Tag Archives: like-the-type

Man Are Bigots, Bruv: Met Police In London Increase “Stop And Search” 19% Among Black Folks

Source: NIKLAS HALLE'N / Getty London’s Met Police Significantly Increase “Stop And Search” Of Black People The world is a ghetto according to the legendary band WAR and the unfair police practices that are oppressing our brothas and sistas across the pond are proof positive of their 1972 proclamation. According to The Guardian , “stop and search”, the UK version of “stop and frisk”, went up 19% among Black people while white folks rate of search only increased by 5%. For reference, Black folks are 15.6% of London’s population while white folks make up 59.8%, yet somehow of all the searches done in 2018 Black people accounted for 43% and whites only accounted for 35%. In 2014 Black were 2.6 times more likely to be stopped by Met Police, in 2018, we were 4.2 times more likely to be stopped. The Met defended its actions saying youths from an “African-Caribbean heritage” were more likely than whites to be knife attackers or victims, and it was a crucial way to catch criminals and keep youngsters safe. It said violence “disproportionately affects areas with a more ethnically diverse population”. Crazy how much all of this sounds EXACTLY like the type of BS they tell us here in the U.S. The figures for 2018 shows there were 10.8 stops for every 1,000 white people, while for black people in London it was 50.2 stops per thousand of population. The fact that cops still trot out these ridiculous stats in an attempt to prove that Blacks and people of color are more likely to commit violent crimes is wholly offensive. Sgt Tola Munro, the president of the National Black Police Association, said: “It is no excuse to suggest that weapons or drugs are more likely to be found on black and Asian people. Even if there were that does not excuse this disproportionality – it’s not unconscious, it’s systemic racial profiling.” The hashtag might not be as popular as it once was, but #BlackLivesMatter still.

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Man Are Bigots, Bruv: Met Police In London Increase “Stop And Search” 19% Among Black Folks

Celebrity Cribs: Take An Inside Look At John Legend And Chrissy Teigen’s $4 Million

Look Around John Legend and Chrissy Teigen’s $4 Million Condo John Legend and Chrissy Teigen have sold their $4 million Manhattan condo. The couple bought the 2-bedroom and 2-bathroom place in 2012. It’s 2000 square feet with wood floors, cast iron columns, and exposed brick walls. Looks like the type of place where John Legend isn’t allowed to touch anything except the piano. Flip the page a couple times to see how the happy couple used to live. Image via WENN/CoreNYC

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Celebrity Cribs: Take An Inside Look At John Legend And Chrissy Teigen’s $4 Million

Hannah Ferguson Spreads Out Good

I have no clue what Ocean Drive Magazine is, or where you can get a copy, but it kind of sounds like the type of thing that’d be buried under four-month-old People Magazines at your dentist’s office. But somehow they managed to get one of my favorite underrated SI swimsuit models  Hannah Ferguson for their cover. And trust me, this is one photoshoot you definitely don’t want to miss. And just in case someone already swiped it from your dentist, I’ve got the full thing for you below. Enjoy. » view all 13 photos

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Hannah Ferguson Spreads Out Good

Brandy Aniston Jessa Rhodes Seem Like Classy Ladies

Here’s porn stars Brandy Aniston and Jessa Rhodes getting friendly under the mistletoe at HeadQuarters Gentlemen’s Club’s annual XXXmas Party in New York. And I know that I’ve been complaining a lot lately about all the hottie-filled holiday parties I haven’t been invited to this year, but I think this one hurts me the most. I mean, not inviting me to a fancy charity event, I get. I think black sweatpants constitute formal-wear. But not inviting me to a strip club party where porn stars make out with each other? That’s just not right! » view all 25 photos Photos: WENN.com

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Brandy Aniston Jessa Rhodes Seem Like Classy Ladies

Bai Ling Wins Best-dressed Nobody Title

Micaela Schaefer might want to watch out, because it looks like Bai Ling is coming for her best-dressed nobody title after walking around LA looking like the type of hottie you don’t want the cops to catch you talking to from your car. But a little competition is definitely a good thing, and Bai’s always been hot in a crazy, stab you in your sleep kind of way. Although if you ask me, that hotness is probably best enjoyed from a safe distance. And I don’t just mean a doctor-recommended 10 inches away from your computer screen. » view all 13 photos Photos: WENN.com

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Bai Ling Wins Best-dressed Nobody Title

Poor Thang: Softcore Rapper Drake Says He’s Sick Of People Calling Him Emotional And Lonely

But… Drake Talks About Not Being An Emotional Rapper In a new interview he did with Q Radio , Drizzy says he is fed up of people only thinking him as a lonely and emo rapper: “I’m so sick of people saying that I’m lonely and emotional , and associating me with this longing for a woman…Yeah, I hate that, man. It bothers me so much. I do make music that makes you feel something. But I’m actually not that guy in real life. I’m very happy. I’m not content by any means, I mean, I want to keep working, but I’m a happy person. I’m very excited. My life is constantly exciting. It’s not some sad, depressing story.” Drake also says he feels like he doesn’t get enough credit in the music industry: “What bothers me most is sometimes I feel like I don’t get enough credit ’cause I’m not enough of a loose cannon. People just want me to go off more and lose my composure. That’s not me. I’m a naturally poised individual, I don’t want to come out making mistakes.” Do you consider Drake a rapper that is soft or too emotional?? Drake does seem like the type of guy to fart in a toilet and flush it.

Poor Thang: Softcore Rapper Drake Says He’s Sick Of People Calling Him Emotional And Lonely

Angry Bird Beef: Angela Stanton Brings The Heat To Phaedra Parks’ Shady Azz On Twitter Over Court Date

Phaedra , girl you in trouble. Angela seems a little too happy to be going to court so she must be telling the truth. Phaedra seems like the type of lawyer who would help a mob boss hide his money to avoid tax evasion. We’re just saying. Do you think Phaedra and her shady ways will be exposed?

Angry Bird Beef: Angela Stanton Brings The Heat To Phaedra Parks’ Shady Azz On Twitter Over Court Date

Selena Gomez Keeps It Cute And Classy

I’m usually a big fan of the way Selena Gomez has been looking more grown-up these days, but mostly because that usually means more cleavage-heavy photoshoots, not classy ones like this. So don’t get me wrong, Selena definitely looks cute here, and like the type of girl I could take home to Mom, but I prefer it when she looks more like the type of girl I’d sneak into Mom’s basement instead. » view all 11 photos Related Articles: Selena Gomez’s Cuteness Gets Molested Selena Gomez Gets Her Cute On Selena Gomez Is A Nice Young Lady Selena Gomez Is A Sexy Babysitter

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Selena Gomez Keeps It Cute And Classy

Selena Gomez beach bikini

Along with being super hot Selena Gomez looks like the type of chick that you could hang out with and have a good time rather than just spending all your time in the bedroom fucking. Not that you will ever get a chance to do that of course. Continue reading

Carmen Electra Classes Up The Cleavage

I was a little surprised by these pictures of Carmen Electra in a photoshoot for Regard magazine, not because she still looks hot, but because she’s still finding work. Strange. I would have thought that by now, at her age, she would be married to a Saudi Prince or Russian oil billionaire and not need to do any of this crap anymore. She seems like the type who has business cards with the title ‘Trophy Wife’ on it.