Tag Archives: making-it-work

WELP: Khloe Kardashian Says She’s Facing Too Many Trust Issues To Move To Cleveland With Tristan This Season

Photographer Group / Splash News Khloe Kardashian Cancels Move To Cleveland With Tristan Thompson Khloe Kardashian has been trying her damnedest to make it work with her boyfriend (when he feels faithful) Tristan Thompson for the sake of their 5-month-old daughter True Thompson…but the bounce back from infidelity isn’t going as smoothly as either of them anticipated. If you’ll recall, Khloe revealed plans to move back to Cleveland with her dirty doggin’ boo to keep an eye on him during the upcoming NBA season. But apparently, Khloe backed out of the big move at the last minute…we’re going to go ahead and guess that the recent rumors swirling around Tristan’s extracurricular activities at training camp and out at the club might have put a damper on her momentum to relocate to Ohio. As a source tells E! News : “Khloe had everything planned to leave for Cleveland early last week, and decided not to go. She doesn’t feel comfortable to leave her home and family in L.A. and head back to her life in Cleveland right now. She isn’t ready to go.” But according to another source, she simply can’t shake the feeling that Tristan isn’t done smashing randoms out here and just may make a whole fool of her once again: “Khloe has had many ups and downs lately with Tristan. Her and Tristan are not in the best place currently. Khloe wants to work things out for the sake of True, but it has been very difficult recently. She has huge trust issues that she has not overcome, and it’s definitely caused a rift. Khloe thought things would blow over, but she still has insecurities deep down.” And to top it all off, her family isn’t exactly rocking with her choice to continue riding the wave with her unfaithful baby daddy…but they do their best to bite their tongues. “In addition to her own insecurities about Tristan’s infidelity, Khloe is continuing to struggle with her family’s thoughts of Tristan as most of them haven’t forgiven him for cheating, even though they are trying to support Khloe’s decision to be with him. Everyone in the family ultimately wants what’s best for True, but they’re wary that Tristan will cheat again, and they hate seeing how this is effecting Khloe.” SMH. It seems that Khloe might be holding on to dust with this relationship. We get “making it work for the kid,” but in this case, the kid doesn’t even know where her nose is yet. It may be her best bet to go ahead and cut her losses now… SplashNews

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WELP: Khloe Kardashian Says She’s Facing Too Many Trust Issues To Move To Cleveland With Tristan This Season

Girl Tries Pepsi For the First Time, Bursts Into Tears

If you're a soda junkie you might be able to relate to this girl's elation. Or, you might find thinking, “Damn, it's just bubbly sugar water. Chill.” Either way it's worth 44 seconds of your time to see Elena up there try her first sip of Pepsi. Apparently, she's allergic to caffeine and…wasn't aware that caffeine-free Pepsi is a thing? We're not really sure, but in any event her boyfriend Mario wisely decided to record Elena's first-ever taste of the sweet stuff. As you can see, she liked it. A lot. Now she finally understands what Beyonce was so excited about in that commercial! Sadly, unless she gets her hands on a way-back machine, Elena will never know the beautiful, baffling glory that was Crystal Pepsi . Life is suffering.  

See the original post here:
Girl Tries Pepsi For the First Time, Bursts Into Tears

Paris Jackson Hangs With Michael Jackson Impersonator, Shows Off New Red Hair on Instagram!

Last time we checked in on Paris Jackson, it looked as though the 17-year-old had gotten secretly engaged to Chester Castellaw . Neither Paris nor her soccer-playing boo have confirmed the news yet, but whatever is going on in her life, Paris seems happier than ever. Considering Paris attempted suicide just two years ago, it’s a great relief to see her smiling, hanging out with friends, and generally just living the life of a normal teenager on her social media pages. In fact, Paris – who has a reputation for being a bit on the shy side – seems to be coming out of her shell more than ever based on some recent pics: First, she made some Michael Jackson impersonator’s life by posing for a pic with him. (Unless, of course, she made no mention of who she is, which would be even more epic.) Shortly thereafter, Paris showed off a new look by sporting some seriously bright red hair. Not a shade that everyone could pull off, but we think she’s making it work. Yes, Paris has a new boyfriend (and possible fiance) a new ‘do, and – it would appear – a new outlook on life. We’re sure Michael would approve.

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Paris Jackson Hangs With Michael Jackson Impersonator, Shows Off New Red Hair on Instagram!

Paula “The Bare Ass” LaBaredas Booty

I’ve posted a lot of pictures of this Paula LaBaredas chick on the site before, so much so that I think I should be credited with discovering her. I even gave her the nickname ‘The Bare Ass’ , but this is a little too much even for me. First of all this doesn’t really look like the hot nobody I’m used to, what’s with the wig and manly faces? If it weren’t for a couple of pretty clear shots of her crotch I would have said this was a tranny. Luckily her body saves the day. I don’t know why she’s posing like this in what looks like a comic book store, but I want to shop there.

Kelly Brook As A Busty Indiana Jones

I don’t know why Kelly Brook is dressed up as Indiana Jones , why do women do anything really, but she’s actually kinda making it work for me. Not bad. There’s something about a chick with a whip that I like. If she wants to get together and shoot a short little movie I’m always available. We can call it Indiana Jones and the Blogger’s Erection.      

Brad Womack on The Bachelor Secrecy: Brutal!

Two-time Bachelor Brad Womack says it’s been difficult keeping his engagement to Chantemily secret this entire season. We can imagine so. The long wait comes to an end March 14, however, and he says he can’t wait to reveal his choice to the world. He’s counting down the days. “Every Monday night since January 3 has not been a good night at my house,” he told People . “We will see how [my fiancee] handles it.” “I was particularly scared of the overnight, exotic date episode.” The pre-season finale blitz has Brad excited, but increasingly antsy. “It’s brutal. You go on [the show], you find someone, you choose each other and then you hit pause. You can’t just start the daily life stuff.” “I’m excited to move in together and go on real dates,” Brad Womack adds. “My only intention [in doing the show] was to start a future.” Hard as it’s been, and unclear as The Bachelor spoilers have been about the direction of the season, Brad was always sure of his choice. “Do I think this woman is the one? Damn right I do,” he says. “I probably shouldn’t say this but my heart was in a specific place pretty early on.” “I’m in love. There’s strength there and a real relationship. We have our ups and downs but we’re fighting through and making it work.” “I know everyone questioned my intentions but I know where my mind and heart are. I know what I want and who I want it with – her.” What do you think? Who should win The Bachelor?

Read more here:
Brad Womack on The Bachelor Secrecy: Brutal!

Source: Tiger and Elin Woods to Remain Married

We’ve debated if sex rehab can help Tiger Woods salvage his marriage and be a better man. The latter is up for debate, but it seems to have done the former

Source: Tiger and Elin Woods to Remain Married

Tiger Woods’ Marriage: Definitely Not Over!

Tiger Woods’ scorned wife has not left him yet, according to new reports, and it looks like she may not do so anytime soon, if at all! Are he and Elin making it work? The golfer’s marriage is “definitely not over,” a source says, and that’s because he realized he was about to lose everything when his cheating ways were exposed.

Go here to read the rest:
Tiger Woods’ Marriage: Definitely Not Over!