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MSNBC Panel Not Impressed By Obama Speech

On a special edition of Tuesday’s Countdown show on MSNBC which aired after President Obama address to the nation, the panel of Keith Olbermann, Chris Matthews and Howard Fineman were not impressed by the President’s speech, as the group complained that it was not “specific” enough and lacked details. Matthews complained that in the Obama administration, “meritocracy is going too far,” and asserted that it was “ludicrous” that the President had mentioned that Energy Secretary Carol Browner has a Nobal Prize. Matthews: Well, I thought a couple of things were surprising to me. Why does he continue to say that the secretary of energy has a Nobel Prize? I mean, it`s almost gotten ludicrous. We have Carol Browner do it again tonight. I know I`ve mocked him for doing it, saying I`d barf if he did it one more time. But it`s not important. This meritocracy is going too far. This I`m the new guy here, the head the MMS. I`m not sure whether these degrees are going to help or these awards from overseas. Below is a transcript of the relevant portion of the Tuesday, June 15, Countdown show on MSNBC:  KEITH OLBERMANN: Chris, I`m going to start with you. Maybe I missed something. I thought it was a great speech if you`ve been on another planet for the last 57 days. But was that what was needed tonight? Did he shoot really low? CHRIS MATTHEWS: Well, I thought there was a bit of news there and I don`t whether it`s optimistic beyond belief, which is, in the coming days or weeks, these efforts should capture up to 90 percent of the oil leaking out of the well. Well, that`s the first I`ve heard of that. In coming days, we`re going to have this thing capped. We`re going to effectively solve the problem? Secondly, he didn`t mention what power he has as chief executive of the country to make them understand they need to put this escrow account in third party hands. Is he going to litigate? Is he going to file an amicus brief with class action suit? Wait seven years for this to happen? Or is he really going to demand it to happen? He said, I can ask them to do this. I`m amazed he just says he has that power. We`ll see. And as for the energy bill, I think you hit on something important there. Cap and trade passed the House. It hasn`t gotten anywhere in the Senate. And one reason it has gotten there is, remember how he jump- lined for immigration after Harry Reid for a while there? He had the bill in the queue. He pushed this aside for immigration, knowing he wasn`t going to be able to get immigration through, or even come with an I.D. card as part of a comprehensive solution. And then he pushed it aside and then he put it back in line again. It`s not clear. Now, the hard part of this is the heavy-lifting of energy transition. He said we have to accelerate this thing, accelerate the transition to renewables. That is the hardest thing in the world. That`s what broke Jimmy Carter. That`s what Ronald Reagan took a buy on completely. And Bill Clinton didn`t do anything. It`s the hardest thing in the world. He`s saying, I`m going to do it, and then no more information. OLBERMANN: Nothing. Nothing specific. Nothing specific at all. MATTHEWS: The best you can do, if you do it, and the question: Is he going to do it this year? Is there going to be a bill that goes from cap and trade to something like Lugar? Is there a particular direction he`s going in? He didn`t tell us. OLBERMANN: But he didn`t even say the Senate needs to pass the bill that`s already on the table. MATTHEWS: Well, at least something. You need to go to conference. OLBERMANN: Howard, I got the feeling, Howard, that the president would have said, hey, I was as surprised by this as you were. He talked about how he had approved the expansion of the offshore drilling and said he`d been assured everything was going to go all right. And then he had the analogy, which many people expected would be more contemporary about 9/11, was instead about World War II. And he said something I found just extraordinary, it`s nice- speechifying. But let me read it again. “Our determination to fight for the America we want for our children, even if we`re unsure exactly what that looks like, even if we don`t yet know precisely how we`re going to get there, we know we`ll get there.” It`s nice, but again, how? Where was the “how” in this speech when the nation is crying out for how? HOWARD FINEMAN, MSNBC POLITICAL ANALYST: Yes. you said he aimed too low. I don`t think he was specific enough, Keith. You talked about the energy bill. The fact is that Harry Reid has told him there aren`t 60 votes in the Senate to get beyond a filibuster with cap and trade. That`s the detail of it. But beyond that, I think the American people, both in the Gulf and everywhere else, wanted to know more how this was going. Somewhere between earlier today and tonight, this went from being a war and all about an assault on the Gulf to an epidemic. That`s one thing that I thought was interesting. The commander-in-chief thing was lost. And I thought it was, he had to confess but in a way didn`t confess enough. Why he had approved offshore oil drilling and he had accepted these assurances? Who were these assurances from? Who were they from? Now, if you connected the dots between that paragraph and the one below where he said the MMS was a disaster and a mess, you might get a little bit of an idea why that it happened. I think this is a war. I think he was commander-in-chief or should have been commander-in-chief tonight. I think, just, if he`s going to make the analogy to World War II, it should have been like Franklin Roosevelt explaining exactly what was happening in Europe, where Patton was going, where the troops were going, what the losses were, what the advances were, what the troop`s strengths were. Tell everybody. They` been watching television for the last 59 days. They want to know how we`re doing. OLBERMANN: Right. Even if we don`t know precisely how we`re going to get there we know we`ll get there. There wasn`t any specificity to it. FINEMAN: Yes. OLBERMANN: I`m going to revise my remark, Chris. I don`t think he aimed low. I don`t think he aimed at all about this. It`s startling to have heard this, isn`t it? MATTHEWS: Well, I thought a couple of things were surprising to me. Why does he continue to say that the secretary of energy has a Nobel Prize? I mean, it`s almost gotten ludicrous. We have Carol Browner do it again tonight. I know I`ve mocked him for doing it, saying I`d barf if he did it one more time. But it`s not important. This meritocracy is going too far. This I`m the new guy here, the head the MMS. I`m not sure whether these degrees are going to help or these awards from overseas. I think it`s interesting. We have a blue ribbon panel now that`s going to look in to what went wrong. Can`t we move a little quicker than that, than to name a commission? That`s what they`ve done here. Another commission and another guy mentioned — they mentioned for having a Nobel Prize. I think there`s a lot of meritocracy, a lot of blue ribbon talk here. References — you know what they don`t refer to, his cabinet. Now, this is cabinet government like I`ve never seen before. I asked Admiral Allen the other day, “Who do you work for?” Because there`s been concern in the Gulf as to the lack of a clear-cut chain of command, like the president of the United States, Rahm Emanuel, cabinet does what they`re told. Now, I asked Allen, “Who do you work for?” Well, he says, “I work for Janet Napolitano over at homeland security and then she sort of reports to the president.” And go — wait a minute, isn`t the president calling the shots here? And here he was delineating everybody`s job like Admiral Allen and he`s got this Nobel Prize guy and then he`s got this blue-ribbon panel. I don`t sense executive command. And I thought that was the purpose of this speech tonight, command and control. I`m calling the shots. My name is Barack Obama. I`m the boss. I`m telling people what to do. I didn`t get that clarity. And I think that command and control, a phrase that`s made, worked its way around the White House is essential here. He must be chief executive. He can no longer be Vatican observer or intellectual, or a guy calling in experts, or naming commissioners or whatever. I think he`s, or citing people for their Nobel prizes, I think he has to be the boss. And he never mentioned here anything beyond BP, like, aren`t there other oil companies that could help clean up this mess? You know, we`ve had Hofmeister on, the former Shell executive, saying you`ve got to get all these tankers in there, all these people out there skimming. I don`t sense this as a real national effort yet.

See the original post here:
MSNBC Panel Not Impressed By Obama Speech

How To Name A Volcano

Tom Oatmeal has some nomenclature insights for your consideration. File away for the next time you would like to win a Nobel Prize View

Obama’s Nobel Speech: Pretty Damn Good

Barack Obama ‘s Peace Prize acceptance speech started off humble, sounded kinda defensive, and it even got, weirdly, a bit Bush-y. But on the whole: it was pretty damn good! No one really remembers Nobel Prize acceptance speeches. Not even King’s, which Obama quoted a couple times.

Obama’s Nobel Speech: Pretty Damn Good

The Washington Post Has the Worst Opinion Section in America

On the occasion of this wonderful op-ed on how Barack Obama’s Nobel Peace Prize is a violation of our nation’s founding document, let us examine the recent crimes of the Washington Post opinion section. Under editor Fred Hiatt , the Post op-ed page has gone completely off the rails.

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The Washington Post Has the Worst Opinion Section in America

Dress Like A Nobel Prize Winner

Refinery29 found a bunch of outfits to match Nobel Prize winners who actually deserved their awards. (I still love you Barry!!) I really did not think I was that down with Doris Lessing

Go here to read the rest:
Dress Like A Nobel Prize Winner

Barack Obama Accepts Nobel Peace Prize As ‘Call to Action’

Barack Obama knows that the Nobel Peace Prize is as often given as encouragement as it is for accomplishment. So he starts off humble, says he’ll accept the award, and moves on to his international relations to-do list.

Barack Obama Accepts Nobel Peace Prize As ‘Call to Action’

Barack Obama Accepts Nobel Peace Prize As ‘A Call to Action’

Barack Obama knows that the Nobel Peace Prize is as often given as encouragement as it is for accomplishment. So he starts off humble, says he’ll accept the award, and moves on to his international relations to-do list

See the original post here:
Barack Obama Accepts Nobel Peace Prize As ‘A Call to Action’

Rachel Bilson Is Still Cute But Boring

It’s funny, Rachel Bilson is pretty damn cute but I don’t put her on the site very often, I wonder why that is. It’s probably because she wears boring outfits like this all the time.

See the original post:
Rachel Bilson Is Still Cute But Boring

Lindsay Lohan The New Marilyn Monroe?

So it seems that my temporary ban on Lindsay Lohan has come to an abrupt halt, here she is doing her best Marilyn Monroe impersonation on the cover of Vogue magazine. I guess it wasn’t really a ban on Lindsay it was more of a policy.

See the rest here:
Lindsay Lohan The New Marilyn Monroe?

Rihanna Ruins A See Through Moment

Rihanna has ruined a few things for me over the years, I refuse to use an umbrella no matter how hard it’s raining, so I wasn’t surprised to see her ruining a perfectly good see through top by wearing a bra.

Go here to see the original:
Rihanna Ruins A See Through Moment