Tag Archives: massage-parlors

Taylor Swift, Calvin Harris Celebrate 1-Year Anniversary on Instagram!

There may have been some ups along the way, but as of yesterday,  Taylor Swift and Calvin Harris have been dating for one full year.  Taylor Swift-Calvin harris One Year Anniversary Cake Since romantic milestones are like oxygen to Taylor, it’s not surprising that she and Calvin marked the occasion on Snapchat and Instagram and CaylorBook, which is a social network that the couple designed for the sole purpose of celebrating their anniversaries. Okay, we may have made that last part up, but as you can see from the photo and video above, Taylor couldn’t be more into the special occasion if Calvin’s present was John Mayer and Harry Styles fighting to the death for her amusement. In addition to the “one-year cake,” Calvin gifted Taylor with the locket on the right, which she posted on Instagram and captioned, “One year down!” which might be the most depressing anniversary comment in history. Weird existential angst aside, we’re sure Taylor is super psyched to still be with her dude, and we’re guessing another round of Swift-Harris engagement rumors will start making the rounds any day now.  Looks like these two could really be in it for the long haul. Here’s hoping Calvin can stay away from those happy ending massage parlors ! Us not mentioning that probably would’ve been a nice anniversary present, but what are ya gonna do? View Slideshow: Taylor Swift and Calvin Harris: So in Love!

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Taylor Swift, Calvin Harris Celebrate 1-Year Anniversary on Instagram!

Calvin Harris Threatens to Sue Over Hand Job Allegations

Calvin Harris would like to make something very clear: He did not receive any hand jobs from any massage parlors and anyone who says anything to the contrary may want to go out and hire a lawyer. Earlier this week, Radar Online spread the rumor that Taylor Swift dumped Harris because the DJ was spotted leaving an establishment known for providing its clients with “happy endings.” (No, we’re not referring to copies of the canceled ABC sitcom.) But just as fans were starting to sympathize with poor Taylor and lament yet another failed romantic entanglement, Harris jumped on Twitter and wrote the following last night: “It’s not going to be a ‘happy ending’ for everyone I sue for defamation of character for all these bullshit stories bye bye.” Nice. Well played, Calvin, both for the definitive denial and also for the perfectly-placed pun. It certainly does seem like a stretch to believe that Calvin Harris would risk his relationship with Swift just to receive some manual pleasure from a stranger. Although Harry Styles supposedly split with the artist in 2013 because Swift was too prude . Prior to Calvin’s threat, though, Swift’s rep came out with a simple statement of his own, telling the world: “I’ve said it before and I’m saying it again, do not believe Radar Online.” Sounds like someone has some bad blood with Radar Online, eh? Eh? HEY! Sorry. Point being: hooray for Taylor and Calvin! May they live happily ever after! View Slideshow: Taylor Swift and Calvin Harris: So in Love!

See the original post:
Calvin Harris Threatens to Sue Over Hand Job Allegations

Sofia Vergara Flashes Her Tig Old Bitties

It’s pretty clear that Twitter has become the go to destination for all kinds of celebrity cleavage these days, and I love it. Here’s latina super MILF Sofia Vergara giving us an awesome candid look at her tig old bitties while she sits in her makeup chair. So this is how she hangs out behind the scenes all day? Amaze! I need to get myself some sort of backstage job, what does a key grip do and where do I sign up?

Kate Upton’s Breasts For Carl’s Jr

I’m all for busty supermodel Kate Upton doing commercials, anything that will allow me to get a good look at those big beautiful breasts of hers is alright with me, but if she keeps eating all these Carl’s Jr burgers she’ll be obese by the time she’s twenty-five. Not cool. How about doing ads for baby oil or massage parlors? That’s something I think we’d all enjoy.

Blake Lively Shows Off Her Long Legs

Blake Lively is hot and she’s probably the only good reason to watch Gossip Girl. Here she is on set showing off her great legs in a pair of hooker heels

Blake Lively Shows Off Her Long Legs