Tag Archives: Parents

Kendall & Kylie Jenner: Supporting Chris Brown Following Rape Arrest?

Earlier this week, Chris Brown was arrested on rape charges in Paris. The singer was detained along with two members of his entourage after a woman claimed she was assaulted by Brown and his friends in a hotel room. Brown was later released from custody on his own recognizance and permitted to return to the United States. Since that time, he’s been working hard to remind us that even if there’s no merit to the accusations, Chris Brown is still an awful human being. Brown is suing his accuser and has been working hard to discredit her with vitriolic social media tirades. While decent human beings recognize the malice and insanity in such actions, Brown is rich and famous which means he’ll always enjoy the support of millions of defenders, a small percentage of whom are also wealthy and powerful. Shockingly, it seems Kendall and Kylie Jenner are proud members of the latter group. “They aren’t looking to talk or touch on the accusations put on Chris but they have full support for him and feel bad that he is going through all of this because they believe him,” a source close to the sisters tells Hollywood Life. “Until proven differently they are standing by him because that’s what friends do,” the insider continues. The source adds that Kendall and Kylie have also thrown their support behind Drake, who was recently caught fondling a teenage girl in a shocking viral video. “Kendall and Kylie have formed very tight bonds with both Drake and Chris Brown and they fully support them and have their backs through thick and thin,” says the tipster. “They have so much fun with both guys and don’t ever see them as anything but fun, nice guys,” the insider explains. “Kendall and Kylie have also had fun going out with Chris Brown and Drake and even with what’s happening with Chris, that won’t change how they view him. “They know him as a really nice, chill guy and want the best for him.” We hope for the sake of our sanity and the Jenner sisters’ public image that these reports are inaccurate, but sadly, they’re entirely plausible. Not because Kendall and Kylie have problematic pasts, mind you, but because it’s common for people to doubt the accuser when the accused is someone close to them. The fact remains that even if Brown is innocent in this case, he has a long history of abusive behavior, and he’s spent the past two days bullying a possible rape victim on social media. Not the kind of guy Kendall and Kylie need to be showing support for. View Slideshow: 29 Pics of Chris Brown Thuggin’ It So Hard: What a Goon!

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Kendall & Kylie Jenner: Supporting Chris Brown Following Rape Arrest?

Kendall & Kylie Jenner: Supporting Chris Brown Following Rape Arrest?

Earlier this week, Chris Brown was arrested on rape charges in Paris. The singer was detained along with two members of his entourage after a woman claimed she was assaulted by Brown and his friends in a hotel room. Brown was later released from custody on his own recognizance and permitted to return to the United States. Since that time, he’s been working hard to remind us that even if there’s no merit to the accusations, Chris Brown is still an awful human being. Brown is suing his accuser and has been working hard to discredit her with vitriolic social media tirades. While decent human beings recognize the malice and insanity in such actions, Brown is rich and famous which means he’ll always enjoy the support of millions of defenders, a small percentage of whom are also wealthy and powerful. Shockingly, it seems Kendall and Kylie Jenner are proud members of the latter group. “They aren’t looking to talk or touch on the accusations put on Chris but they have full support for him and feel bad that he is going through all of this because they believe him,” a source close to the sisters tells Hollywood Life. “Until proven differently they are standing by him because that’s what friends do,” the insider continues. The source adds that Kendall and Kylie have also thrown their support behind Drake, who was recently caught fondling a teenage girl in a shocking viral video. “Kendall and Kylie have formed very tight bonds with both Drake and Chris Brown and they fully support them and have their backs through thick and thin,” says the tipster. “They have so much fun with both guys and don’t ever see them as anything but fun, nice guys,” the insider explains. “Kendall and Kylie have also had fun going out with Chris Brown and Drake and even with what’s happening with Chris, that won’t change how they view him. “They know him as a really nice, chill guy and want the best for him.” We hope for the sake of our sanity and the Jenner sisters’ public image that these reports are inaccurate, but sadly, they’re entirely plausible. Not because Kendall and Kylie have problematic pasts, mind you, but because it’s common for people to doubt the accuser when the accused is someone close to them. The fact remains that even if Brown is innocent in this case, he has a long history of abusive behavior, and he’s spent the past two days bullying a possible rape victim on social media. Not the kind of guy Kendall and Kylie need to be showing support for. View Slideshow: 29 Pics of Chris Brown Thuggin’ It So Hard: What a Goon!

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Kendall & Kylie Jenner: Supporting Chris Brown Following Rape Arrest?

Joe Giudice Deportation: Delayed Due to Government Shutdown?

While concerned fans wonder if Teresa Giudice has already filed for divorce , others hold out hope. Could this massive government shutdown buy him a little more time with his family? An immigration official has weighed in on this complicated situation. Take a look: The government shutdown has dragged on for over a month. It is a nightmare and, ultimately, one man in responsible for it. There are very few silver linings to hundreds of thousands of families having their incomes halved — or worse. But some had wondered if part of the backlog might mean a delay on Joe Giudice’s looming deportation. RadarOnline   reports that they spoke to an immigration official, who was the bearer of bad news on this front. Unfortunately, because Joe is a detainee, his appeals process will very likely proceeda s normal. A decision about his deportation status is expected to be made at some time prior to his release. Joe is scheduled for release from prison on March 14. That is in about a month and a half. No one questions whether a guilty party should serve time in prison. But many are horrified that Joe’s release date will take him farther from his family, rather than bring him home. The unnamed immigration official explained why not even the government shutdown is delaying Joe’s deportation. “In most cases,” the offical shares. “Appeal decisions have been delayed.” The official acknowledges: “and everything is on freeze until the government shutdown is over.” “However, in cases of detainees,” the official notes. “Things are still processing as normal because they are priority.” Our understanding of that statement is that current detainees are a priority because the process has already begun. Additionally, their deportation — or not, as the case may be — would relieve a burden on the system rather than add to it. This means that, before Joe is even released from prison in less than 50 days, his appeal will have been decided. Where does this leave him with his wife, Teresa? “She is talking about divorce, absolutely,” an insider tells RadarOnline . “There is no way Teresa is going to uproot her life,” the source explains. That is difficult but very understandable. “He did this,” the insider reasons. “Why should she suffer?” Joe was born in Italy, but his parents brought him to the United States when he was an infant. He has lived his entire life in the United States. It is the only home that he has ever known. Italy, to him, is his parents’ homeland, but not his. Additionally, his family is not emotionally prepared to see him deported to Italy. Though they have had months since the October 10 ruling that he would be deported, they are still struggling to accept this terrible reality. Joe and Teresa’s daughters in particular are desperate for hope that their father can avoid deportation. It is only natural for Teresa to plan to remain in the United States with her four children, no matter what. You don’t uproot the lives of four children on a whim. Despite Teresa’s reputation, there is nothing callous or easy for her about that choice. There is always a sliver of hope that Joe might somehow win his appeal. But … that is looking less and less likely as March 14 looms closer. View Slideshow: Teresa Giudice: Filing For Divorce Once Joe Gets Deported?!

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Joe Giudice Deportation: Delayed Due to Government Shutdown?

Joe Giudice Deportation: Delayed Due to Government Shutdown?

While concerned fans wonder if Teresa Giudice has already filed for divorce , others hold out hope. Could this massive government shutdown buy him a little more time with his family? An immigration official has weighed in on this complicated situation. Take a look: The government shutdown has dragged on for over a month. It is a nightmare and, ultimately, one man in responsible for it. There are very few silver linings to hundreds of thousands of families having their incomes halved — or worse. But some had wondered if part of the backlog might mean a delay on Joe Giudice’s looming deportation. RadarOnline   reports that they spoke to an immigration official, who was the bearer of bad news on this front. Unfortunately, because Joe is a detainee, his appeals process will very likely proceeda s normal. A decision about his deportation status is expected to be made at some time prior to his release. Joe is scheduled for release from prison on March 14. That is in about a month and a half. No one questions whether a guilty party should serve time in prison. But many are horrified that Joe’s release date will take him farther from his family, rather than bring him home. The unnamed immigration official explained why not even the government shutdown is delaying Joe’s deportation. “In most cases,” the offical shares. “Appeal decisions have been delayed.” The official acknowledges: “and everything is on freeze until the government shutdown is over.” “However, in cases of detainees,” the official notes. “Things are still processing as normal because they are priority.” Our understanding of that statement is that current detainees are a priority because the process has already begun. Additionally, their deportation — or not, as the case may be — would relieve a burden on the system rather than add to it. This means that, before Joe is even released from prison in less than 50 days, his appeal will have been decided. Where does this leave him with his wife, Teresa? “She is talking about divorce, absolutely,” an insider tells RadarOnline . “There is no way Teresa is going to uproot her life,” the source explains. That is difficult but very understandable. “He did this,” the insider reasons. “Why should she suffer?” Joe was born in Italy, but his parents brought him to the United States when he was an infant. He has lived his entire life in the United States. It is the only home that he has ever known. Italy, to him, is his parents’ homeland, but not his. Additionally, his family is not emotionally prepared to see him deported to Italy. Though they have had months since the October 10 ruling that he would be deported, they are still struggling to accept this terrible reality. Joe and Teresa’s daughters in particular are desperate for hope that their father can avoid deportation. It is only natural for Teresa to plan to remain in the United States with her four children, no matter what. You don’t uproot the lives of four children on a whim. Despite Teresa’s reputation, there is nothing callous or easy for her about that choice. There is always a sliver of hope that Joe might somehow win his appeal. But … that is looking less and less likely as March 14 looms closer. View Slideshow: Teresa Giudice: Filing For Divorce Once Joe Gets Deported?!

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Joe Giudice Deportation: Delayed Due to Government Shutdown?

Lil Mo’s Breakfast Club Appearance, Struggle Wig And Defense Of Sexual Assaulters ALL Got Dragged Back To 106 & Park Countdowns

Lil Mo is old raggedy trash. She really just said she “SAVED PEOPLE” from Sexual Harrassment Cases & that if a man sexually harrassed a girl and she knew about it she would let it slide pic.twitter.com/Kvltw4PAq7 — squidward. (@k33yuh) January 23, 2019 Lil Mo Getting Dragged To Hell Breakfast Club had a super slow news day so they invited Lil Mo to talk about…whatever it is they wanted her to talk about. She decided to throw a ton of shade at Queen Naija but she also discussed defending R. Kelly and how she used to shield sexual assaulters from getting caught. Seriously. It was such a trash situation all around and twitter was more than ready to drag the holy hell out of Lil Mo. Again. Lil Mo talked about how her parents found out she was molested later in life and not even 5 minutes later said something like “where were the parents” in relation to the R. Kelly allegations. You can't make this stuff up pic.twitter.com/8AcbZaRR4i — Norville Rogers (@datchikchristy) January 23, 2019 Peep the brutality.

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Lil Mo’s Breakfast Club Appearance, Struggle Wig And Defense Of Sexual Assaulters ALL Got Dragged Back To 106 & Park Countdowns

Tomi Lahren Defends Trump Against Cardi B, But Shouldn’t She Be Thanking Obama For THIS  

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Source: Lorenzo Bevilaqua / Getty Tomi Lahren  suffers from a serious case of blind racism and super trolling. Everytime someone speaks out about her beloved Donald Trump, her republican senses start to tingle and her Twitter fingers get to tweeting. Tomi’s latest attempt to defend her President and the ridiculous government shutdown almost got her dog walked by Cardi B . Lahren bashed Belcalis about her commentary on the Federal Shutdown and the stupid wall, writing: “Looks like @iamcardib is the latest genius political mind to endorse the Democrats. HA! Keep it up, guys! #MAGA2020” But of course, Cardi let her have it! The rapper replied: “You’re so blinded with racism that you don’t even realize the decisions the president you root for is destroying the country you claim to love so much .You are a perfect example on no matter how educated or smart you think you are you still a SHEEP!” Big facts! Speaking of racism and being blinded, let’s not forget that Obama-hating Tomi still benefits from Obamacare. During a heated discussion at Politicon with Chelsea Handler in 2017, the Trump supporter slandered the 2010 health care act but admitted that she is still on her parent’s health insurance —which is a benefit of Obamacare. Chelsea asked, “Do you have a healthcare plan or no?”, to which Tomi replied, “Luckily, I’m 24, so I am still on my parents’.”   As one tweeter perfectly pointed out: “Tomi Lahren admitting her parents still pay for her health insurance shows why this baby is an idiot. Nothing in Tomi Lahren’s personal life shows she is a “conservative.  She was on parent’s Obamacare.  Went to a Public college.  Had an abortion.  Bisexual  “Twerk god.” She just talks racist shit and is blonde. This isn’t the first time Tomi was slammed for her contradicting views. Back in March 2017, the idiotic commentator was fired from hosting The Blaze for allegedly insulting conservatives by saying she was pro-choice. “Weird that Fox News would hire Tomi Lahren being she is very pro-choice and got attacked for it by others in the right-wing.” @Kaidinn pointed out. Guess that’s just the way the White Cookie crumbles. [ione_media_gallery src=”https://globalgrind.cassiuslife.com” id=”4076543″ overlay=”true”]  

Tomi Lahren Defends Trump Against Cardi B, But Shouldn’t She Be Thanking Obama For THIS  

Beatrice Bouchard New TIts of the Day

Beatrice Bouchard and her new tits are in Miami…. You probably don’t know who Beatrice Bouchard is and you likely don’t care and I probably shouldn’t be bothering posting her tits in a bikini in Miami on the site…because she isn’t famous, or a public figure, and is local and probably is less than 6 degrees of separation from me…capable of hunting me down with her team of chiseled influencer boyfriends from instagram….to either run me over in their rich kid cars…or call their lawyers and fight like the emasculated male fights… I do find it funny that her sister (twin sister) is a top tennis star, a local hero, rich in and of herself, even though she started out rich thanks to her dad…it’s tennis, not a poor man’s sport….while this one is a party girl doing instagram deals with whoever pays her….like all the kids are doing….and bikinis at all levels of fame help them matter… I do not know if the tits are implants, or investment into her instagram career…she’s young and all the young girls are getting plastic surgery….I do know that they are tits and that is what matters for the sake of this post. JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES! The post Beatrice Bouchard New TIts of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Beatrice Bouchard New TIts of the Day

Dominika Sedlakova Naked of the DAy

DOMINIKA SEDLAKOVA has the right name for this type of behavior…because whether she’s American born, or American legal or not…she’s got this solid Eastern European name that reminds me of the Iron Curtain of the 80s and the dream of being important enough to either have a Russian Spy seduce me for information I’d have no problem to give up because I am loyal to my dick before any employer or country….but more important….the USSR let all their ugly women die, to cultivate a hot population of prisoners who all wanted to leave via marrying fat rich Americans…that I wasn’t and never got to capitalize on…but I was able to jerk off to it, like any normal person would… Now with all the instagram sluts, photographers with their high tech smart phones…the slutty desperation comes in the form of stylized shoots they pretend is “art”….and I’ll buy it even though I know art is a lie, bullshit…but when it encourages a girl to bring out the nipples…here’s the nipples…. The post Dominika Sedlakova Naked of the DAy appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Dominika Sedlakova Naked of the DAy

Behati Prinsloo Slutty for Marie Claire of the Day

Years ago, before Behati and her silly name left Victoria’s Secret to breed with Adam Levine, the worst fucking celebrity of all the celebrities she could have ended up with, but the annoying and eager celebrity who affiliated with Victoria’s Secret and all their marketing, in efforts to get close to their underwear models they cast for people like him to not waste their time as they are busy to cast for themselves…. Years ago, I said that she’s got serious fucking wrinkles…you know wrinkles you’d think the team at Victoria’s Secret would photoshop out while erasing her razor burn twat, her vagina-definition, and her nipples…but I guess they want their half naked models looking more refined in a who fucking cares about any wrinkle beyond the ones she’s got in her panties…..this was years ago and I could probably pull up the post, but why bother….when you can look at these pics of her that are almost terrifying thanks to all the face injections she’s clearly got… Looking like a fucking muppet….a half naked mom of two with the worst fucking celebrity of all the celebrities muppet…but at least she’s cashed in a lives the good life…far better than those days of being raised in NAMBIA…which is apparently where she’s from….look at her now…LA trophy wife dreams… JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES! The post Behati Prinsloo Slutty for Marie Claire of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Behati Prinsloo Slutty for Marie Claire of the Day

Madison Beer Got Her Tits Out of the Day

Oh Shit….look at Madison Beer’s face….if you can move your eyes away from her big Youtube Tits…that got her famous at a young age on Youtube because the world is filled with fucking pedo perverts who troll social media for young girls who are sexualized by their parents to get famous… That is a face injected face, but then again, who has a face that isn’t face injected these days…it’s ridiculous…clownlike…are we living in a fucking circus…is this a horror movie…all these girls who think they are doing themselves a favor just looking more like a low grade stripper, sex worker, or sex doll…is that a real look? I thought was just something we jerk off to cuz pretty girls aren’t the kind of girls who let us watch them fuck… The world is fucking nuts. More of her tits in a crop top TO SEE MORE MADISON BEER CLICK HERE JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES! The post Madison Beer Got Her Tits Out of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Madison Beer Got Her Tits Out of the Day