Tag Archives: more-positive

Let’s Talk About Sex, Baby–Or Not: Controversial Artists Who Changed Their Lives And Music For Christ

Here are 11 famous folks who left behind the sexually suggestive music and raunchy lifestyles to share a more positive message.

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Let’s Talk About Sex, Baby–Or Not: Controversial Artists Who Changed Their Lives And Music For Christ

Let’s Talk About Sex, Baby–Or Not: Controversial Artists Who Changed Their Lives And Music For Christ

Here are 11 famous folks who left behind the sexually suggestive music and raunchy lifestyles to share a more positive message.

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Let’s Talk About Sex, Baby–Or Not: Controversial Artists Who Changed Their Lives And Music For Christ

How To Avoid Toxic Friendships

If you’ve ever found yourself in the company of an exceptionally negative person, you know how draining it can be. It will literally weigh on your spirit. Once you’ve detected a hint of “not right” in a person, you have to make the decision of whether you’re willing to handle their negativity or deciding to next them in order to make room for some more positive people. Continue reading at MadameNoire.com

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How To Avoid Toxic Friendships

The Help Poster: Viola in Violet

The trailer for The Help worried us with its Blind Side y condescension, but the new poster for the film presents Viola Davis, Octavia Spencer, Emma Stone, and Bryce Dallas Howard (who looks a lot like Ellie Kemper here) in a more positive, yellow-and-purple sorta light. Watch and judge.

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The Help Poster: Viola in Violet

Fill Out the Census Form or Chris Brown Will End You

Chris Brown takes the U.S. Census very seriously. The R&B singer is doing his part to get the word out, heading up a rally at Virginia Union University intended to inspire people to fulfill their civic duty. Otherwise he will pummel you senseless. Just kidding. But all peeps are required by law to fill it out, the struggling-to-stay-relevant star told the crowd. Brown addressed why he wanted to get involved: “This isn’t like a career move for me per se. It’s not like I’m promoting my album, records and stuff.” “It’s more of me coming out being able to show kids and be what I am, a role model. I know a lot of kids look up to me.” At least at one point … Listen to Chris Brown, Census haters. [Photo: PacificCoastNewsOnline.com] While Rihanna cheered on Matt Kemp in L.A., Brown insisted he wasn’t at the rally simply as a means of taking attention off his previous walloping of her. “Well, it does [ help my image ], but it’s not about the image. It’s about a positive cause,” he said. “It’s not for a charitable event so I can look good.” “It’s not. It’s a natural thing that I really wanted to do.” Brown admitted in an interview that he was confused at first: “I was unaware of it in the beginning too, I was like, ‘I’m not too sure what the census is.'” Fortunately, Have You Ever Beaten Your Girlfriend Senseless Over a Booty Call Text Message is not a question on it … just name, address and stuff.

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Fill Out the Census Form or Chris Brown Will End You

Adam Lambert Brings Lasers to American Idol Results Show

Andrew Garcia and Katie Stevens were both eliminated from American Idol last night. This wasn’t a shocking result, but it was a sad one, as both contestants shed tears during the episode-concluding montage of their time on the show. We wish Andrew and Katie the best of luck. On a more positive note, Adam Lambert performed his latest single (“Whataya Want From Me”) about 45 minutes into the hour. Donning a colorful suit, skinny tie and, of course, a bit of guy-liner, last year’s runner-up put on an emotional rendition of the single – and used lasers on stage. “I wanted to do something a little different,” Adam said to Ryan Seacrest afterwards, later giving thanks to the show: “I owe American Idol everything.” Humble and incredibly talented? That’s the Adam Lambert we know and love… Back on Idol

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Adam Lambert Brings Lasers to American Idol Results Show

More Americans support health care reform now – Do you?

PRINCETON, NJ — Nearly half of Americans give a thumbs-up to Congress' passage of a healthcare reform bill last weekend, with 49% calling it “a good thing.” Republicans and Democrats have polar opposite reactions, with independents evenly split. The findings, from a March 22 USA Today/Gallup poll conducted one day after the bill received a majority of votes in the U.S. House of Representatives, represent immediate reactions to the vote. Americans' emotional responses to the bill's passage are more positive than negative — with 50% enthusiastic or pleased versus 42% angry or disappointed — and are similar to their general reactions. Although much of the public debate over healthcare reform has been heated, barely a third of rank-and-file citizens express either enthusiasm (15%) or anger (19%) about the bill's passage. The Bottom Line – Passage of healthcare reform was a clear political victory for President Obama and his allies in Congress. While it also pleases most of his Democratic base nationwide, it is met with greater ambivalence among independents and with considerable antipathy among Republicans. Whether these groups' views on the issue harden or soften in the coming months could be crucial to how healthcare reform factors into this year's midterm elections. Given that initial public reaction to Sunday's vote is more positive than recent public opinion about passing a healthcare reform bill, it appears some softening has already occurred. http://www.gallup.com/poll/126929/Slim-Margin-Americans-Support-Healthcare-Bill-… added by: current89