MTV’s provocative new show is really about ‘the relationships, and that’s what teenagers relate to,’ star Sofia Black-D’Elia says. By Jocelyn Vena A scene from MTV’s “Skins” Photo: MTV At first glance, it might seem easy to boil down the teen drama “Skins” to a simple format: teens doing lots of drugs while having lots of sex and listening to lots of rock and roll. But the cast of MTV’s American version of the soapy U.K. show, which premiered on Monday night, say you’re not watching closely enough if that’s all you see. “I don’t think the sex and the drugs is really what’s prominent. … Throughout the season, what’s more important is the relationships, and that’s what teenagers relate to,” Sofia Black-D’Elia explained. ” ‘Skins’ isn’t about drugs and sex. ‘Skins’ is about best friends and growing up.” But it does raise the question: Are kids really that wild? “There definitely are kids like this that exist in America,” Daniel Flaherty, who plays Stanley, told MTV News recently. “There are those kids that love to party and go out and disobey their parents and do whatever they want and do take whatever pills and drugs, so not all of America is like that, but there’s definitely kids in America that are like that.” “Things like this certainly happen [in real life],” added James Newman, who plays Tony. “I don’t think they necessarily happen with the frequency that it happens on ‘Skins,’ but it’s TV and we want it to be entertaining and it helps from a standpoint on sex and drugs. It doesn’t happen as much, but I think as far as relationships the friends have with each other and the emotions, that stuff is dead-on, spot for spot what we went through in high school. … Anytime you see sex and drugs on ‘Skins,’ it’s about the story. It’s never that for the sake of that.” Britne Oldford plays Cadie, and she told us she hopes viewers will be able to relate to the characters. “I definitely hope that teens, even adults or parents that watch the show, take away a sense of security because, hey, maybe they’ll see someone who’s a lot like them going through the [same] situation,” she said. “And they won’t feel so alone. Everyone in the show is relatable to a certain extent.” What did you think of the first episode of “Skins”? Share your thoughts in the comments below! Related Videos Skins | Sneak Peek Skins | Extended Trailers

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‘Skins’ Cast Talks Sex, Drugs And American Teens