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We can officially look forward to more amazing work from actor, Donald Glover.
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We can officially look forward to more amazing work from actor, Donald Glover.
Posted in Celebrities, Hollywood, Hot Stuff, News
Tagged atlanta, bennyhollywood, celeb news, donald, donald-glover, entertainment news, look-forward, more-amazing, News
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We can officially look forward to more amazing work from actor, Donald Glover.
Posted in Celebrities, Hollywood, Hot Stuff, News
Tagged atlanta, donald, donald-glover, entertainment news, look-forward, more-amazing, News, TMZ
Kylie Minogue has been a miracle…not because she survived breast cancer…but becasue she released her first pop song in 1989…as a teen…but still 1989…that was so fucking long ago…that I find it amazing that she had that early 2000s comeback…and even more amazing that she’s still around…and looking hot enough bodied to want to fuck…she must be a robot…or alien… I mean this is the first photoshoot she’s done, where her face looks it’s age…and that’s saying a lot…for someone who has been in a lot of fucking photoshoots…. The post Kylie Minogue for Steve Shaw of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
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Kylie Minogue for Steve Shaw of the Day
Tagged appeared-first, bikini girls, Hollywood, hot-enough, kylie-minogue, more-amazing, Nsfw, Pictures, stars, steve-shaw, TMZ, topless
Everyone’s favorite popstar rebel, who isn’t really a rebel at all, she’s just a reflection of what is going on in pop culture. Everything is cartoon and emoji like and she just happens to have branded herself the same way. It’s like seeing knock off designer clothes at Walmart. You know there is nothing legitimate about it…but then you are forced to question whether there is anything legitimate about anything at all. You see what makes Miley authentic, or not authentic is a matter of opinion. I mean being a Disney kid, raised rich, in a mansion, with a staff who coddled her, would make you think she was totally out of touch from the real world…but maybe being alienated from the real world…tapped into her inner pothead, performer with some insane vision that only she could pull off because it was expensive to do….Maybe I shouldn’t try to analyze Miley’s act. Maybe I should focus on what is important. A babe, that isn’t that much of a babe, but at least she’s not fat, in a bikini top – smoking weed. Works for me. Here are some of her shitty tattoos…
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Some Miley Cyrus Smokin’ in a Bikini Top of the Day
Tagged being-alienated, bikini sluts, boyfriend, her-boyfriend, miriam adler, more-amazing, Nsfw, Pictures, real, stars, topless
Her name is Lea Michele. She had a fake relationship with a costar for marketing purposes, who ended up dying on her, leaving her to deal with having to pretend to mourn, but she’s a professional, and with being a professional, she snuck her actual boyfriends around. It would have been so much better for her to deal with all this if they just did a whole break up, but dying…that throws a real wrench in things. It’s not what she signed up for to get that year end bonus, but it was a good platform to make people feel sorry for her and propel, like Rihanna did when Chris Brown beat her. It was like balancing when it was time to publicly move on – and positioning it so people didn’t hate her but felt sympathy for her trying to find love after loss…and the whole thing was a joke….kind of like her sex appeal… But I found this one pic of her that I think at least one person can jerk off to, you know armpit fetishists, who aren’t so picky about the girls who’s armpits they want to fuck. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE
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Lea Michele’s Armpit for the Perverts of the Day
Valerie Van Der Graaf is a Dutch model – who has been in a bunch of campaigns, the most mainstream being Sports Illustrated, proving that just because you are hotter and more amazing than Kate Upton, the general American public will always choose the American. It’s some racism and patriotic bullshit that may makes sense when applied to wear your clothing is made, but that doesn’t make sense when applied to women, because Kate Upton is not as hot as this…and that’s the end of discussion… Now I generally hate Black & White photos, because I know most pictures are shot on digital and turned black and white, for effect…and I hate that shit…but I do like this babe naked, busty, and hot bodied…so I’ll just imagine it in color like I used to as a poor kid playing videogames one of my mom’s john’s gave her on our shitty Mexican TV… But this isn’t about me…it’s about magical Valerie.
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Valerie Van Der Graaf is Good of the Day
Alessandra Ambrosio posted this picture to her instagram…and I approve. I figure if you’re a bikini model, even if you’re an old tired mom that has already made more money than she ever really imagined she would – all thanks to a brand taking her under their evil, billion dollar wing, you still owe it to people to take some cues from some low level models and fame whore as hard as you can by getting as naked as you can on instagram without getting deleted. It’s this fine line they walk for likes cuz it makes them feel good about themselves, and I guess they are hoping to get jobs…and I guess they are hoping to get billionaire boyfriends…I guess Alessandra doesn’t need any of that…she’s just posting her ass to post her ass and there’s something far more amazing about that than the fame whores…
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Alessandra Ambrosio Tanning With Friends of the Day
Kids who find their whore mom’s dildo and think it is a toy…is amazing…but parents who film it are even more amazing…especially based on the fact that is a massive double sided dildo, not one of these dainty feminine classy dildos …but rather a nasty fleshy one she probably doesn’t wash very well…that you’d expect to find in some gutter homeless porn…You know she shoves that up in her and that may even be the reason she has that kid in the first place…because she is a whore who loves when her big vagina feels full…the kind of mom I wouldn’t mind stepfather the kids of….
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Kid Finds Mom’s Dildo of the Day
Denise Richards is looking pretty fit in her bikini bottoms…even though she’s 90, practically dead, and very very very fucking washed up….but in my defense, maybe I’m just into these pics because she’s with an inflatable, and like that dude on My Strange Addiction, who had a sexual relationship with inflatables, I’ve kinda been intrigued to try to fuck one…that sweet smell of plastic, those unlubricated seams that rip you apart at the pool….the whole experience likely more amazing than fucking the real life blow-up doll carrrying it…. But I’ll post the pics anyways…cuz she mattered once…back when she was a madame….in Hollywood…. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS FOLLOW THIS LINK
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Denise Richards Does Inflatables in a Bikini of the Day
Tagged context, Denise Richards, detected, invalid, life-blow-up, more-amazing, our-everyday, Sex, support, TMZ
Sophie Turner is my kind of lawyer, you know, one with Daddy issues that are so bad she dropped out of law to be a model who went no where, forcing her to go back to law, but still leaving that taste in her mouth, that she needs to dye her hair and show off that booty, cuz an ass shelf like this can’t go to waste in a courtroom, just slowly getting more and more fat with every case she wins, cuz that is her job. That ass shelf must be put out there on the internet screaming “I may be 30, I may have dropped my modeling childish dreams to get a real high paying job, but my body still got it, at least for now, please hire me, I can’t live with the rejection of my modeling career, and I hate law, even shit pays me a million a year, I just want to be half naked in mindless work, cuz that gets me male attention I crave more than a good career”….kinda thing. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS FOLLOW THIS LINK
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Sophie Turner Awesome Lawyer Booty of the Day
Tagged Accent, bikini girls, detected, hipster, lingerie-pics, more-amazing, Pictures, Sex, sophie-turner, stars, tampon-string, TMZ