Tag Archives: magazine-issue

Marisa Miller’s Hotness Comeback!

Once upon a time, Marisa Miller used to be one of the hottest models out there, but then she disappeared for a while. Still, the great thing about a party for a magazine issue dedicated to chicks in bikinis and body paint is that it encourages everybody who shows up to bring their A-game. Which is exactly what Marisa did. I just hope this is the beginning of a serious hotness comeback for one of my former favorite models and not a one-time thing. Because a blogger could get used to more of this. » view all 11 photos Photos: WENN.com

Originally posted here:
Marisa Miller’s Hotness Comeback!

Nora Arnezeder

Magazine Issue March Continue reading

Justin Bieber Vanity Fair Photo

Justin Bieber is on the cover of the February 2011 issue of Vanity Fair magazine. Inside the magazine there is a huge spread with a number of pictures of Justin along with an in-depth interview with the pop star. Above is one of the pictures from the magazine photo shoot – adorable! Be sure to let us know if you pick up a copy of the new magazine issue and what you think of Justin’s interview and photo shoot inside.

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Justin Bieber Vanity Fair Photo

The House that One Man Can Lift. Sanctuary Magazine Showcases This and More.

Magnetic Island house exterior Photo: Robin Gauld for Sanctuary magazine issue 12 When it came time for our architecture writer, Lloyd, to select the Best Shelter Magazine for TreeHugger’s 2010 Best of Green Awards in Design and Architecture he quickly made his choice: Sanctuary Magazine, from Australia’s Alternative Technology Association (ATA). Indeed he gushed, “so mu… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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The House that One Man Can Lift. Sanctuary Magazine Showcases This and More.

Speidi Takes A Stand

It’s hard to tell if we find Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt nowadays, or if they find us.

Levi Johnston and Tripp Hump GQ

DON'T MISS Bristol's Dad Really Wanted Her to Break Up With Levi Johnston Levi Johnston's Alter Ego: Ricky Hollywood Bristol, Levi Rule Morning News Show With Abstinence Debate The Republican and GOP convention's once photo-op fixture Levi Jonhston continues his media tour of striking out on his own and away from his baby's mother – Bristol Palin – and former Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin's clan.

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Levi Johnston and Tripp Hump GQ