Tag Archives: make-as-much

Lady Gaga’s Saggy Tits of the Day

Lady Gaga is disgusting, and not just because of her face, but because of everything she represents, embodies…her insecurities from High School for being the loser rich girl who looked like shit…carried into her overcompensation as an adult…trying to be all unique and different, when really just being a hack, stealing ideas from other people, a puppet…who would try so hard to make as much noise as possible…and it worked because the population is crazy and stupid…her songs brainwashing and addictive…penetrating our brains and even when showing her tits…she’s dull…but at least she’s showing her tits…I guess… I mean there are countless things we could be looking at…. Instead of anything Lady Gaga oriented. The post Lady Gaga’s Saggy Tits of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Lady Gaga’s Saggy Tits of the Day

Nicki Minaj Butt Shot of the Day

Nicki Minaj is releasing a new song…so she’s taken to her social media to post a picture of her fat fake ass…because I guess like all these other starlets who don’t realize that the world has heard enough from them..she’s gotta keep on producing nonsense…knowing that it will sell because people are easy to brainwash…but more importantly…are easy to clickbait…all it takes is some nude or semi nude pics… She’s not hot, was never hot, but at least she’s trying to be compelling with her body, something she probably missed out in Drama School before she was famous because she was more of a PRECIOUS than whatever the fuck this is…. The post Nicki Minaj Butt Shot of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Nicki Minaj Butt Shot of the Day

Gianna Nannini Topless on the Beach of the Day

You know what, I don’t post nearly enough topless beach pics of Italian pop stars who are in their 60s…you know where they are topless on the beach because that’s what you do in Europe, topless is what they consider bikini tops..as they should… And there is a reason for that… The post Gianna Nannini Topless on the Beach of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Gianna Nannini Topless on the Beach of the Day

Hilary Duff Feeding Pussy of the Day

How about some clickbait of Hilary Duff feeding a bunch of cats at a cat farm where they milk the cats to make cat milk and cheese because cat milk is cheaper to produce than Dairy Milk and when all mixed together…no dumb consumer knows the fucking difference…they just drink it up, make it into ice cream…whatever they can do to cut costs…it’s the American Capitalistic Way…something Hilary Duff lives by, because she also cut corners to make as much stupid money as she possible could, so that now she sits on a pile of money and can afford the luxury of going to cat dairy farms to feed the cats before they get milked… In other news, she posted a slutty selfie, because all women are slutty, and want to be sexualized, even when they aren’t hot…but lucky for Hilary Duff…she’s hot…better than ever…thick and juicy…I’d eat it all up…like a boy of cat milk yogurt… The post Hilary Duff Feeding Pussy of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Hilary Duff Feeding Pussy of the Day

Bella Thorne Weird Shorts of the Day

Bella Thorne is wearing some weird shorts today, because regular cut off shots that ride up her ass aren’t good enough for her, she’s gotta go straight late 80s when I cut my own cut offs from a pair of jeans I owned, the only pair of jeans I owned, I was and remain poor as fuck, and ended up with something a little like this, but probably sexier, at least to a pedophile into 15 year old boys in cut off jeans, because sex appeal is subjective, I’ve found some of the most disgusting things hot over the years, even the occasional fat chick, because hot is a higher concept than just physical…it’s how a slut carries herself, or how she sucks a dick, or how she rejects me over and over making me want to fuck her out of spite…you know there’s lots to why someone is hot…and this Bella Thorne is hot because she’s a young, tight enough bodied, working actress in a world where actors don’t make as much as they used to and don’t matter the way they used to…but when they slut out on instagram like an instagram whore – they are perfect….exhibitionism from a professional liar who was sold out as a kid…and knows all the right moves…wonderful…so Bella Thorne…I dig… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Bella Thorne Weird Shorts of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Bella Thorne Weird Shorts of the Day

Ariel Winter Turns 19 And Poses With her Best Friend – CAKE of the Day

I know people don’t watch TV anymore, I know that they are more into netflix, so that these people like Ariel Winter, who have been on a hit sitcom don’t actually matter. Sure they have a big fan base, but that’s because they have a team of people pushing their brand to make as much as they can – while the TV industry slowly dies and actors remain a dime a dozen… I know some people love this Ariel Winter pig, because they still watch TV and because they like young girls with huge tits they see grow up….mainly because of the huge tits…that she’s gone so far to cut off and that grew back because she’s just that fat…. Well, she’s turned 19, no longer barely legal to fuck, she’s already a year too old for that fetish, so she will just remain the rich girl exploited by her parents for TV career….who emotionally eats for the big titty fetishists…the feeder fetishists…the chubby chasers and the BBW lovers…oh and black dudes…or in her case gay disney kids who are opportunists leveraging her audience.. All this to say, here she is with her best secret friend making a public appearance…CAKE.. The post Ariel Winter Turns 19 And Poses With her Best Friend – CAKE of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Ariel Winter Turns 19 And Poses With her Best Friend – CAKE of the Day

Jessica Simpson CLunky with her Big Tits of the Day

Here’s some sturdy as fuck Jessica Simpson…all big tits…old and heavy big tits…with strong legs used to carry around the big tits…that aren’t bit tits that were lost in her million dollar Weight Watcher campaign…that took her from obese to this…billionaire clothing empire super star who can’t add 2 plus 2…but you don’t need to when you’ve got a team of people exploiting you to make as much money as they can off her…good deal…for everyone involved…even us..cuz we get to see them big ol’ tits… She looks all bow-legged like she’s ridden one too many ponies…or maybe she’s just trying not to shit herself from all the laxatives she takes to compensate for that texan BBQ emotional eating…who knows. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Jessica Simpson CLunky with her Big Tits of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

Jessica Simpson CLunky with her Big Tits of the Day

Miley Cyrus Asks People About Miley of the Day

Miley is a real joker…it’s hard to hate a puppet who isn’t a cunt about being a puppet, but rather is willing to make fun of herself for being a puppet, by going out there and making fun of herself in disguise… Sure she’s not a singer song writer, who has positioned women as weak, broken hearted in need of a man pussies – like Taylor Swift… Sure she doesn’t make as much Money as Taylor Swift…and is more of the polar opposite that I assume the record labels they are on set up as marketing… One wholesome, friend with everyone puppet…VS the other lesbian, genderless, titty flasher… Either way, the whole thing is dumb, but the video is solid…I guess it’s the only way these late night TV shows can stay relevant while no one watches TV…. Here she is wearing bunny ears…chewing Gum like a pile of trash BONUS – Here’s Ali Wentworth Flashing like she was Miley… I don’t know who Ali Wentworth is… The post Miley Cyrus Asks People About Miley of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Miley Cyrus Asks People About Miley of the Day

Ireland Baldwin’s Lesbianism of the Day

When you’re 6 foot tall and 180 pounds…pretty irrelevant as a model, despite wanting nothing more than to be a model, but forced to sit on the sidelines when your rich Malibu friends get modelling gigs…being a lesbian just makes sense…especially after everyone is looking at you because you have rich and famous parents, and you’re out there trying to make as much noise as possible to separate you that…being a lesbian just makes sense…even after being in a long term relationship with some dude she practically had sex with on instagram for likes…just makes sense…because being a young girl learning about her sexuality and realizing that being a lesbian gets talked about…makes posting it on the internet to generate buzz, whether it is legit, sincere or not…just makes sense…especially when it is interracial… We call this attention seeking. Like two fat girls at the club making out for pervert dudes who get excited when any two girls make out in front of them…but the famous parent version. FOr the record – I am all for lesbians….as long as they let me watch.

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Ireland Baldwin’s Lesbianism of the Day

Ireland Baldwin’s Lesbianism of the Day

When you’re 6 foot tall and 180 pounds…pretty irrelevant as a model, despite wanting nothing more than to be a model, but forced to sit on the sidelines when your rich Malibu friends get modelling gigs…being a lesbian just makes sense…especially after everyone is looking at you because you have rich and famous parents, and you’re out there trying to make as much noise as possible to separate you that…being a lesbian just makes sense…even after being in a long term relationship with some dude she practically had sex with on instagram for likes…just makes sense…because being a young girl learning about her sexuality and realizing that being a lesbian gets talked about…makes posting it on the internet to generate buzz, whether it is legit, sincere or not…just makes sense…especially when it is interracial… We call this attention seeking. Like two fat girls at the club making out for pervert dudes who get excited when any two girls make out in front of them…but the famous parent version. FOr the record – I am all for lesbians….as long as they let me watch.

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Ireland Baldwin’s Lesbianism of the Day