Tag Archives: obesity

For Discussion: The American Medical Association Labels Obesity A Disease…Do You Agree?

This is a step in a positive direction by labeling obesity a disease. Obesity Labeled A Disease According to CNN One word could have a big impact on the way doctors treat obesity in the United States. The American Medical Association has adopted a new policy that officially labels obesity as a disease “requiring a range of medical interventions to advance obesity treatment and prevention,” according to an AMA statement. The physicians’ group voted to approve the obesity policy, among others, on Tuesday during its annual meeting in Chicago. The U.S. obesity rate increased almost 50% between 1997 and 2012, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Today, nearly 30% of American adults are considered obese, and the problem is almost as prevalent in kids. Childhood obesity has more than doubled in the past 30 years, the CDC says. Obesity for adults is defined as having a body mass index, or BMI, of 30 or higher. BMI is a way to measure body fat based on your weight and height. (Calculate your BMI here) Being obese increases your risk factor for developing many serious conditions, including heart disease, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, stroke, liver disease, sleep apnea and osteoarthritis. In fact, obesity has been linked to almost every chronic disease in some way or another. “Recognizing obesity as a disease will help change the way the medical community tackles this complex issue,” AMA board member Dr. Patrice Harris said in a statement. Obesity has long been recognized as a disease by other groups, but this move by the AMA sends a strong signal to the medical community, said CNN chief medical correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta. Some experts worry suddenly declaring one-third of Americans “ill” or “sick” will increase the desire for quick interventions or medications and discourage people from making the lifestyle changes known to combat obesity. On the other hand, AMA’s declaration could help increase funding for future obesity research. It could also lead to payment for doctors who want to simply talk to patients about nutrition or exercise — time that’s not currently reimbursed by insurance plans. Identifying obesity as a disease may also help in reducing the stigma often associated with being overweight, said Joe Nadglowski, president and CEO of the Obesity Action Coalition. “Obesity has been considered for a long time to be a failure of personal responsibility — a simple problem of eating too much and exercising too little,” he said. “But it’s a complex disease… we’re hoping attitudes will change.” Do you think obesity is like other diseases or is it a result of people feeding their faces? Shutterstock

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For Discussion: The American Medical Association Labels Obesity A Disease…Do You Agree?

Nina Agdal’s Outtakes for Esquire with Bare Ass and Nipple of the Day

Nina Agdal is a model who is putting in serious bikini work to knock Kate Upton of her all you can eat buffet fat ass filled throne….you know the prized pig at the fair…in her pig pen….eating as much of the free celebratory food as she can…because those are the perks of being the prized pig….really taking ownership on her obesity…. You see, Nina Agdal was robbed of the cover this year, because SI wanted to milk the cow one more time before putting her to pasture, giving Nina a chance to take the fuck over…and that’s what she’s doing… These are some outtakes of her Esquire shoot, with bare ass and some see through to nipple and shit is glorious…so glorious I can ignore the fact that she kinda looks downs syndrome… The things people will do to make it….are great….

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Nina Agdal’s Outtakes for Esquire with Bare Ass and Nipple of the Day

Kim Kardashian’s Pregnant Ass is Hysterical of the Day

Kim Kardashian was a fat chick who carried her fat in her ass and tits….like she belonged in some African tribe….and not just because she loved getting fucked by black guys…so much she put out the video….but because that’s just how she was fucking built… It was an ass that was already a comedy….or a novelty…like the clown car of asses….but now that she’s pregnant that awkward lookin like she was wearing a diaper in her pants…has become lookin’ like she’s wearing 5 diapers all full of shit….and for all we know she is…. The fact that she’s reproducing…is a fucking tragedy….but the fact that we’ve allowed her to get this famous…all cuz of a rich dad and a sex tape…is a bigger fucking tragedy….she’s the worst and now…so is her obesity….explained by pregnancy…unfortuntely TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Kim Kardashian’s Pregnant Ass is Hysterical of the Day

Keira Knightley Skinny Back for the March Marie Claire of the DAy

I saw a Keira Knightley for the first time this past weekend and I really appreciated the fact that she’s not fat…because so many people are fat these days and it is just disgusting…from my wife…to the girl working the restaurant I order my pizza at….to the fucking Wal mart check out girl…I just can’t escape this obesity shit…so seeing a body the way I like a body to be….all bones exposed like she doesn’t eat..inspires me and brings me hope for a better tomorrow…that no matter what happens to the rest of the world…there will always be the 1 percent that look hungry even if they aren’t thanks to good genes… I am a fan….and any chance I get to stare at her back….I get excited….it is porn to me.

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Keira Knightley Skinny Back for the March Marie Claire of the DAy

Christina Aguilera’s New Cover of the Day

I have a question…How many of you have masturbated to the new cover pic for the X-Tina – I think she goes by Christina Aguilera now…cuz X-Tina was too erotic and lean for someone so fucking large……and disgusting….because I guess she’s addicted to emotionally eating cuz she can now that that world has embraced her fatness and accepted her as more than a poptart with implants and a big irritating singing voice…which is unfortunate…cuz I like social pressure on all girls to look awesome and think this is bad for the fight against diabetes as fat girls everywhere say “well I’m not as fat as Christina Aguilera so I can afford to have this slice of Pizza”….bad fucking news. I am not sure if she’s a mermaid in this shit…but I am sure she’s not exploiting her one redeeming quality in her obesity….her tits….what a disaster.

See the original post here:
Christina Aguilera’s New Cover of the Day

Russell Brand Throws iPhones Through Windows of the Day

You know…I don’t want to sound like I’m a tough guy, because I’m not at all, but I know that I’m tougher than a gang of pussy celebrities and if Russell Brand went for my iPhone, there would be fucking blood…seriously….motherfucker tries to pull his “I’m a celebrity, I can do what I want” bullshit….we’ll I’d be sure to stab him in the fucking neck… I hate these pansy motherfuckers more than I hate the paparazzi documenting them….because these pansy motherfuckers decided to be famous and this is what comes with it….he didn’t have to marry ugly Katy Perry who everyone cares about…and if he didn’t marry her…he could fuck all the groupie pussy he wanted in peace…cuz he just doesn’t fucking matter….but he thinks he does….and that’s why he’s pulling tacky, tantrum stunts that damage other people’s property….I despise these spoiled cunts.

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Russell Brand Throws iPhones Through Windows of the Day

Russell Brand Throws iPhones Through Windows of the Day

You know…I don’t want to sound like I’m a tough guy, because I’m not at all, but I know that I’m tougher than a gang of pussy celebrities and if Russell Brand went for my iPhone, there would be fucking blood…seriously….motherfucker tries to pull his “I’m a celebrity, I can do what I want” bullshit….we’ll I’d be sure to stab him in the fucking neck… I hate these pansy motherfuckers more than I hate the paparazzi documenting them….because these pansy motherfuckers decided to be famous and this is what comes with it….he didn’t have to marry ugly Katy Perry who everyone cares about…and if he didn’t marry her…he could fuck all the groupie pussy he wanted in peace…cuz he just doesn’t fucking matter….but he thinks he does….and that’s why he’s pulling tacky, tantrum stunts that damage other people’s property….I despise these spoiled cunts.

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Russell Brand Throws iPhones Through Windows of the Day

Christina Hendricks Fat Chick in Blackbook Magazine of the Day

Recent amateur pornstar Christina Hendricks ….one of the “victims” of a staged cell phone hack…..when really I feel strongly that we were all victims of her staged cell phone hack…cuz none of us want to see an obese chick naked…even if she has obese chick sized tits…even though it turns out everyone hates me for calling her obese….like I invented to Body Mass Index….or something…. Well she’s put some clothes on, got some photoshop on, and is in the latest Blackbook magazine, where she discussed, amongst otheer things, her obesity…at least that’s what I assume she talked about…cuz when I look at her…that’s all I seee…. Big titties don’t impress me when you’re fat motherfuckers…

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Christina Hendricks Fat Chick in Blackbook Magazine of the Day

Christina Hendricks Fat Chick in Blackbook Magazine of the Day

Recent amateur pornstar Christina Hendricks ….one of the “victims” of a staged cell phone hack…..when really I feel strongly that we were all victims of her staged cell phone hack…cuz none of us want to see an obese chick naked…even if she has obese chick sized tits…even though it turns out everyone hates me for calling her obese….like I invented to Body Mass Index….or something…. Well she’s put some clothes on, got some photoshop on, and is in the latest Blackbook magazine, where she discussed, amongst otheer things, her obesity…at least that’s what I assume she talked about…cuz when I look at her…that’s all I seee…. Big titties don’t impress me when you’re fat motherfuckers…

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Christina Hendricks Fat Chick in Blackbook Magazine of the Day

Jessica Simpson Nude and Pregnant for Elle of the Day

It’s funny cuz you know this pic of Jessica Simpson is heavily photoshopped to make her look not so heavy…..It’s like when you see a bitch in a bikini and she has abs that she never had before…you know to upset little girls, give them a complex and thus curve the obesity trend in the right direction, when keeping bitches nice and insecure about themselves….but the pregnant version…. I don’t know, pregnancy along with periods are the shitties part of being a girl, not sure why they’d want to strip it down and put it on display, like some kind of circus freak, you know elephant in captivity about to birth, but on the flipside, her milk filled tit looks great as she holds it up ready and equipped to feed a nation….it always goes back to the power of nudity making gross things so compelling to look at and masturbate to…..or even on….so as much as I’d rather not see a thinned out pregnant beast naked….at least she’s naked….but more importantly…all least she has a valid reason for her sheer size….

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Jessica Simpson Nude and Pregnant for Elle of the Day