On May 11, 1949, the nation of Siam officially changed its name to Thailand, and though most of us go nuts for Thai cuisine, we often overlook the amazingly hot women who call Thailand home! In an attempt to rectify that, we’re looking at ten of the hottest women born in Thailand who have doffed their duds on screen! Here are our Top Ten Tantalizing Thai Temptresses!… read more
I’ve been wondering why we haven’t been seeing Miley Cyrus do any of her usual tongue action and topless routine lately, and now I know why. See, according to this Billboard cover, Miley’s “left behind the pasties” and pot so she can become a singer-songwriter and heal the nation. I don’t think that’s supposed to be a joke, but go ahead and laugh, because that’s one of the funniest things I’ve heard in months. Anyway, I guess that’s why these pictures are so tame (for her). Here’s hoping this is just a phase she grows out of.
Jay-Z Sued Over Using His Own Roc Nation Logo Jay Z is getting sued for using his own brand’s logo on MLB merchandise. Iconix Brand Group says they bought the official logo of Roc Nation for $204 million…so Jay legally can’t just slap it on merchandise without their permission. Jay recently placed the logo for his company on several new merch items for the San Francisco Giants, including Major League Baseball hats and shirts to name a fe. The problem is, Iconix didn’t have any knowledge of the deal or approval of the designs. The company is suing Jay Z personally, in addition to Roc Nation , MLB, New Era, Lids and the San Francisco Giants, for moving forward on the shirts and not letting them know. The company is known for owning major logos, as they are the owners for logos for Ed Hardy, Marc Ecko, and Ed Hardy as well. Why would Jay sell his logo to another company that can come bring him lawsuits for using his own stuff? SMH. It will be interesting to see how the trial turns out. Splash
Let’s face it — America is going through a pretty tough time these days. For groups like women, people of color and the LGBT community, it’s nearly impossible to not be aware of the conflict and injustices surrounding them. The turmoil happening in our nation has even forced Hollywood stars to speak out against the blatant […]
After years of public humiliation from his former CEO Birdman, Lil Wayne announced that he’s now a member of Jay Z’s, Roc Nation. The former Cash Money Records artist announced the news last night during a concert at Slippery Rock University in Pennsylvania. Lil Wayne previously hinted at the fact he may join Roc Nation […]
If you’ll recall, Adrienne was engaged to her boyfriend of 6 years, Roc Nation exec Lenny S., before she settled down in holy matrimony with freshly divorced Israel Houghton . Tamara asked her when she knew that the man she thought she was going to marry wasn’t her forever…
Betsy DeVos Blocked From Entering School In DC By Protesters Michigan billionaire Betsy DeVos became the nation’s secretary of education this week. The Republican-ruled Senate voted on the confirmation of DeVos to serve as the Trump administration’s secretary of education, a close vote that required Vice President Mike Pence to break with a tie-breaking vote. FYI: This was the first time in American history that a Vice President would have to break a tie during a confirmation for a presidential nominee. Well, it looks like her first week isn’t going that well. DeVos was physically blocked by protesters from entering a D.C. school. Watch the video below: WATCH: Sec. Betsy DeVos physically blocked by protesters from entering DC school–turned away and left. Video: @SweeneyABC pic.twitter.com/RAycuKEVgm — ABC 7 News – WJLA (@ABC7News) February 10, 2017 All children left behind! Twitter
The day has finally come that Barack Obama is relieved of his duties as President of the United States. On Tuesday, the Head of State addressed the nation for the last time with an emotional speech in his hometown of Chicago, Illinois. In a message sent to the White House email list last week, Obama said […]