Tag Archives: like-the-great

Top 10 Florida Foxes

On March 3, 1845, Florida became the 27th State in the United States of American, and to celebrate this momentous anniversary, we’re taking a look at some of our favorite Florida Foxes! This list is a veritable melting pot of ethnicities, breast sizes, and body types, and just like the great state itself, it’s supremely steamy! Here are ten of our favorite Florida Foxes!… read more

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Top 10 Florida Foxes

Lindsay Lohan: Drunk Dance Video Posted to Instagram! Hilarious!

In her ongoing effort to prove that we should never, ever believe her when she claims to be sober, Lindsay Lohan posted the video below to Instagram last night. Behold, the dance move of the summer…the Serpentine Cowgirl: Lindsay Lohan Drunk Dance Video Yes, we heard reports that Lindsay moved to London so that her drunken exploits would be in the headlines less often, but apparently no one told her that in order for that plan to work, she would have to stop posting online photos and videos of herself looking completely s–tfaced! Rumor has it that Lohan’s drug of choice is ecstasy these days, but it seems like the cowgirl’s got a bellyfull of good old-fashioned moonshine in this clip. In case you can’t make out the audio, the dude holding the camera introduces Lindsay as his “favorite cowgirl.” She then corrects him and informs us that she’s a “serpentine cowgirl.”  Good to know! Of course, like the great silent films of old, the dialogue isn’t all that important here.  It’s Lindsay’s awe-inspiring booze-tastic dance moves that really make the video worth your time. We’ll understand if you need to watch it on repeat in order to  learn the routine yourself. We recommend downing a liter of Jim Beam first. 17 Wackest Photos of Lindsay Lohan 1. Lindsay Lohan: Teeth This is not exactly Lindsay Lohan at her best. Then again, when was the last time we saw Lindsay Lohan at her best?

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Lindsay Lohan: Drunk Dance Video Posted to Instagram! Hilarious!

Tulisa Contostavlos’ Bikini Fest Has Come To An End

Bad news, everybody: looks like the great Tulisa Contostavlos bikini vacation of 2013 has finally come to an end. Oh well, it was a good run while it lasted. I even almost learned how to spell Tulisa’s name without any help. Almost. Anyway, we’ll be printing up commemorative mugs and t-shirts soon. They’ll say, “Tulisa Contostavlos went to the beach and all I got was this raging pant fire.” Pre-order yours today. » view all 29 photos Photos:  WENN.com

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Tulisa Contostavlos’ Bikini Fest Has Come To An End

Tulisa Contostavlos’ Bikini Fest Has Come To An End

Bad news, everybody: looks like the great Tulisa Contostavlos bikini vacation of 2013 has finally come to an end. Oh well, it was a good run while it lasted. I even almost learned how to spell Tulisa’s name without any help. Almost. Anyway, we’ll be printing up commemorative mugs and t-shirts soon. They’ll say, “Tulisa Contostavlos went to the beach and all I got was this raging pant fire.” Pre-order yours today. » view all 29 photos Photos:  WENN.com

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Tulisa Contostavlos’ Bikini Fest Has Come To An End

Wal Mart

So Wal Mart has been tooting it’s own green horn for a while now, spending millions to remake their image and introduce greener products. You may have seen the signs telling you to buy fluorescent lightbulbs and canvas grocery bags (I won’t even start with the fluorescent light bulbs, that is another post.) But I was talking to two of my co-workers the other day, and we were discussing what we personally do that is eco-friendly. I was amazed at the effort one of my co-workers puts into it, far outdoing me in many categories. I can only hope to catch up to her soon. But she mentioned that when she gets married in September, she is banning her new husband from bringing plastic bags into their house. I thought this was interesting. I hate plastic bags, they are such a waste. And the fact that there is an aggregate of trash the size of Texas floating around the Pacific that comes from American waste makes me sick. But beyond that, China has managed to ban plastic bags entirely in their country. Did everyone perish from their inability to get their groceries home? No. Why can’t we do that too? It seems like such a simple step, and in China, the only people who suffered from this were the plastic bag manufacturers. Sometimes you have to break a few eggs to make an omelet. As much as Wal Mart claims to be green, it’s simple things like banning plastic sacks altogether that would make a real impression. Until actual effort that creates change in consumer behavior is in place, I am going to judge the Wal Mart greening efforts as nothing more than a marketing ruse. I wish I could be optimistic like the great environmentalist Paul Hawkens, when he said, “If corporations say they are green long enough, eventually they will start to believe their own lies, and then maybe we will see real change.” However, I believe that money talks, and until it is unprofitable for corporations to be wasteful, we will not see any changes. And how do you enforce environmental penalties for wasteful companies when you are already in trouble with the lagging economy? Most environmental changes will require some capital up front to get them moving, but at the same time, we can’t afford not to care anymore.

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Wal Mart

Drought in Texas

Drought in Texas has caused water rationing laws to be put in place. Anyone caught illegally watering their lawn and gardens are being fined. http://www.kfor.com/news/local/kfor-news-ap-texas-drought-story,0,3608438.story

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Drought in Texas

Article on Voices of Oklahoma

Hi Everyone, I wrote this article on public transportation in Oklahoma, and it was published at voicesofok.org. It is an important issue in Oklahoma, and I’ve written about it before. I hope you all enjoy the article. http://www.voicesofok.org/2009/07/how-we-move-oklahoma-looks-at-public-transit/

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Article on Voices of Oklahoma

Alaska Defends Itself

A twelve mile organic gelatinous blob attacked the coast of Alaska this week, devouring wildlife and messing up shorelines, in what some people believe was an attack formulated to hit while the Alaskan defense system is weak. Alaska Governor and former Vice Presidential Contender Sarah Palin recently announced that she would be resigning from her post as governor, and turning over the position to Lt. Gov. Sean Parnell, according to cnn.com. Without Palin’s intimidating defense strategies, the state of Alaska is left wide open to attacks from sea monsters. “We just have been watching what is going on with, like the pipeline, and now the logging stuff , and we thought we would pre-emptively strike to defend ourselves,” said Neptune, god of the ocean. If overfishing and pollution don’t decrease in the next year, and if Alaska doesn’t provide a detailed plan to improve marine life, Neptune says they may have to release the Kraken.

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Alaska Defends Itself

Top Ten Green Websites

Hello all, Sorry for the delays in posting this summer, one of the classes I have taken on has proven to be a major usurper of free time. Anyways, I saw this today on Twitter, and thought I’d share the link. It’s the top ten green blogs: http://www.murraynewlands.com/index.php/2009/07/top-10-green-blogs-the-most-popular-top-10-green-blogs-review/ Hope you all enjoy it, I will be posting intermittently until I finish this class at the first of August.

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Top Ten Green Websites


I saw this video on CNN this morning: Embedded video from CNN Video If I was going to buy a water bottle off of the shelf, and had the option of a plastic bottle, or this, I would always choose this. I hope that this kid makes a fortune with his idea. I would like to see more innovation to reduce plastic usage.

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