Tag Archives: movie-critic

My Favorite Movies of 2010

I was hesitant to make a top 10 movie list this year because, really, who cares what I have to say? But then I started thinking, Yeah… who cares what I have to say? Without the title of “movie critic,” I can just choose whatever movies I want — the ones that I truly enjoyed the most — as opposed to movies that I know are technically great or that any film fan should definitely see, but may not be as emotionally pleasing to my Big 12-school-educated mind. I know that a “favorite movie list” from an Internet writer my age is supposed to include Inception and Scott Pilgrim vs. The World , it’s almost blasphemy for it not to, but mine doesn’t.

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My Favorite Movies of 2010

My Favorite Movies of 2010

I was hesitant to make a top 10 movie list this year because, really, who cares what I have to say? But then I started thinking, Yeah… who cares what I have to say? Without the title of “movie critic,” I can just choose whatever movies I want — the ones that I truly enjoyed the most — as opposed to movies that I know are technically great or that any film fan should definitely see, but may not be as emotionally pleasing to my Big 12-school-educated mind. I know that a “favorite movie list” from an Internet writer my age is supposed to include Inception and Scott Pilgrim vs. The World , it’s almost blasphemy for it not to, but mine doesn’t.

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My Favorite Movies of 2010

Stephanie Zacharek’s 10 Best Movies of 2010

There’s probably no good reason to read any movie critic’s Top 10 list, but lots of people — including myself — read them anyway. Let’s not be falsely modest about it: It’s an honor to be able to compile a list and to have a place, online or otherwise, to moor it. But everyone who cares about movies has his or her own private list, posted online or not, which may include some or all of the usual suspects in a given year (like The Social Network or The King’s Speech , pictures which lots of people, though not all people, seem to love) as well as a selection of fiercely protected personal favorites.

The rest is here:
Stephanie Zacharek’s 10 Best Movies of 2010

Toronto Film Festival: Five Movies You’ll Want To See

PEOPLE’s movie critic finds the best of the fest starring George Clooney, Mo’Nique, Mariah Carey and Drew Barrymore

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Toronto Film Festival: Five Movies You’ll Want To See

Appreciation: Patrick Swayze’s Sexy Film Career

PEOPLE’s movie critic on the screen magic of the Dancing and Ghost star

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Appreciation: Patrick Swayze’s Sexy Film Career