The drama went into overdrive on Thursday’s Grey’s Anatomy. The hospital was inundated with a string of drug overdoses after a group mixed meth and opioids. One of the patients was Betty/Britney. Amelia was aghast because she was trying to get the teen clean, but was failing miserably. This all occurred while Owen and Amelia were gearing up to say goodbye to the teenager and her son, Leo after her mother and father returned. “I hope you play soccer,” Owen told Leo. “I hope you love your life,” Amelia added. “I’m always gonna be rooting for you,” Owen later said to the youngster as Betty’s parents showed up to collect him. That’s when news of Grey Sloan being hammered with the patients popped up. When Betty woke up, she told her boyfriend that she had to make a big escape because she couldn’t risk Omelia seeing her there. However, she lost consciousness, and her life was on the line. Yikes. Betty’s boyfriend told Link that Betty worried that nobody would love her after her multitude of mistakes. Betty had aortic dissection, and Amelia’s face dropped the moment she laid eyes on the youngster. Bailey had to lay down the law because Betty’s parents were at the hospital, leading Amelia to question her future. “Where would you go,” she asked Link, “if you just gave it all up? When it all seems hopeless, what’s your secret fantasy escape hatch?” Link said Barbados was his top pick. Teddy scrubbed in to help save Betty’s life, and her reasoning was fantastic. “Amelia may never see that little girl open her eyes again,” Teddy said. “Let me be the surgeon to tell her that we lost her.” Betty was mostly touch and go, but she was saved at the eleventh hour. However, Linus died, and Link struggled to process it and confided in Amelia who agreed with him. “He was a good kid,” Amelia said. “I have to call his parents.” Elsewhere on this wild episode: – Meredith was happy, and for good reason: She performed the hospital’s longest surgery and aced it with flying colors. – Levi and Nico had breakfast, but Nico decided to work through it. But there was no argument, it brought them closer together. The only issue was that Link did not want Levi in the O.R. because he was not ready. – Jackson wanted Maggie to go camping with him, but Maggie said no because she had to stay at the hospital because of Betty’s arrival. What did you think of the latest episode? Hit the comments. Grey’s Anatomy continues Thursdays on ABC. View Slideshow: Grey’s Anatomy Spoilers: It’s About to Go DOWN in Season 15
Grey’s Anatomy Recap: Did Betty/Britney Survive Another Relapse?