Tag Archives: ninth

Tomorrowland 2013 Trailer: The Moon, The Stars And An EDM-Loving Wizard

New clip features a ‘magical’ wizard touting the ninth installment of the star-studded Belgium dance festival, which kicks off July 26. By Sarah Karp Ward

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Tomorrowland 2013 Trailer: The Moon, The Stars And An EDM-Loving Wizard

Watch the New Trailer for Roland Emmerich’s Anonymous: Shakespeare in the Dark

As your ninth grade English teacher once explained to you with an air of fake intrigue, William Shakespeare may not have written all of his works. Scandal! In the trailer for Roland Emmerich’s new Anonymous , that theory plays out in a full period-piece drama. And like you in ninth grade, Anonymous is not aware of how overwrought it is.

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Watch the New Trailer for Roland Emmerich’s Anonymous: Shakespeare in the Dark

Where Does Helen Mirren Rank Among Saturday Night Live’s Oldest Hosts?

This weekend, Helen Mirren, at the age of 65, will become the ninth oldest host in the history of Saturday Night Live . And while the young and spry are terrific for a variety of reasons, let’s not forget that some of the greatest moments in SNL history have come from some of its more seasoned hosts — including one 80-year-old unknown who resulted from a write-in campaign. (Yes, this happened.)

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Where Does Helen Mirren Rank Among Saturday Night Live’s Oldest Hosts?

Random Ridiculousness: Man Attempts To Commit Suicide By Jumping Out Window, Lands In Big Pile Of Garbage Instead

This sounds like a case of “when trying to off yourself goes wrong”: A despondent West Side man took a leap out of his ninth-floor window this afternoon — but was saved when he landed onto a huge pile of garbage that’s been collecting since New York’s devastating post-Christmas blizzard, officials said. Vangelis “Angelo” Icapatos, 26, apparently attempted his death leap at 12:04 p.m. from a building on W. 45th St. between 8th and 9th avenues, police said. Icapatos landed on his back and was taken to Bellevue Hospital. A worker at the building said Icapatos is a resident at the building on the ninth floor. “I can’t believe the garbage broke his fall,” said an astounded neighbor, Ingrid Suprock, 26, who lives next door. “I guess the trash saved the guy.” For the first time in a torturous week, what has been going all wrong, finally went right. Collecting trash has been piling up around the city — as sanitation workers try to catch up with snow removal that has bogged down the city since the day after Christmas. But with Mother Nature helping to melt the 20 inches that got dumped in the devastating blizzard, the city has been turning its attention to the gathering garbage — untouched since the storm. “It’s been out here all week,” Suprock said of the trash out in front of the victim’s building, and others along the block. Source

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Random Ridiculousness: Man Attempts To Commit Suicide By Jumping Out Window, Lands In Big Pile Of Garbage Instead

Gay-Hating Cult Vows to Burn Korans if Jones’ Church Doesn’t

A rabidly anti-gay Kansas-based cult — which has drawn nationwide outrage for staging protests at the funerals of U.S. soldiers killed in Iraq and Afghanistan — has vowed to burn copies of the Koran, now that the pastor of a fundamentalist church in Florida has put on hold his planned burning of the Muslim holy book that was scheduled for today (Saturday), the ninth anniversary of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. http://www.skeeterbitesreport.com/2010/09/gay-hating-cult-vows-to-burn-korans-if… added by: SkeeterVT

Watch Big Brother Season 12 Episode 23 – HoH Competition #9 & Nomination Ceremony #9

Watch Big Brother S12E23: HoH Competition #9 & Nomination Ceremony #9 Brendon and Matt are the ones who gotten evicted in the double eviction episode, right after it is the ninth Head of Household Competition which will lead to the ninth set of HouseGuests being nominated by the new Head of Household. After those, Pandora’ Box appeared again and gave the latest Head of Household the chance to get 3 envelopes in the “Money Tree” where the envelopes contains some money for them but also, each envelopes that they open is equivalent to a punishment that they have to endure. The new installment of Big Brother which is entitled “HoH Competition #9 & Nomination Ceremony #9” is the hit reality TV show’s 23rd episode of the 12th season that aired last

The Government’s New ‘Right’ to Track Your Every Move With GPS

~So they gain even more spy powers on citizens, yet can't find a guy who jumps from cave to cave supposedly…. “Government agents can sneak onto your property in the middle of the night, put a GPS device on the bottom of your car and keep track of everywhere you go. This doesn't violate your Fourth Amendment rights, because you do not have any reasonable expectation of privacy in your own driveway – and no reasonable expectation that the government isn't tracking your movements. That is the bizarre – and scary – rule that now applies in California and eight other Western states. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, which covers this vast jurisdiction, recently decided the government can monitor you in this way virtually anytime it wants – with no need for a search warrant. (See a TIME photoessay on Cannabis Culture.) It is a dangerous decisio……………” http://news.yahoo.com/s/time/08599201315000 added by: shanklinmike

PBS Reporter Waters Down Liberal Bias of Ninth Circuit Court

Reporting a U.S. District Court judge overturning California’s Proposition 8, PBS correspondent Spencer Michaels noted that if the case is appealed to a higher court, the U.S. Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals would handle it. Michaels watered down the court’s infamous history of liberal rulings, saying that though it may be liberal, it is not more so than any other U.S. Circuit Court. The Ninth Circuit has “kind of a liberal bias – at least that’s the charge,” Michaels quickly corrected himself. “In actual fact, they probably aren’t any more liberal than any other court,” he insisted of the circuit with the dubious distinction of being the most-overturned of any by the Supreme Court. The Ninth Circuit has a long history of being stacked with liberal judges since the days of President Carter, and infamously struck down “under God” from the Pledge of Allegiance in 2002. The Court has arguably inched to the right with the addition of moderate and conservative judges, but is still widely regarded as the most liberal of the circuit courts. James Taranto, member of the editorial board of the Wall Street Journal, described the court as “notoriously liberal,” in his piece about the reversal of Proposition 8. Ashby Jones, writing for the WSJ’s law blog, said that the court has a reputation for being “packed with liberal judges.” The sentiment isn’t confined to conservative-friendly publications. The Los Angeles Times reported last year that 15 of the court’s 16 cases reviewed by the U.S. Supreme Court were reversed. “Judicial analysts attribute the high reversal rate at least partly to the 9th Circuit’s reputation as a liberal-dominated bench, even though more recent conservative appointments have diluted that influence,” the paper reported. Indeed, the New York Times reported this past spring that “outside experts who have examined the circuit for quantitative evidence of its leanings say that over all, it is indeed the most liberal circuit – but not by all that much.” A transcript of the segment, which aired on August 4 at 7:10 p.m., is as follows: JUDY WOODRUFF, PBS anchor: And as you suggest, the proponents of Proposition 8 had already served notice that they plan to appeal. What is their recourse here? SPENCER MICHAELS, PBS correspondent: Well, they’re going to go to the Ninth Circuit, which is California and the rest of the West’s appellate court in the federal system. That court has a kind of a liberal bias, at least that’s the charge. In actual fact, they probably aren’t any more liberal than any other court. They’re going to take up this case, and from there, what one of the lawyers I talked to today said, is that what happens in the Ninth Circuit is going to be very, very important, that they will set precedent. And if they set a precedent that makes the Ninth Circuit different than the rest of the country, then the Supreme Court will want to step in and settle this issue. You can’t have gay marriage approved in the Ninth Circuit and not in the rest of the country. So the Supreme Court will want to get involved in that. So that’s probably what will happen. It probably will go to the Supreme Court eventually. The people who are in favor of gay marriage aren’t really happy to go to the Supreme Court at this point. They know the make-up of that court, and they probably figure that they don’t have a big chance of winning. WOODRUFF: And Spencer, you were saying in your report a few minutes ago that it’s not clear the effect this is going to have on the other 49 states right now. What is your understanding of that? MICHAELS: Well as I said, right now this court is just a district court, a trial court – it doesn’t present a precedent. If it goes to the Ninth Circuit, then there is a precedent involved, and the Ninth Circuit rules in most of the states west of the Rockies. But the rest of the country is not bound by the Ninth Circuit. So the U.S. Supreme Court would have to make a decision for the rest of the country.

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PBS Reporter Waters Down Liberal Bias of Ninth Circuit Court

Fukudome’s hit in 9th lifts Cubs by A’s (AP)

Kosuke Fukudome, benched recently due to a slump at the plate, singled to start a tying rally in the eighth inning before driving in the winning run with another single in the ninth to lift the Chicago Cubs to a 3-2 win over the Oakland Athletics on Thursday. The Cubs won their first series since late May and have their first winning streak of any kind since taking three in a row from May 22-25.

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Fukudome’s hit in 9th lifts Cubs by A’s (AP)

Oh My God, We’re All Gonna Die!

The latest buzz is that Betelgeuse, a red supergiant and the ninth brightest star in the sky, is about to go supernova in the next few weeks or months. It seems as though every few months we're subjected to warnings of some new disaster that threatens to destroy us. What is the reason for our strange obsession with doomsday? More details and links at the URL below: http://talkingskull.com/article/oh-my-god-were-all-gonna-die added by: Billy_Tarter