R&B singer Miguel is in the hot seat after a video surfaced online of a woman claiming that he grabbed her breast after taking a picture. Xian Bass, a health and human services student at the University of New Mexico says that after she introduced herself to Miguel, he went inside her shirt, grabbed her […]
Approximately one year after he beat Jared Fogle nearly to death, the man responsible for bludgeoning this disgraced former Subway spokesman has finally spoken out. In the following letter, he explains why Fogle deserved what happened to him. First, however, a refresher: In November of 2015, Fogle was sentenced to 15 years behind bars after an investigation determined that he often partook in some truly reprehensible behavior. According to authorities, Fogle texted over a dozen victims (all of them minors), offering to pay them money for various sex acts, often receiving illicit photos from several of the young girls. A raid of his home turned up child pornography on Fogle’s computer, while court documents stated he had traveled between Indiana and New York City several times between 2010 and 2013 to pay for sex with teenage girls. Like we said: truly reprehensible behavior. With such strong evidence against him, Fogle didn’t even go to trial. He pleaded guilty in late 2015, hoping to reach a deal with prosecutors that would result in only five years in jail. But a judge saw things differently. Hence the 15-year punishment. Fast forward to January of last year and reports that Fogle was savagely beaten in the prison yard. According to a TMZ report in March, James Nigg – a 60-year-old serving numerous year on a weapons charge – reportedly pushed Fogle while outside with him and then repeatedly punched him in the face. Shortly after news of this assault went viral, family members of Nigg’s said they were not surprised by the confrontation. Nigg had reportedly been complaining about the presence of child molesters in the minimum security prison for awhile… and he simply could not handle such a famous one being in his presence. Now, in a letter obtained by TMZ, Nigg has basically confirmed this assertion. In the message, Nigg says “Jared is [a] hero” to other pedophiles in prison, writing in disgust: “You would not believe how arrogant Jared was. He hired bodyguards and the other child molesters looked at him as if he was a god.” This perception was altered, briefly at least, when Nigg left Fogle with a bloody nose, swollen face and scratches on his neck early last year. Following his pummeling of Fogle, Nigg was moved to an Oklahoma prison. He says he’s since “lost good times [that is, time off his sentence] and spent many months in the hole, plus the loss of commissary and email” due to the actions he took against Fogle. Still, “I have no regrets,” Nigg concludes. View Slideshow: 13 Shamed Celebrity Spokespeople We don’t want to ever encourage violence and we never want to take the side of someone in jail on a weapons charge. So we’ll just stop writing words now in that case.
Eventually, you’ll be familiar with El Chapo from the inevitable Netflix series based on his exploits, but in case you can’t wait that long, here’s a run-down: Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman was digging tunnels in Mexico long before the Donald hatched his cartoon supervillain plan to build a border wall. The infamous drug lord escaped from prison twice before being recaptured and extradited to the United States. As if that’s not Hollywood enough, it was actor Sean Penn who inadvertently led police to El Chapo after interviewing the head of the Sinaloa Cartel for a piece in Rolling Stone. These days, Guzman’s life is considerably less glamorous. The 62-year-old is currently being held in solitary confinement in New York’s Metropolitan Correctional Complex. Sources say Guzman is confined to a “closet-sized” cell 23 hours a day, five days a week. He’s permitted to leave the cell for one hour each weekday so that he can work out on a treadmill or stationary bike to prevent his muscles from atrophying. Chapo’s lawyers are in court this week arguing that the treatment is inhumane, and petitioning for their client to be relocated to the facility’s general population wing. It’s a tough sell for a couple of reasons: 1. Chapo is a two-time escapee, and if prison officials are no doubt concerned that he’ll try again. 2. Chapo is an A-list celebrity in the crime world, a fact that could make him an esay target for inmates with something to prove. Interestingly, insiders tell TMZ that Guzman isn’t all that concerned with the upcoming trial that will likely land him behind bars for the rest of his life. Instead, he’s reportedly more focused on his celebrity status . “He regularly asks his lawyers, ‘What are they saying about me?’ He’s very concerned about his image,” says a source inside the prison. Of course, he needn’t worry too much, as a story like his probably won’t go too much longer without being adapted for the screen. View Slideshow: 19 Celebrities Who May Have Killed People It’s a thorny issue, because on one hand, El Chapo is a murderous gangster who’s devastated whole communities, and thus, probably doesn’t deserve to be celebrated. But on the other hand, the guy had to spend two days hanging out with Sean Penn. So when you think about it, he’s really already suffered enough.
Viva Mexico….the greatest country in the world despite the terrible marketing they get in America, where there people not only give you whites great gardens, great tacos, great cheap labor….and great drugs that they smuggle in…because you know it’s all Mexicos fault…not to mention great Volkswagens, great other cares made in Mexico…and great tits like Salma Hayek…. I’m half Mexican and fucking love all things Mexico…except maybe the cartels, the decapitations etc….but the music, the culture, that Mariachi, the fucking food, the beaches, the women…and the parking traffic enforcers…are fucking perfect… Viva fucking Mexico…you Sombrero burrito eating white fucks… The post Hot Mexican Traffic Cops of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
Anja Rubik is in Vogue Mexico, because Mexicans like magazines as much as they like sneaking across the American border to provide drugs to the AMerican gangsters who make millions of dollars off of their hard work….you know the Mexicans the wall is going to eliminate…since there’s no such thing as travel visas or commercial airlines that you can fly into the country on – and just never leave…silly.. I guess what I am saying is that Mexico has their own Vogue, because they are a civilized nation that cares about fashion and models and people actually buy magazines because not all Mexicans live in Tijuana shanties where they turn tricks for Americans who like crossing the border so long as those mexicans don’t cross back to work their fields or cleaning their hotel…ridiculous… That said….Mexico is a real place, a real city, it exists and they are just like America…and like the same models as America….like Polish Anja Rubik who is not American…she’s Polish, but makes that American money, like Mexicans…stealing those American jobs… She’s not showing her tits, as girls who model, known for showing their tits do…but she’s still hot and I’m posting it. The post Anja Rubik for Vogue Mexico of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
To be honest, we were so sad that the New Edition Story is over and want to hang on to the feeling of love and pride we experienced for the past three nights watching the group’s story on BET. So in an effort to hold on just a bit longer, here is a bit of behind the scenes information about what we’ve seen for the past few days. [ madamenoire ] Here’s Why We Shouldn’t Be So Worried About The Wall Trump Proposes Across Mexico’s Border Each day disturbing news breaks out over President Trump and his determination to put provisions in place against immigration, planned parenthood, healthcare, and the environment (hence, the Dakota/Keystone pipelines), and it’s only the first week of his presidency. Just yesterday, Trump’s plans to implement a wall to prevent illegal immigration shocked many Americans, as the divisive rhetoric spewed during election season became a reality. According to the NewYork Times, Trump’s “crackdown” on illegal immigration begins with the immediate construction of a wall across the borders of Mexico and a significant decrease in legal immigration from countries where Islam is most prevalent. Refugees from Syria will also be barred from entering the United States — a complete opposite of the diplomatic and bipartisan sanctions put in place during the Obama administration. What makes matters worse is Trump plans to fund the wall on the backing of American citizens (i.e. tax increases) and then be reimbursed by the Mexican government. As this should come as no surprise, even the President of Mexico has rejected this proposal. [ madamenoire ] Drake Reportedly Eyeing The Late Night Talk Show Circuit Legendary University of Kentucky coach John Calipari invited Drake to his new podcast for a chat that ranged between basketball, the entertainment world, and other various topics. But it was Drizzy’s mention of plans to enter the late night talk show foray that was most interesting. Coach Calipari’s Cal Cast podcast on Thursday (Jan. 26) and the bro-love fest was at its highest levels. However, the listen was refreshing to hear the Canadian superstar speak from a deep place of humility. The OVO boss spoke of his influences, such as Aaliyah, and shifted gears to discuss plans of some alternative career plans. He discussed his upcoming playlist project with Apple which will serve as a body of work that will, in his words, “bridge the gap” between his major releases in lieu of a mixtape. Beyond music, Drake envisions himself in the vein of a talk show host like Jimmy Fallon and Stephen Colbert. He’s already proven he’s got the acting and comedic timing chops during stints on SNL and he’s going to be hosting this year’s NBA Awards according to reports. [ hiphopwired ] Burger King Employees Arrested and Charged For Selling Weed Through the Drive-Thru [ balleralert ] Say What!? The Kooky, Crazy Things Betsy DeVos Said During Her Confirmation Hearing For Education Secretary [ hellobeautiful ] Ex-NBA Player Charles Shackleford Dies In N.C. [ tmz ] Entertainment Weeklies Are Cozying Up To Trump First Family [ huffingtonpost ] Fisherman’s $500K Catch Could Get Him Life in Prison [ iheartradio ]
To be honest, we were so sad that the New Edition Story is over and want to hang on to the feeling of love and pride we experienced for the past three nights watching the group’s story on BET. So in an effort to hold on just a bit longer, here is a bit of behind the scenes information about what we’ve seen for the past few days. [ madamenoire ] Here’s Why We Shouldn’t Be So Worried About The Wall Trump Proposes Across Mexico’s Border Each day disturbing news breaks out over President Trump and his determination to put provisions in place against immigration, planned parenthood, healthcare, and the environment (hence, the Dakota/Keystone pipelines), and it’s only the first week of his presidency. Just yesterday, Trump’s plans to implement a wall to prevent illegal immigration shocked many Americans, as the divisive rhetoric spewed during election season became a reality. According to the NewYork Times, Trump’s “crackdown” on illegal immigration begins with the immediate construction of a wall across the borders of Mexico and a significant decrease in legal immigration from countries where Islam is most prevalent. Refugees from Syria will also be barred from entering the United States — a complete opposite of the diplomatic and bipartisan sanctions put in place during the Obama administration. What makes matters worse is Trump plans to fund the wall on the backing of American citizens (i.e. tax increases) and then be reimbursed by the Mexican government. As this should come as no surprise, even the President of Mexico has rejected this proposal. [ madamenoire ] Drake Reportedly Eyeing The Late Night Talk Show Circuit Legendary University of Kentucky coach John Calipari invited Drake to his new podcast for a chat that ranged between basketball, the entertainment world, and other various topics. But it was Drizzy’s mention of plans to enter the late night talk show foray that was most interesting. Coach Calipari’s Cal Cast podcast on Thursday (Jan. 26) and the bro-love fest was at its highest levels. However, the listen was refreshing to hear the Canadian superstar speak from a deep place of humility. The OVO boss spoke of his influences, such as Aaliyah, and shifted gears to discuss plans of some alternative career plans. He discussed his upcoming playlist project with Apple which will serve as a body of work that will, in his words, “bridge the gap” between his major releases in lieu of a mixtape. Beyond music, Drake envisions himself in the vein of a talk show host like Jimmy Fallon and Stephen Colbert. He’s already proven he’s got the acting and comedic timing chops during stints on SNL and he’s going to be hosting this year’s NBA Awards according to reports. [ hiphopwired ] Burger King Employees Arrested and Charged For Selling Weed Through the Drive-Thru [ balleralert ] Say What!? The Kooky, Crazy Things Betsy DeVos Said During Her Confirmation Hearing For Education Secretary [ hellobeautiful ] Ex-NBA Player Charles Shackleford Dies In N.C. [ tmz ] Entertainment Weeklies Are Cozying Up To Trump First Family [ huffingtonpost ] Fisherman’s $500K Catch Could Get Him Life in Prison [ iheartradio ]
First lady Michelle Obama turned her last speech before leaving the White House into a powerful and emotionally stirring message for young people amid growing fears among marginalized communities of President-elect Donald Trump and his cabinet heading to the nation’s capital.