Hilarious Responses To (The Other) Beyonce’s Facebook Post A New Yorker named Beyonce (no, seriously) recently inspired a classic Facebook thread after sharing what it’s like to be named after a Pop Goddess with Humans of New York on Facebook and the rest is history. Hit the flip for the best (and funniest) responses to the other Beyonce’s Facebook post.
Lena Dunham pokes a nice-sized hole in The New Yorker ‘s we’re-witty-not-funny facade with her promotional-film-within-a-film for the magazine’s new iPhone app. In the first part of the clip, the Tiny Furniture filmmaker and Girls creator — who never lets her ego get in the way of good comedy — lolls around in a ridiculous pair of pants on a talk show hosted by Mad Men ‘s Jon Hamm. After explaining to Hamm’s technologically retarded character just what an iPhone app is, Dunham does what every talk-show guest does eventually: urges him to play her clip. Dunham stars as the New Yorker ‘s editor, despite bearing little resemblance to the publication’s actual chief, David Remnick. Girls cast member Alex Karpovsky also appears as her slow-witted assistant and offers up a series of slyly stupid reaction shots as Dunham then gives a so-rudimentary-its-funny demonstration of the app for those New Yorker readers who are really fighting the leap from print to digital. After breaking it down for the Luddite crowd, Dunham then suggests that she and her assistant have sex the following week. Actually, that’s the one false note of Dunham’s short. Everyone who’s ever worked at Conde Nast knows that the first rule of The New Yorker ‘s Sex Club is that you don’t talk about Sex Club — until a fact checker vets your comments. Check out the clip below, then write the New Yorker to suggest that Dunham, who has contributed a couple of smart pieces to the magazine, guest-edit a future special issue about anything she damn well wants. That kid is full of good ideas. Watch It on YouTube. Follow Frank DiGiacomo on Twitter. Follow Movieline on Twitter.
After somebody noticed that New Yorker comics are better with the caption ” Christ, what an asshole “, Robert Sinclair applied the same logic to all comic strips, with surprisingly consistent results. It even works with web comics! The Best Links: More “Christ, what an asshole” comics at RoberSinclair.net Via Boing Boing View
What a New Yorker won’t do to find a parking spot! Big Apple police are investigating why Jerry Seinfeld’s driver, a retired officer, is still in possession of a Bronx police…
One way of communicating to everyone that you’re “in the know” is to refer to people not by their bylines, but by their IRL nicknames. Everyone will know you’re a poser if you don’t call A.O. Scott (pictured) “Tony.” Here are some other ones, which you can feel free to pepper your conversation with at the next Lapham’s Quarterly party.
Link: http://www.newyorker.com/fiction/feat… In this week's issue, the New Yorker's running “All That,” a short story excerpted from DFW's forthcoming posthumous book, “The Pale King.” Contribute: Add an image, link, video or comment
At least we’ve got a new Nikki Finke picture to look at. We were sick of that black-and-white portrait—the only photo of the Hollywood gossip available online—so we’re glad the New Yorker added an illustration to the mix. But other than that, Tad Friend ‘s long-awaited profile of Nikki Finke , the proprietress of Deadline Hollywood, sadly missed the mark