Trying to set the mood for a perfect evening? DJ Jamad has another edition of the Afromentals Mix that will do the trick for you!!! Invite someone special to do #Afromentals & Chill! Check out the playlist: Gabriel Garzon-Montano Trian Kayhatu – Kumiko (Spend The Night) Rihanna – Same Ol’ Mistakes NxWorries (Knxldge x Anderson […]
Of all the troubled young mothers that have been featured on Teen Mom and Teen Mom 2 over the years, perhaps none has experienced worse luck than Leah Messer. In her six seasons on the show, we've seen Leah struggle with addiction , go through two divorces, and endure an ugly custody battle with Corey Simms . But while other Teen Mom stars have endured substance abuse issues and bad breakups, most of their problems are self-created. Leah's decision-making abilities aren't always the greatest, but her biggest cross to bear is not the result of any of her mistakes. If you watch Teen Mom 2 online , you're likely aware that one of Leah's twin daughters, Aliannah, is battling muscular dystrophy. In the clip below, Leah and Corey take Aliannah to her doctor, due to the fact that she's been falling down more often than usual. Unfortunately, they receive devastating news about her health. “Her strength is still quite decent,” the doctor informs them. “But once she’s getting to age seven, then gradually, the maturity affects her. Then she may very slowly get weaker.” He goes on to say that say that in the very near future she'll likely lose her ability to walk and become completely reliant on her power wheelchair. Watch the heartbreaking video below.
Of all the troubled young mothers that have been featured on Teen Mom and Teen Mom 2 over the years, perhaps none has experienced worse luck than Leah Messer. In her six seasons on the show, we've seen Leah struggle with addiction , go through two divorces, and endure an ugly custody battle with Corey Simms . But while other Teen Mom stars have endured substance abuse issues and bad breakups, most of their problems are self-created. Leah's decision-making abilities aren't always the greatest, but her biggest cross to bear is not the result of any of her mistakes. If you watch Teen Mom 2 online , you're likely aware that one of Leah's twin daughters, Aliannah, is battling muscular dystrophy. In the clip below, Leah and Corey take Aliannah to her doctor, due to the fact that she's been falling down more often than usual. Unfortunately, they receive devastating news about her health. “Her strength is still quite decent,” the doctor informs them. “But once she’s getting to age seven, then gradually, the maturity affects her. Then she may very slowly get weaker.” He goes on to say that say that in the very near future she'll likely lose her ability to walk and become completely reliant on her power wheelchair. Watch the heartbreaking video below.
Ty Herndon has come out as gay. The singer opened up this week to People magazine about his sexuality, saying he realized he was gay many years ago and now “it’s time to tell my truth.” And what is that truth? “I’m an out, proud and happy gay man,” Herndon says, adding that he told his parents back during his 20s and: “My mother probably knew I was gay before I did. I remember sitting down with her and having the conversation.” The Nashville artist was arrested in 1995 for exposing himself to a police office and also spend time in rehab for a substance abuse problem. “I have made a lot of mistakes in my life. They’ve been my mistakes, and I own them,” says Herndon . “I’ve done a lot of work around forgiveness with people that I’ve hurt and people I’ve not been honest with because of my sexuality.” About four years ago, country artist Chely Wright also came out as gay . Herndon says he’s in a serious relationship with a partner named Matt and that he’s trying to reconcile his Christian faith with his homosexuality. “I sit on the tailgate of my pickup truck, and I meditate, and I talk to God,” he says. “That’s really all I need to know. I have a connection to something bigger than myself, and no one’s going to tell me that I can’t have it. We get to choose who we love, and that includes God, and he loves us back.” 31 Celebrities Who Are Out and Proud 1. Ellen Page Ellen Page made a major announcement in early 2014: She’s gay. We applaud her for it.
Your 20s are for making the mistakes below —in fact, in some cases, when you’re young these behaviors aren’t even mistakes but much needed experiences. But in your 30s, if you’re still doing this, you’re just self-sabotaging your love life. More…
Under intense scrutiny for her conduct all summer on CBS, Big Brother 15 star Aaryn Gries is finally coming clean, admitting she talks like a racist. STILL, she insists this doesn’t make her one though. The reality star tells TMZ she’s made racial jokes for years, but had no idea they were offensive because “no one had expressed that I was taken that way.” So … does that mean all her friends and family are also racist? Aaryn apologized for throwing the whole state of Texas under the bus when Julie Chen grilled her after her eviction, saying she was in “defense mode.” Yet Gries, who was fired as a result of her actions and words on TV, says she WISHES SOMEONE HAD WARNED HER before going on Big Brother . She had no idea, she swears, that making such “jokes” in that setting would leave her branded as a racist. Or homophobic, or mean, or just dumb, or … Whatever. “I am not a racist,” Aaryn Gries reiterates, lamenting her mistakes and adding that “Sometimes you can say mindless things that will haunt you.” So basically … racist.
This is life, live. Here’s a little spiritual video that will ground you and give a little perspective on life….to help you start you’re day. I’m in the West Coast, so it is morning to me…and this morning, like every morning, while hungover and reflecting on all the mistakes I have made the past night, year, life… all I need is Yoga Lunch…to keep me going on…but that’s probably just because I only like athletic anything with Tacos. I’m Mexican like that…and this video is amazing.