My name is Rachel, and I’m from Sydney, Australia and this is my second Bieber experience. I didn’t win any competitions, I just met him by luck again. My 2 friends Tiarna and Lauren met up on the Monday night at Sydney airport to catch a glimpse of Justin but we missed him so we decided to go find his hotel. We walked kilometers from hotel to hotel that were spread around Sydney that Justin had rumored to be at, until we came across the right one . There was a lane rope that was put up to stop us from blocking the entrance, Justin had to be here! On Twitter we seen a picture of Justin and Selena in a car and seen the number plate, so we knew what car he was in, but that night we had no luck. The next day Justin had a radio interview so we decided to go to the radio station, but it was pre-recorded so we went back to his hotel. There was SO many more beliebers the second day but we got their early and we seen Justin’s car come down the street. Me and Lauren freaked out and quietly chased it down the road so no one else would follow. We got right up to the window but the car drove in. The next day we woke up early cause Justin’s outdoor concert was that day. We waited outside his hotel but we knew he wasn’t there, and we were about to give up because he was leaving for New Zealand that afternoon. We decided before we went home that we would try and go see him in concert, even though we didn’t have tickets. Sure enough we got the perfect view from outside when we stood on milk creates. He sang amazingly and all of us were getting teary. When Justin was about to finish, we were so determined to meet him. We weren’t giving up. We jumped into the car, and we waited for Justin’s car to come out. Down the road it came and we pulled in behind and all these girls were sprinting down the road behind us! We followed Justin’s car all the way back to his hotel, and when we pulled along side of it, Kenny waved at me! We all freaked out. We were driving right behind Justin’s car for about 20 minutes! We waited outside of Justin’s hotel again, but this time there was a proper fence put up. This was it. Justin was definitely coming out to see his fans today. Without any breakfast, going to go pee or have any water, Tiarna, Lauren and I got our spots at 9 in the morning and did not move. At about 10 o’clock Moshe came out saying if we were quiet Justin would come out and meet us! For 3 hours we waited and the crowd grew and grew, security increased, and police came to block off the road. Paps where everywhere waiting for Justin to come out. 12 o’clock came and it was starting to get hard to breathe; probably because of the fact that I was about to meet Justin Bieber, but also because everyone was squishing so much! Suddenly, a silhouette of the most perfect teenage guy on the planet walked out through to revolving door – without hitting his head. He walked out with a camera and started filming all of us screaming! He walked over to the fence all the way to my left, I made sure my camera was on and watched him get closer and closer. Justin was standing right in front of me, I couldn’t comprehend. He walked past me and got a picture with Tiarna which I photo bombed cause I didn’t know if I was gunna get my own. He went to turn and keep moving but I looked at him and said, “Justin, can I please have a photo? PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE.” I seen his eyes through his glasses, and he took my camera out of my hands. I got ready for my photo, and hands where flying in front of my face. Luckily I pushed them all out of my photo in time. I said, “Thank you,” and watched him take a photo with Lauren. After Justin went back inside, us three ran down the street screaming and hugging each other. That night all all of us were all over the news. You see Justin taking my camera out of my hands, and us talking to him. Nothing can compare to the feeling when I met Justin Bieber. I feel like I can do anything. I met Justin both times by chance in the street, so beliebers who still haven’t met Justin, don’t give up! I promise you, Justin makes you feel so special and he never gives up the opportunity to take a photo or sign something for you. No matter how long you have to wait, it is worth every single second. Just NEVER. SAY NEVER. -@JBiebsIzMyHero View post: My name is Rachel, and I’m from Sydney, Australia and this…
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My name is Rachel, and I’m from Sydney, Australia and this…