Tag Archives: phoenix-stone

Kardashian Family: FREAKING OUT Over Khloe’s Staph Infection!

Earlier this week Khloe Kardashian canceled her book tour  due to unspecified health issues. We later learned that Khloe was suffering from a staph infection , which she probably contracted during her many hours at Lamar Odom’s hospital bedside. When caught early and treated properly, staph infections usually aren’t life-threatening, but Khloe’s loved ones are reportedly freaking out over her condition, and given her family history, it’s hard to blame them. According to TMZ, Kris Jenner’s father died from a hospital-borne staph infection that he contracted while recuperating from a car accident in 1975. Sources say Kris went into a full-blown panic upon hearing about Khloe’s infection. To make matters worse, doctors have reportedly ordered Khloe to keep her distance from 8-months pregnant Kim Kardashian .  It’s just a precaution to ensure that she doesn’t pass the infection along to her very pregnant sis, but it makes Khloe’s condition seem like it’s something to be afraid of, which has reportedly raised the level of concern amongst her siblings. Fortunately, Khloe’s young, and we’re sure she’s receiving the best medical care money can buy. We can understand why her family is concerned, but we’re sure Khloe will be back to giving interviews about her butt in not time.  It’s what she was born to do.  View Slideshow: Khloe Kardashian Memoir: 6 Things We Learned

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Kardashian Family: FREAKING OUT Over Khloe’s Staph Infection!

Blue Ivy Carter to Make Musical Debut on Upcoming Coldplay Album!

Blue Ivy Carter may not be able to tie her own shoes, but she already leads one of the most baller existences on the planet. Blue Ivy’s vacation photos could make Anthony Bourdain weep. The girl gets custom-made clothes from the world’s biggest designers, then probably passes them on to her entourage when she outgrows them in a week. She’s even got her first rap feud under her belt, thanks to Chris Brown’s claim that Royalty is the cutest of all the hip hop babies. Obviously talent is no longer a requirement for being a celebrity (We’re looking at you, Kylie Jenner!), but Blue is making sure that she secures her spot as a future A-lister by becoming a more in-demand guest vocalist for top-selling artists than Nate Dogg was in his prime. Okay, she’s hasn’t come that far quite yet, but Blue will be making her singing debut on Coldplay’s seventh studio album, due out next month. Lead singer Chris Martin says it all started when the band brought in Beyonce for some cameo vocals on a track called “Hymn for the Weekend.” Blue accompanied Bey in the studio, and naturally, the band couldn’t resist having her coo a few bars. The album also features guest performances from Martin’s ex-wife Gwyneth Paltrow, as well as his current girlfriend Annabelle Wallis, because apparently, this record is some sort of social experiment in which Chris Martin attempts to find out how awkward he can make his life. Hey, it might’ve been weird to make, but we’re sure it’ll go multi-platinum.

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Blue Ivy Carter to Make Musical Debut on Upcoming Coldplay Album!

The Vampire Diaries Season 7 Episode 7 Recap: Best Thanksgiving Ever?

Two lives began anew on  The Vampire Diaries Season 7 Episode 7 . While Lily finally realized what her sons have been trying to tell her for weeks: another life must come to an end. First, let’s cut to the future: THREE YEARS FROM NOW… Damon and Alaric race to the TV studio to rescue Caroline from the mysterious villain on the war path, whose aim is especially set on Stefan. But as Damon enters, he notices that Caroline isn’t really there. The distress call they witnessed on the news was taped from somewhere else. He then gets shot by many darts many times in the back. Ouch. Down goes Damo. Back in present day, Stefan and Damon hold Lily hostage and bring her back to 1863. They remind her that she was once married to a monster in Giuseppe and now she’s with a monster again in Julian. Except Lily amends her sons’ memories. She explains that she was well aware of Giuseppe’s violent side; she only stayed with him to protect her sons. Overall, Lily has been an outstanding addition to The Vampire Diaries Season 7 . She’s the perfect example of a morally grey character. Although now she’s seeing things in black and white. By the end of the hour, after Julian has fought Enzo with a sword even though his life is now linked to Lily’s (and after he has taken from Enzo some sort of magical sword that can kill an immortal when used with The Phoenix Stone), Lily realizes just how dangerous he is. She believes that he killed Valerie’s baby and she tells the Salvatore siblings that she has a plan for killing him once and for all. View Slideshow: 15 Best Shows in CW History: Ranked! Elsewhere, Matt stumbles upon more compelled residents of Mystic Falls. They are being fed food and blood, fattened up for some mysterious reason. He tells Bonnie that he talked to Jeremy and Tyler and has a plan of his own. Finally, Caroline and Alaric learn that Valerie was right all along: She’s pregnant! With twins! EEEK! The show will take next week off for Thanksgiving and then return with The Vampire Diaries Season 7 Episode 8 on Thursday, December 3. Here’s your first look at what to expect from it: The Vampire Diaries Season 7 Episode 8 Teaser

The Vampire Diaries Season 7 Episode 7 Recap: Best Thanksgiving Ever?

The Vampire Diaries Season 7 Episode 4 Recap: Bring Me to Life

Many lives were lost, two lives were resurrected and one life may be starting anew as a result of events on The Vampire Diaries Season 7 Episode 4 . Ready to run all this down? We’ll start THREE YEARS IN THE FUTURE just to get that over with: Alaric is the dad to twin girls! There’s no mention of a wife or a mother, just a figure standing in the doorway that scares him and his daughters. It’s Damon. Alaric says he must be there because someone died. Damon says that will be the case soon if Alaric doesn’t do exactly what he says. Back to PRESENT DAY: Damon discovers that Oscar has been killed, making up some story to Nora and Mary Louise that he’s gone missing; a story they do not buy and which leads them to kill a Whitemore student every hour until Oscar turns up. Cue Stefan and Caroline trying to keep an eye on them by making them want to attend a Heaven and Hell college dance. View Slideshow: 15 Best Shows in CW History: Ranked! At the dance, Nora and Mary Louise have it out over how the former has adjusted well to modern times, but the latter is struggling and figuratively smuggling the former. It’s actually a nice few moments, giving fans insight into this relationship and these characters. There’s definite potential for the Heretics to end up like The Originals and their presence has already opened up the world of Mystic Falls in a much needed way. Nora and Mary Louise make up in the end, sharing a slow dance after Stefan and Caroline teamed up to force Nora to siphon away Valerie’s vervain spell. Stefan can now touch his girlfriend… and touch her he does! They totally have sex. While this is taking place, Damon takes Oscar to the morgue and Bonnie successfully brings him back to life with The Phoenix Stone, though he seems to have no memory and is REALLY hungry now that he’s alive again. But Damon does successfully return him to Lily and receive Elena’s coffin in exchange. Lily gives her son a speech about how he needs to find out who he is without Elena at some point, prompting Damon to drink a lot of wine… write in his journal… and then send Elena’s coffin off with Tyler. Random, right? But maybe that explains why Damon is in Brooklyn in three years. Perhaps he chose to sleep next to Elena until she wakes up. Speaking of waking up: we end the episode with Bonnie also using the Stone to bring Jo back to life. It cuts to black as soon as her eyes open. Whoa there! What will this mean on The Vampire Diaries Season 7 Episode 5 ? We’ll be tuning in to find out. And you should be heading to TV Fanatic to watch The Vampire Diaries online if you missed any of the action.

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The Vampire Diaries Season 7 Episode 4 Recap: Bring Me to Life