Tag Archives: facebook-post

Put On Blast: Mom Reveals Son’s Adopted Immigrant Past After Reading His Racist Facebook Post

Mom Reveals Son’s Adopted Immigrant Status After Reading Racist Facebook Post Facebook is full of foolishness. Inflammatory fake new articles, debates of the most moronic kind, and good ol’ fashioned racism and bigotry. This story is a case of the latter. An unknown Facebook user who can only be distinguished by the fact that he is a banker, was recently demolished by his own mother who was none-too-pleased with the content of her son’s page. The aforementioned banker, who is likely a Donald Trump supporter, shared an offensive meme along with an even more offensive caption: This was followed up by a slew of this guy’s bigoted brethren’s comments co-signing the ugly sentiment. Now, enter the mom, who stepped in with some ether so hot it left us looking at our computer screens like: Ready? Here it goes: Daaaaaamn, Gina! She bascially just told her son that he’s a Kardashian and he needs to STFU forever. Way to go momma! Image via Shutterstock/Facebook

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Put On Blast: Mom Reveals Son’s Adopted Immigrant Past After Reading His Racist Facebook Post

Pure Comedy: Here’s What Happened When A Girl Named Beyonce Complained About Her Name On Facebook

Hilarious Responses To (The Other) Beyonce’s Facebook Post A New Yorker named Beyonce (no, seriously) recently inspired a classic Facebook thread after sharing what it’s like to be named after a Pop Goddess with Humans of New York on Facebook and the rest is history. Hit the flip for the best (and funniest) responses to the other Beyonce’s Facebook post.

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Pure Comedy: Here’s What Happened When A Girl Named Beyonce Complained About Her Name On Facebook

Suspended… Seriously?: Teacher Tells Black Students “Take Your N***er Azz Back To The Ghetto” [Video]

Teacher Suspended Over Facebook Post FOX8 ndn Continue reading

Too $hort Isn’t Dead!

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Twitter has once again “killed” another celebrity. Too bad for Too $hort-it was him this time. No worries though, the California native took to the social network to reassure us that he is OK! “Thanks for the calls, texts, emails & tweets. Its good to know yall got love for me. Retweet it & facebook post it. #2Short ‘sAlive” and “I’m not dead, I’m just mackin”. Too Short 1990.” Too $ hort Arrested For Battery In Idaho WTF: Too $ hort’s Mom & Daughter Have A Booty

Too $hort Isn’t Dead!

stepNEWS of the Day

I slept in…I’ve been high on Charlie Sheen …This guy, whether legit or not in his insanity or just doing some publicity spin CBS is totally behind, all to get the show higher ratings or not..His freestyling is amazing…his quotes genius….so I made a some shirts ….. Here’s the latest news that isn’t news….I mean other than my Charlie Sheen Quote Shirts which I think is the only news that isn’t news we need…. Students Disciplined Over Facebook Post, Calling Teacher Pedophile and Rapist Two Douglas County students were suspended and one student was expelled after a negative Facebook posting about a teacher. Senator’s Ex Tells Her Side of the Domestic Assault Story A freeway fight between a state Senator and his girlfriend just got more interesting. Up until now — we’ve only heard Republican Senator Scott Bundgaard’s side of the story about what happened on the side of SR 51 Friday night after the two left a dance competition he was taking part in. Del Taco Manager Accused of Harassment Del Taco is being sued for the alleged sexual harassment of a female worker. Clerk foils would-be armed robber LYNN – The owner of a Lynn convenience store took matters into her own hands when a robber entered her store armed with a knife. Brazilian Motorist Plows into Cyclists At least nine people have been injured after a driver plowed his car into a group of cyclists staging a peaceful demonstration in southern Brazil, Sky News reported Monday.

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stepNEWS of the Day

stepNEWS of the Day

I slept in…I’ve been high on Charlie Sheen …This guy, whether legit or not in his insanity or just doing some publicity spin CBS is totally behind, all to get the show higher ratings or not..His freestyling is amazing…his quotes genius….so I made a some shirts ….. Here’s the latest news that isn’t news….I mean other than my Charlie Sheen Quote Shirts which I think is the only news that isn’t news we need…. Students Disciplined Over Facebook Post, Calling Teacher Pedophile and Rapist Two Douglas County students were suspended and one student was expelled after a negative Facebook posting about a teacher. Senator’s Ex Tells Her Side of the Domestic Assault Story A freeway fight between a state Senator and his girlfriend just got more interesting. Up until now — we’ve only heard Republican Senator Scott Bundgaard’s side of the story about what happened on the side of SR 51 Friday night after the two left a dance competition he was taking part in. Del Taco Manager Accused of Harassment Del Taco is being sued for the alleged sexual harassment of a female worker. Clerk foils would-be armed robber LYNN – The owner of a Lynn convenience store took matters into her own hands when a robber entered her store armed with a knife. Brazilian Motorist Plows into Cyclists At least nine people have been injured after a driver plowed his car into a group of cyclists staging a peaceful demonstration in southern Brazil, Sky News reported Monday.

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stepNEWS of the Day