Source: Aaron J. Thornton / Getty Lenny Kravitz Surprises Justin Wilson II On The Ellen DeGeneres Show The last time 5-year-old Justin Wilson II was on The Ellen DeGeneres Show, he impressed viewers with his amazing drumming talents to the tune of Lenny Kravitz’s hit, “Fly Away.” This time, Ellen had a special surprise for Justin as he performed “Are You Gonna Go My Way” with his rock idol coming out to surprise him. Find a more precious video, I dare you!
Source: SOPA Images / Getty *Graphic Video* A Boogie With The Hoodie’s Road Manager Caught Brutalizing Women On Tape Video has surfaced of man by the name of Yasin Touray , who apparently is the road manager to rapper A Boogie , viciously attacking a group of women in a hotel room in Las Vegas. The incident occurred while A Boogie was in town for a performance on May 25th. Thankfully, the man has been arrested and charged with felony battery. In the clip, you see the huge man cold punch one of the women in the face and her body and head slams against a wall. Another runs up to help her and she’s hit with a nasty haymaker too and drops. The man then calmly walks out of the room as the women scream and cry. One checks her teeth in the mirror. Reportedly Touray did damage to her mouth. A few of her teeth were knocked out and nerve roots within her teeth were damaged, according to the police report. According to a Yahoo report , Touray was reportedly invited into the room by one of the women that he knew. However, they described him as being “agitated.” After asking them if they wanted to go out for dinner, they denied him which caused him to be upset. Afterward, he reportedly wanted to use the washroom but it was occupied by a woman who was naked and changing. The women said they demanded him to “leave their room.” He got physical with them and reportedly started punching them. Thankfully, the man has been arrested and charged with felony battery. SMH. SICK. or i got out of the shower and didnt want to change in front of him & asked him to leave & then he beat me — Ally Champagne Stone (@allycstone) September 24, 2019 The violent attack was all caught on tape by a witness, Sayyora Badalbaeva , who also starred in “Bad Girls Club.” We’ve placed the video of the incident on the next page because it’s so brutal! Watch at your own discretion. Hit the flip.
Source: Bravo / Getty Kim Kardashian Defends Khloe The Kardashians are all about preserving their image, no matter how tarnished it may be in some people’s eyes. For years, the wrap on the family, namely Kim and Khloe, has been that they have a long history of stealing men from relationships. Kim has been accused of meddling in Kanye and Amber Rose’s relationship. Khloe was accused of stealing French Montana from Trina as well as Tristan Thompson from Jordan Craig. On this week’s edition of Keeping Up With The Kardashians , Kim said she was breaking the “narrative” that this was the case. So what does she do? She calls up French Montana to set things straight. On the phone, French says that he was never with Trina when he was with Khloe. Word? Kim also says she has “receipts” that will prove her innocence in the Amber situation. Interesting. Of course, this is a classic case of “we don’t believe you, you need more people” as the internet is in total disbelief of the claims. Take a look… Kim really called French Montana on #KUWTK to verify that he wasn’t with Trina when he got with Khloe as if men aren’t serial liars. Yawn — tosin (@notrafiat) September 23, 2019 “Kim really called French Montana on #KUWTK to verify that he wasn’t with Trina when he got with Khloe as if men aren’t serial liars. Yawn” Khloe had an affair with married Lamar Odom. Khloe slept with her friend's exes (her name escapes me), French Montana and Trey Songs, behind her back. Khloe willing dated and got pregnant with a man, Tristan Thompson, who was still with his pregnant girlfriend (Jordan Craig) att. — Tiff Tiff (@rockinfabblue) September 23, 2019 “Khloe had an affair with married Lamar Odom. Khloe slept with her friend’s exes (her name escapes me), French Montana and Trey Songs, behind her back. Khloe willing dated and got pregnant with a man, Tristan Thompson, who was still with his pregnant girlfriend (Jordan Craig) att.” Kim gon call French talking about, “clear up the rumors about Khloe stealing you from Trina” like bitch call TRINA we don’t believe the other gender. — Queen . (@DivineAmbition) September 23, 2019 “Kim gon call French talking about, “clear up the rumors about Khloe stealing you from Trina” like b**** call TRINA we don’t believe the other gender.” Let’s say Trina and French weren’t together. She and khloe were still friends and she also messed w/ James harden who was with Trina what happened to girl code #KUWTK — Zen’s Mama (@onezenmama) September 23, 2019 “Let’s say Trina and French weren’t together. She and khloe were still friends and she also messed w/ James harden who was with Trina what happened to girl code #KUWTK” Love how Kim is so offended people believe they drive the narrative. 10 secs later she calls French…honey that IS driving the narrative! You’re being taped & you’re calling French to prove your sisters innocence obviously cause every one is saying Khloe is a home wrecker online — AMZ (@azollo) September 23, 2019 “Love how Kim is so offended people believe they drive the narrative. 10 secs later she calls French…honey that IS driving the narrative! You’re being taped & you’re calling French to prove your sisters innocence obviously cause every one is saying Khloe is a home wrecker online”
Source: Bravo / Getty Kim Kardashian Defends Khloe The Kardashians are all about preserving their image, no matter how tarnished it may be in some people’s eyes. For years, the wrap on the family, namely Kim and Khloe, has been that they have a long history of stealing men from relationships. Kim has been accused of meddling in Kanye and Amber Rose’s relationship. Khloe was accused of stealing French Montana from Trina as well as Tristan Thompson from Jordan Craig. On this week’s edition of Keeping Up With The Kardashians , Kim said she was breaking the “narrative” that this was the case. So what does she do? She calls up French Montana to set things straight. On the phone, French says that he was never with Trina when he was with Khloe. Word? Kim also says she has “receipts” that will prove her innocence in the Amber situation. Interesting. Of course, this is a classic case of “we don’t believe you, you need more people” as the internet is in total disbelief of the claims. Take a look… Kim really called French Montana on #KUWTK to verify that he wasn’t with Trina when he got with Khloe as if men aren’t serial liars. Yawn — tosin (@notrafiat) September 23, 2019 “Kim really called French Montana on #KUWTK to verify that he wasn’t with Trina when he got with Khloe as if men aren’t serial liars. Yawn” Khloe had an affair with married Lamar Odom. Khloe slept with her friend's exes (her name escapes me), French Montana and Trey Songs, behind her back. Khloe willing dated and got pregnant with a man, Tristan Thompson, who was still with his pregnant girlfriend (Jordan Craig) att. — Tiff Tiff (@rockinfabblue) September 23, 2019 “Khloe had an affair with married Lamar Odom. Khloe slept with her friend’s exes (her name escapes me), French Montana and Trey Songs, behind her back. Khloe willing dated and got pregnant with a man, Tristan Thompson, who was still with his pregnant girlfriend (Jordan Craig) att.” Kim gon call French talking about, “clear up the rumors about Khloe stealing you from Trina” like bitch call TRINA we don’t believe the other gender. — Queen . (@DivineAmbition) September 23, 2019 “Kim gon call French talking about, “clear up the rumors about Khloe stealing you from Trina” like b**** call TRINA we don’t believe the other gender.” Let’s say Trina and French weren’t together. She and khloe were still friends and she also messed w/ James harden who was with Trina what happened to girl code #KUWTK — Zen’s Mama (@onezenmama) September 23, 2019 “Let’s say Trina and French weren’t together. She and khloe were still friends and she also messed w/ James harden who was with Trina what happened to girl code #KUWTK” Love how Kim is so offended people believe they drive the narrative. 10 secs later she calls French…honey that IS driving the narrative! You’re being taped & you’re calling French to prove your sisters innocence obviously cause every one is saying Khloe is a home wrecker online — AMZ (@azollo) September 23, 2019 “Love how Kim is so offended people believe they drive the narrative. 10 secs later she calls French…honey that IS driving the narrative! You’re being taped & you’re calling French to prove your sisters innocence obviously cause every one is saying Khloe is a home wrecker online”
Source: NBC/NBCU Photo Bank via Getty Images / Getty We LOVE “Bluff City Law” And You Will Too The EMMY’s are done but many of your favorite shows are returning this week with new episodes. But there’s also a fresh crop of new shows — some of which we’ve already previewed and can put you on notice to plan to watch (or set your DVR’s) now. In August BOSSIP’s Senior Content Director Janeé Bolden traveled to Memphis to interview the cast of NBC’s new series “Bluff City Law,” which premieres TONIGHT on NBC at 10/9 c. Set in Memphis, TN, the series follows Jimmy Smits as Elijah Strait, a successful lawyer known for crusading for victims of civil and human rights violations as well as other injustices. Things get really interesting for Strait after his philanthropist wife passes away, bringing him closer to his estranged daughter Sydney, played by Caitlin McGee. Sydney has been making big bank representing corporations since leaving her father’s firm years ago, but her mother’s death brings them together and when he asks her to rejoin the firm, she agrees. The show has a feel good element, both because Straits firm is known for fighting the good fight for the downtrodden and doing their part to stick it to corporate greedmongers. In addition to Smits and McGee the ensemble cast includes “Hamilton” star Michael Luwoye, Jayne Atkinson, Stony Blyden, Barry Sloane and newcomer MaameYaa Boafo (a delightful actress who we are sure will charm TV watchers as much as she did this BOSSIP journalist). We also have to mention Josh Kelly, who plays Sydney’s ex-husband Robbie, a police officer who proves particularly helpful in the pilot episode. We sense a love triangle brewing between Robbie, Sydney and her new coworker, Jake Reilly (played by Sloane). Check out a little featurette about the family dynamic between Elijah and Sydney below: We asked Smits about the estrangement and how the show will follow their struggle to find common footing. “No matter what area you’re in, people who are very successful in whatever chosen field, they are often seen a certain way by their children,” Smits told BOSSIP. “They know the flaws. What we talked about was Sydney was probably with the firm at one time and he was very hard on her, that kind of thing , that plus what little she knew about the relationship thing with the mother, we have that rebellion thing that happens and she’s decided to go polar opposite to what the family built and the way she was brought up to be very inclusive and this area of the law that she is very cutthroat, totally different thing. In the pilot they talk about being able to use both of their strengths.” If you can’t already tell, the stories hit a very human chord, with some of the cases pulled from actual lawsuits that are currently being fought. The case Sydney fights in the premiere episode definitely mirrors the Monsantos Roundup lawsuit, but Caitlin McGee told BOSSIP that she took the series’ “Change The World” tagline to heart and made sure show writers were aware of the issues she feels most strongly about. “Yeah, I told the writers and said it in interviews before,” McGee told BOSSIP. “The things that I’m most passionate about – my cousin is trans and she hasn’t had the easiest time of it – I am the “B” in the LGBTQ community, it’s very important for me to represents every single walk of life and specifically Black Lives Matter. There’s a lot of things that I need to see that have already been addressed by our writers, either in coming episodes or in the current episodes. So not just holding big companies accountable, which is incredibly important writing about that in a negative form so that it’s not just a headline that we click on and then forget about. The first time that I saw the actual man who was behind the Monsanto case, when I saw the lesions on his face, that’s gonna stick with me for the rest of my life, that’s going to make me care about the case even more, so if our show gets to do that and represent the people that are just part of the headline, as a real human person and that sticks to someone, then that is beyond anything I care about as an actress because we’re lacking empathy in this world at the moment and I wish we had a little more of it.” McGee wasn’t the only one to bring her personal concerns into the writers room, MaameYaa Boafo told BOSSIP how show writers and producers also made her feel welcome when she came to them regarding Episode 5 of the series. “There is an episode that I had one scene in, and based on what the topic was, I asked to sit down with the producers and explain why it was important for my character to be in the courtroom when this case is happening and they added me in it,” Boafo told BOSSIP. “I don’t say much, but I’m so excited because it’s all about the action and I’m really appreciative that the writers and producers can sit down with someone like me, who is the newbie out of all of us and take what I have to say into consideration. They make me feel that at this point now that they’ve given this part to me, that I know this person, that I know Brianna better than everyone. I know they do this for all of us. It’s wonderful to feel heard and I’m only going to pull that card when I feel that it’s important for Brianna’s presence, or voice or opinion or point of view to be a part of what that case brings.” Hit the flip for more from our interview
Source: Jerritt Clark / Getty Celebrities Attend ‘Celebrate the Culture II’ Emmys After-Party By now, you must’ve read all about the history-making moments that went down at the 2019 Emmys last night. From Jharrel Jerome winning for his groundbreaking role in When They See Us to Billy Porter shading RuPaul , it was a night to remember HONEY. But it didn’t end there, as your favorite A-listers headed out to some of the hottest after-parties of the year. One in particular, the ‘Celebrate the Culture II’ after-party, caught our eye. Regina King, Taraji P. Henson, Angie Martinez, Jordyn Woods, and more were in attendance and looking GORGEOUS as ever. Not to mention Jessie Williams and Algee Smith. The annual event, hosted by PATRÓN tequila, celebrates diversity and the African American community in Hollywood on TV’s biggest night. Check out more photos on the flip.
Source: Sakura/ / WENN Azealia Banks Slams Rihanna Sentient Dark Crystals extra Azealia Banks is back hating black success again. This time she is hating on Rihanna and her Savage X Fenty Amazon show from wayyyyy outside the club. Her couch, actually. For some reason, Banks went on a long a$$ IG rant about Rihanna including this lovely Hallmark card: “We will have no f***ing fat black icons on this f***ing side” What a delightful woman. OF course, you must remember she had very similar nasty criticisms of Lizzo and her weight. It’s just…please just take this L and the dragging that has commenced. Ridiculous. Azealia Banks takes shots at @Rihanna , saying that Riri does 'coke' & calls her 'fat' and an 'old bi*ch'. — Music News Facts (@musicnews_facts) September 22, 2019
Source: Courtesy Netflix / Courtesy Netflix “Styling Hollywood” Is A Netflix Classic Last month Netflix debuted “Styling Hollywood ,” an ultra chic, but proudly black docuseries, following the lives of Jason Bolden and Adair Curtis, an insanely talented couple who run the JSN Studios design company — where Bolden styles Hollywood celebs including Mindy Kaling, Ava Duvernay, Taraji P. Henson, Yara Shahidi, Storm Reid and a gang of other lovely leading ladies and Curtis oversees interior design projects for stars like Dulé Hill and Sanaa Lathan. Our Senior Director of Content Janeé Bolden binged the entire series the weekend it was released and sat down with the happy couple to discuss. Check out her interview below! Janeé Bolden: How you decided who to actually feature on the show?(Henson, Shahidi, Reid, Duvernay, Lathan and the Hills all make appearances, while some clients were mentioned via photos or video b-roll) Jason Bolden: It was the middle of the awards season and a lot of people were working or traveling, so a lot of it was the people who had a window of time and were available. Everything was happening in real time. Seeing Taraji the day of the Emmys was happening in real time. View this post on Instagram Mid sentence per use…Milano nights w/ my 1&Only + our @prada family A post shared by Adair Curtis (@adair_curtis) on Sep 18, 2019 at 12:37pm PDT Janeé: You guys are an African-American gay couple, not exactly what we see on TV much at all. How did that factor into you guys wanting to tell your story? Jason: Hashtag #DoubleBlack! Adair: In the beginning, and even up until we started doing press, it’s always in the back of your mind, you’re cognizant of it, that it is not often that you see yourself represented, or scenarios of people who look like you so much or have backgrounds like you, so much. So it was important to us to be portrayed in our truest form, in our truest light and to give audiences a glimpse of what our life is like. We’re just like everyone else. Janeé: Yes you are, but way more fabulous! Better access, better cars, way cuter dog, way more access to dope closets and interiors as well. All that aside, you’re both very busy… How did you make time for production? Video production is exactly what it sounds like. It’s a production… That part didn’t get frustrating at all? Adair: Yeah that part was hard. It was something we had to adjust to, because our work schedules are very hectic and we work around the clock. Sometimes I had to film by myself because Jason was working, he had to be on location somewhere or on a set with somebody or at a fitting. And then even vice versa. Jason had to film while I was at a site meeting or I may have been in meetings or designing … It was something we had to adjust to but the family just got used to it. Janeé: If you guys get to do another season, and I hope you do, will we get to see more of your job Adair? I feel like the Hill house took up the bulk of the season in terms of what we saw of your work. We saw Sanaa’s Air BnB, we saw you furniture shopping with Gabrielle Union, but outside of that we saw a lot of Jason during awards season. Adair: Yeah it’s hard to please everybody the crazy thing, or the factual thing about interiors is that things take a long time. Renovations take a long time. While Jason could outfit someone quickly and you can get this on film quickly, we can start a renovation in December and not finish until the next December and when you have a window to fit something in that’s what you do. If we get a second season. we will show the interior work, because Jason is involved in that too and you don’t get to see that so much. Our dynamic of how we work together on interiors. I’m hoping we get to show more of that too. Hit the flip to continue.
Chris brown: “I wanna be the lamp” Rihanna: — im not gay, im straight (@jr0dxx) September 20, 2019 Chris Brown Comments On Rihanna’s IG, Sparks Backlash We have no idea why Chris Brown keeps setting himself up to get DRAGGED but he continued his social media losing streak by creepily commenting on Rihanna ‘s Instagram in an uncomfortable moment that didn’t go too well. Now, at this point, we’re sure he knows better but just doesn’t care nor mind ruining what’s left of his already tarnished legacy that gets less and less golden by the year. Peep the latest well-deserved Chris Brown dragging on the flip.