

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Lip Sync of the Week of the Day

Lesbian Teachers of the Day

It is unfortunate that none of this shit ever went down when I was in school, cuz if it did, I’d probably have a serious education and money.

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Lesbian Teachers of the Day

Introducing: The Volturi!

Granted, it might not get more exciting than New Moon clips that feature a shirtless Taylor Lautner and Robert Pattinson. But we’ve uncovered the first picture of the entire Volturi clan, the group of vampires in the sequel that enforce the laws of their unique, dangerous world

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Introducing: The Volturi!