Ben Flajnik sent fan favorite Kacie Boguskie packing on Monday’s hometown dates episode of The Bachelor, the third-to-last installment of the ABC show’s season. In a surprise, Courtney Robertson, Nicki Sterling and Lindzi Cox all moved on (see The Bachelor spoilers for scoop on the next two weeks) while Kacie was left in tears. In his weekly blog on People , Ben reflects on his travels to Clarksville, Tenn., Kacie’s hometown, and the turning point when the romance began to go downhill fast. The Bachelor: Week 8 Rose Ceremony, Week 9 Promo “The day portion of our date went swimmingly as usual, but as Kacie started to talk about her dad, I got nervous,” Ben writes. “I started to think he wouldn’t approve of me being so different than a man he would normally want his daughter to date.” “The evening was difficult for me. Kacie’s family was really nice and welcoming, but every time I had a conversation with one of her family members, I felt like I was disappointing them. Kacie was raised with more traditional values than I was.” “I felt like that would get between us in regards to her family. I thought about it so much that it started getting in the way of my feelings growing stronger for her.” “It was disheartening. Parents’ approval and permission is really important to me and I didn’t feel like I got that from her family, though they were kind and warm.” “This was the most difficult rose ceremony to date. It is so clich
Posted in Celebrities, Gossip
Tagged bachelor, bennyhollywood, brown, Family, Gossip, Hollywood, most-difficult, news update, nicki-sterling, over-the-state, started-getting, the bachelor, went-swimmingly