Tag Archives: news-reporter

Animal Attack: Florida Tiger Tamer Suffers Fatal Injuries At Palm Beach Zoo

You gotta be a special type of person to risk your life to f**k around with these animals . Florida zookeeper Stacey Konwiser was one of those people according to a story in the DailyMail … [Stacey]…was killed by a Malayan tiger in its enclosure screamed desperately into her radio for help before the 350-pound animal crushed her neck, an autopsy has found. Stacey Konwiser, 38, died of a fractured spine, a lacerated jugular and other neck injuries suffered when she was attacked on April 15 by ‘Hati’, the Palm Beach County medical examiner found. The male tiger, then 12 years old, had been at the zoo for two years on loan from the zoo in Fort Worth, Texas. Damn! Not mauled her with bites or claws…crushed her neck. Jesus. The report by medical examiner investigator Aleita J. Kinman says the tiger’s cage was supposed to be locked, but it was open, and Konwiser’s view of the animal may have been blocked by a large box inside the enclosure. Hearing her screams, Konwiser’s co-workers rushed to the tiger exhibit and found the tiger standing over her body. Some of you Harambe fans may find this next part interesting… Zoo officials have defended their decision not to shoot the rare tiger, saying they feared a bullet could strike Konwiser or further enrage Hati if it didn’t kill him instantly. R.I.P. to Stacey Knowiser. What horrific way to live out your last moments. Image via Facebook/Shutterstock

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Animal Attack: Florida Tiger Tamer Suffers Fatal Injuries At Palm Beach Zoo

“White People Is Hypocrites!” Charlotte Protestor Hysterically Reads White Folks On Live TV

Black Man Tells White Reporter Sarcastically “White Lives Don’t Matter” On Live TV A local Philly news reporter travelled down to Charlotte to get some exclusive coverage of protests happening right now and picked the WRONG person to interview. You can see how butt hurt this reporter is after homie clapped back with the truth.

The rest is here:
“White People Is Hypocrites!” Charlotte Protestor Hysterically Reads White Folks On Live TV

Afternoon Minute: Change.Org Petition Wants To Get Jesse Williams Fired From ‘Grey’s Anatomy’ For His BET Awards Speech

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Plus, Prince’s “Purple Rain” shirt and blazer sells for $100,000 each and a Black news reporter keeps her cool during racist assault caught on camera.

Afternoon Minute: Change.Org Petition Wants To Get Jesse Williams Fired From ‘Grey’s Anatomy’ For His BET Awards Speech

Did This TV News Reporter Outdo Daniel Radcliffe’s Rapping Skills?

A news reporter from Texas raps Blackalicious’ “Alphabet Aerobics.”

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Did This TV News Reporter Outdo Daniel Radcliffe’s Rapping Skills?

Did This TV News Reporter Outdo Daniel Radcliffe’s Rapping Skills?

A news reporter from Texas raps Blackalicious’ “Alphabet Aerobics.”

See the rest here:
Did This TV News Reporter Outdo Daniel Radcliffe’s Rapping Skills?

Mommy Mash-Up: Perri “Pebbles Reid” Wants $40 million for TLC Biopic

Originally posted here:
Mommy Mash-Up: Perri “Pebbles Reid” Wants $40 million for TLC Biopic

Catch Fade: Monkey Punches News Reporter On Live TV [Video]


Catch Fade: Monkey Punches News Reporter On Live TV [Video]

Kate Sissons Whores Out in PIMP of the Day

She’s the daughter of some BBC news reporter named Peter Sissons. I love when parents work hard at having legitimate careers, you know at providing their family with a life of luxury where they mingle with the Biritish Society, allowing them to be anything they want to be, giving them access to the best possible education and their daughters choose to play Dominatrix bitches in nipple clamps on camera cuz it’s the only job her “professionally” trained acting ass can get…. She decided one day she was talented enough, and looked good enough to work in the movies, to live the celebrity life, cuz the rich girl life wasn’t enough, but even with pullin’ all of her daddy’s contacts, nipple clamps and the splits is all this whore can get. Failure for her is a win for us. Amazing.


Original post:
Kate Sissons Whores Out in PIMP of the Day