Tag Archives: liza minnelli

Late Night Highlights: Liza Minnelli Wants a Role on Glee

Do you know who would really, really like to guest star on Glee ? Broadway legend (and apparently Lady Gaga’s inspiration), Liza Minnelli. At least that is what the icon told Jimmy Fallon last night. Elsewhere, David Letterman mocked Lindsay Lohan, Joel McHale made fun of Craig Ferguson’s newlywed audience members, and Conan O’B rien ate hot wings with Jason Sudeikis before performing a scene from The Social Network .

Read more:
Late Night Highlights: Liza Minnelli Wants a Role on Glee

Liza vs. Arlene: Who’d You Rather?

Filed under: Who’d You Rather? Living legend Liza Minnelli, 63, and Lorenzo Lamas’ mother Arlene Dahl, 81, stunned the crowd at an event in NYC last week.Question is ..

Originally posted here:
Liza vs. Arlene: Who’d You Rather?

‘Gossip’ Guy with a Z

Filed under: We’re Just Sayin’ Here’s “Gossip Girl” co-star Chris Riggi at a film premiere in NYC on Monday (left) — and living legend Liza Minnelli at some event in NYC last month (right).XOXOWe’re just sayin’. See Also ‘Mad Men’ Star & Hubby: Jack White & Wife 2.0 ..

Read the rest here:
‘Gossip’ Guy with a Z

Liza Minnelli on MJ — ‘I Miss My Friend’

Filed under: Michael Jackson Liza Minnelli’s vivacious energy dimmed for only a few seconds yesterday at JFK, when she lamented the death of her dear “friend” Michael Jackson.After that, it was business as usual … and yes, that is Ed Hardy she’s wearing

Go here to see the original:
Liza Minnelli on MJ — ‘I Miss My Friend’

Jennifer Lopez — What Was Your First Clue?

Filed under: Jennifer Lopez Knock her over with a feather. Jennifer Lopez was stunned by hubby Marc Anthony’s handiwork — a surprise 40th birthday party for her last night in NYC.

Read more from the original source:
Jennifer Lopez — What Was Your First Clue?