Tag Archives: lives-matter

Chilli from TLC Says All Lives Matter, and Twitter Can’t Deal

Remember when TLC was the ultimate in girl groups , when songs like “Waterfalls” and “No Scrubs” were the songs of a generation? According to Twitter, those days are officially over. See, in a new interview, TLC’s Chilli and T-Boz (RIP Left Eye) were asked about the Black Lives Matter movement, and if they felt strongly about it or attended any marches. Chilli answered with “I personally didn’t go into any marches, or anything like that, but for me, all lives matter, you know what I mean?” If you’re not aware, it’s important to note at this point that responding to anything about Black Lives Matter with “all lives matter” is seriously frowned upon by many, many people . “There is a time when different groups are targets for different things,” Chilli said to further explain her stance. “So I just think that, just the whole … you know … what happened with the police brutality against these young black boys and stuff like that, all of that kind of stuff is wrong, even if it was a caucasian teen kid that this was happening to or whatever.” “It’s just not right.” She added that perhaps people in positions with authority should be subject to more thorough background checks, and a “mental stability kind of check” to see if they’re fit for that kind of work. Interestingly enough, the ladies were also asked about Donald Trump, and T-Boz said that she doesn’t care about him. “God is my president,” she said, “so I just feel sorry for the people it affects, but I don’t care about him.” As an American, T-Boz, you’re the people it affects . Girl. Right, so TLC did this bizarre interview, then Twitter found out about it. And it did not go over well. “Please stick to the rivers and the lane that you’re used to,” one person tweeted in an adorable play on the lyrics to “Waterfalls.” Another savagely wrote “The caucasian scenario Chilli made up doesn’t happen, so she’s canceled, & I’m glad Usher cheated on her, music wouldn’t be the same.” “How are TLC, proud pioneers of social consciousness in the 90s, gon’ be so ignorant on the Black Lives Matter movement,” one sad soul wondered. “Beyond disappointed.” A patient Twitter user took the time to explain “Chilli has missed the point. We know all lives matter. The title is supposed to be sarcastically ‘Black Lives Matter TOO.'” As for the late, great Left Eye, one person that she is “rolling in her grave. She would never.” What a mess. Are you as troubled by TLC’s comments as the rest of the internet seems to be? View Slideshow: 18 Celebrities Who Think #BlackLivesMatter

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Chilli from TLC Says All Lives Matter, and Twitter Can’t Deal

Race Matters: Florida Homeowner Offended After Being Asked To Take Down ‘Blue Lives Matter’ Flag

This flag is causing controversy in one SJC neighborhood. Homeowner being asked to take it down, neighbor complained to HOA @ActionNewsJax pic.twitter.com/Q5rEWNKh5h — Beth Rousseau (@BethANJax) March 21, 2017 Blue Lives Matter Flag Causes Controversy In Florida Neighborhood Story via CBS A Florida dad says his daughter has been flying her “ Blue Lives Matter ” flag outside her home for years. So, it came as a shock to them when her Home Owners association sent a letter, asking the daughter of someone in law enforcement, to remove it. “If you drive by and see that flag, it kind of makes you feel a little bit better, that there’s a family that supports what I’m doing,” ” her father Jeff Gaddie said. The neighborhood only allows military-themed and American flags to fly. The Homeowner’s Association say well actually , the Gaddies daughter was supposed to send a formal request to fly the flag and didn’t initially . When she finally did, the request was denied. They also say that the flag is offended neighbors with its anti-Black Lives Matter message. Gaddie’s dad continues “we’ve got black officers, we’ve got Asian officers, we’re got every race,” Gaddie said. “I mean for them to say it’s racist, blue is not a race, it’s the furthest thing from it.” We get it sir, take it down now.

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Race Matters: Florida Homeowner Offended After Being Asked To Take Down ‘Blue Lives Matter’ Flag

Cam Newton Walks Out Of Press Conference Following Loss To Saints

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Just weeks after preaching All Lives Matter rhetoric, Cam Newton is catching flack again. The Carolina Panthers are currently 1-5 on the season and 4th in the NFC South, and a happy Cam Newton that does not make. After Sunday night’s 41-38 loss against the New Orleans Saints, Newton walked out of the post game press conference. […]

Cam Newton Walks Out Of Press Conference Following Loss To Saints

Fantasia Cancels “All Lives Matter” Concert After Twitter Cancelled Her

Fantasia Barrino‘s heart may have been in the right place when she decided to organize her poorly-themed “All Lives Matter” concert. The R&B star cancelled the Charlotte concert Sunday due to logistical reasons, but not before Twitter cancelled Fantasia for standing in tandem with the All Lives crew. Continue

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Fantasia Cancels “All Lives Matter” Concert After Twitter Cancelled Her

Rob & Chyna: Will Tokyo Toni Turn Up On Blac Chyna’s Father For His Nearly 30-Year-Old Dirty Doggin’ Antics? [Video]

Tokyo looks like she’s big mad about Chyna’s dad impregnating her and half the DMV area around the same time 28 years ago… On this Sunday’s Rob & Chyna, Rob Kardashian and Blac Chyna travel to Washington, D.C. to visit her mom Tokyo Toni for the Fourth of July. While in town, the couple has dinner with Chyna’s mom, her dad Eric Sr. and three of her dad’s kids. E!

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Rob & Chyna: Will Tokyo Toni Turn Up On Blac Chyna’s Father For His Nearly 30-Year-Old Dirty Doggin’ Antics? [Video]

Anthony Hamilton Says He Had No Knowledge Of ‘All Lives Matter’ Flyer And Believes Black Lives Matter

#BlackLivesMatter ✊ | Read my article here: https://t.co/0YZcoZcEVB @ pic.twitter.com/cUarJ71eGB — Anthony Hamilton (@HamiltonAnthony) September 25, 2016 Anthony Hamilton And Fantasia Clear Up “All Lives Matter” Debacle There was a strange bit of confusion earlier today when a flyer advertising a performance starring  Fantasia and Anthony Hamilton was tagged with “All Lives Matter.” Charlotte has seen steady protests within the last few days due to the police shooting and killing of Keith Scott. There has been very little positive feedback from a majority of Black Twitter when it comes to anyone shouting “all lives matter,” so one can guess at the type of response the flyer garnered. Both artists have spoken out since the flyer has gone viral. Fantasia created an Instagram video saying the show was canceled.   Important message regarding tonight’s event which is now rescheduled for next week. Thank you to the city of Charlotte. God laid it on my heart to do this event. For the full video please visit http://facebook.com/fantasia Anthony Hamilton posted his video directly on Twitter, saying he had no knowledge of the flyer and that he believed “black lives matter.” He pointed to an earlier article he wrote on The Root affirming his stance. Unfortunately, there was a flyer put out with my name on it. That I didn’t approve. An all lives matter flyer. If you really wanna know how I feel about our people, where we are, and the injustice, there’s an article I wrote about 2 days ago. It’s posted. Go to the TheRoot.com and you can see exactly how I feel. I’m a father of six black males. So black lives do matter. And I approve this message. Shout out to both artists for being willing to clear that up.

Originally posted here:
Anthony Hamilton Says He Had No Knowledge Of ‘All Lives Matter’ Flyer And Believes Black Lives Matter

NAACP Highlight of the Day

Her name is Jurnee Smollett-Bell…and she’s a half black / half Jewish, full amazing 29 year old who is probably not best known from being on Full House in the early 90s as one of the Olsen Twins accessible / white enough / black friends…you know since that’s how the media is when it comes to black people..as long as they are white enough to the white people, not necessarily in color but in the way they carry themselves and speak…or if they are on the Halle Berry / Drake and now Jurnee Smollett-Bell half black is black enough to get the storyline across… But she’s got great tits…so Oscars shouldn’t be so white…they should be more about these tits.. That said, since Full House she’s done a bunch of shows and movies, none of them that substantial because I’ve never heard of her…but now she’s in some Louisina Slave show where she plays a “shy house slave, working on a plantation in 1857″…. All this to say BlackLivesMatter, Support your local black person and the NAACP, because OscarSoWhite and not representative of the country, except for the host who is black, even though No Lives Matter, even if the black is also Russian Jew, as long as the tits are pushed out like this…. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post NAACP Highlight of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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NAACP Highlight of the Day

No Chill: Funniest Instagram Comments Of The Week, Vol. 5

Hilarious IG Comments Back again with another collection of hilariously messy Instagram comments for your weekend-before-Halloween-weekend cackles. Hit the flip for the funniest Instagram comments of the week. Continue reading

Faux News’ Douchebag O’Reilly Says Obama Is “Sympathetic” To “Cop Killing” #BlackLivesMatter

Bill O’Reilly Suggest2 President Obama Endorses The Death Of Police Officers There is no end to the copious amount of bull$#!t Bill O’Reilly is willing to spew about our President, our country and most infuriatingly, African-American community. After President Obama showed his support for the #BlackLivesMatter movement by explaining (for the 50-11th time) to the pinheads and morons exactly what the activist hashtag-turned-hot-button is truly about, O’Reilly hopped his lily-white azz up on Faux News to talk more s#!t about the POTUS… Gotta give Bill credit for this, he has an uncanny talent to twist, pervert, and misrepresent the truth in favor of his divisive, ratings-boosting narrative. Eff this guy. On the next page, you can see President Obama’s reaction to Republicans like ol’ Billy boy who just can’t seem to find anything good to say… Image via YouTube Continue reading

Don’t Give Up On BAE Yet: Michael B. Jordan Clarifies ‘All Lives Matter’ Rumor And Apologizes For Crass Use Of ‘Females’

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Michael B. Jordan sets the record straight on “All Lives Matter’ rumor and apologizes to Black women for insensitive comments.

Don’t Give Up On BAE Yet: Michael B. Jordan Clarifies ‘All Lives Matter’ Rumor And Apologizes For Crass Use Of ‘Females’