Tag Archives: locked-herself

Kim Richards: Rehab-Bound After Drunken Arrest

Kim Richards has taken the first step on a hopeful path to recovery: The reality star has admitted she needs professional assistance. According to TMZ insiders, The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills star – who was arrested for drunken behavior on April 16 – has checked into a Malibu rehab facility. Richards allegedly had way too much to drink at a lunch in the Beverly Hills Hotel… locked herself in the bathroom… and then kicked a police officer after being taken into custody. She was booked and charged with trespassing, resisting arrest, public intoxication, and battery. The issue of Kim’s sobriety was a issue of contention for cast members and for anyone who chose to watch to watch The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills online . Richards swore throughout the season that she was sober, but fights broke out with Lisa Rinna and sister Kyle over the validity of this statement. Since her embarrassing arrest, the rumor mill has been churning over whether or not Kim Richards will return next year to The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills. One report said Richard had to attend rehab if there were any chance for her to continue on Bravo, which may explain why TMZ writes Kim will remain at this facility “for as long as it takes.” We hope she gets better. View Slideshow: 17 Reality Stars Who Need to Check into Rehab

Kim Richards: Rehab-Bound After Drunken Arrest

Sara Sampaio for Jeremy Scott of the Day

Sara Sampaio is the skinny Portuguese model who Victoria’s Secret has recruited to be the next Adriana Lima…and I guess they’ve given her to Jeremy Scott for Adidas because I guess they are tyring to get her in with the hipster rappers who don’t seem to care that they are wearing flamboyant because they don’t seem to care about gay guys dressing them even though they hate gays, it’s part of hip hop…and I guess she’s not looking all that hot, but I figure any girl dressed let a ghetto hood rat video vixen, is good enough for me to stare at…for 4-5 seconds…which happens to be the amount of time I spent ont this post…I am hard hitting journalism like that… [gallery}

Sara Sampaio for Jeremy Scott of the Day

Elizabeth Gillies Likes Ghosts for Facebook of the Day

I dont’ really know who Elizabeth Gillies is…I’ve DONE A FEW POSTS ON HER in various states of being slutty on social media because no one actually cares about her – and her really lucrative career on some kids show – other than a bunch of perverts who were forced to watch the kids show and have that kids show be the only contact they have with the outside world – because the world has essentially chopped off their fucking testicles…and by world I mean their wife and kids…which brings up a good point about breeding, the most alpha thing to do…spreading your seed, for some reason always ends up with becoming a total bitch… Weird..but not as weird and amazing as her making blowjob faces and using some halloween app to slut it up – simulating a load on her face – because that’s what it looks like and we all know that Elizabeth Gillies is well aware, that’s why she did this.

Here is the original post:
Elizabeth Gillies Likes Ghosts for Facebook of the Day

Courtney Stodden Naked for for Instagram of the Day

Courtney Stodden posted this picture of her strategically – yet fully nude – reminding me why I like Courtney Stodden. She’s just this balance of fame whore, clown with silly circus sized tits, who pretends to be 18 or 19 and married to an old dude, when she’s really probably in her 40s, and the whole Courtney Stodden experience is just perfect…sure I’d throw in more porn, but at the same time, she looks like a typical pornstar and that would just make her like everyone else, when the real allure is that she looks and acts it, but isn’t it, keeping me wanting more… My one life regret in recent years was being invited to her Halloween party last year, and not going…I guess I’ll just look at her instagram porn – because I can.

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Courtney Stodden Naked for for Instagram of the Day

Lindsay Lohan Falls on Her Face of the Day

Lindsay Lohan fell. It brought me great joy. She’s been falling for the last 10 years, on the regular, if you were to google it you’d see her falling all over the place. Maybe her meds, drugs, drinking, starving herself make her dizzy, maybe she can’t handle the heels, I mean the one and only time I spent the night with her – she fell on her fucking face…but I didn’t see her drink, she just locked herself in the bedroom with her friend Juliette and railed enough cocaine to kill a small animal, but not enough cocaine to think that dancing to her music album in her heels and pajama pants was a bad idea….those were the days…2009…when I peaked..it’s been all downhill since…5 years of emptiness…but at least there’s still Lohan, living, alive, falling…amazing…

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Lindsay Lohan Falls on Her Face of the Day

Lindsay Lohan Jogging cuz She’s a Fitness Icon of the Day

Lindsay Lohan may be an unstable crackhead, addicted to countless pills as well as illegal drugs and alcohol…you know a walking disaster who I’ve been with at least once after she locked herself in her hotel room with her friend to “do party tricks”…before coming out and doing a dance show… She’s a broken girl and I just don’t think she has it in her spoiled brat soul…to ever grow the fuck up, realize what she has, and focus on doing good things, producing good product, or whatever other opportunity that comes to an under 30 who looked 60 with her level of fame… But throughout all the hard times, the emaciated half dead to the chubbier faced filled better years…she’s always been one thing to me…a fitness guru… So seeing her post her fitness on her instagram, is just as insane as she is….and for some reason it is a fitness program I would sign up to…because I am sure it’s like a fucking horrible circus. I am into whatever the fuck this is.

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Lindsay Lohan Jogging cuz She’s a Fitness Icon of the Day

Lindsay Lohan Jogging cuz She’s a Fitness Icon of the Day

Lindsay Lohan may be an unstable crackhead, addicted to countless pills as well as illegal drugs and alcohol…you know a walking disaster who I’ve been with at least once after she locked herself in her hotel room with her friend to “do party tricks”…before coming out and doing a dance show… She’s a broken girl and I just don’t think she has it in her spoiled brat soul…to ever grow the fuck up, realize what she has, and focus on doing good things, producing good product, or whatever other opportunity that comes to an under 30 who looked 60 with her level of fame… But throughout all the hard times, the emaciated half dead to the chubbier faced filled better years…she’s always been one thing to me…a fitness guru… So seeing her post her fitness on her instagram, is just as insane as she is….and for some reason it is a fitness program I would sign up to…because I am sure it’s like a fucking horrible circus. I am into whatever the fuck this is.

See the original post here:
Lindsay Lohan Jogging cuz She’s a Fitness Icon of the Day