Tag Archives: plant

Dog Stache

Here's a really clever concept for a dog toy. Now your dog can look like he's in one of those hip vaudeville-revival bands. The Best Links: Buy Them Here View

Glenn Beck Advertiser Offers "Survival Seeds"

New Survival Seed Bank Let's You Plant A Full Acre Crisis Garden!! Wait, what? You guys, this will be better than gold once the “emerging totalitarianism” occurs. Want! [ Via ] View

Ethical eating – plants want to live, too

“Before we cede the entire moral penthouse to “committed vegetarians” and “strong ethical vegans,” we might consider that plants no more aspire to being stir-fried in a wok than a hog aspires to being peppercorn-studded in my Christmas clay pot.

Excerpt from:
Ethical eating – plants want to live, too

Lincoln's Letter to A Boy In New York

An 1861 letter from Abraham Lincoln has just gone up for sale. It was written on behalf of a schoolboy whose friends were mocking him because they didn't believe his claim that he shook the President's hand. Cute! “Whom it may concern, I did see and talk with master George Evans Patten, last May, at Springfield, Illinois.

Read the rest here:
Lincoln's Letter to A Boy In New York

Money Hats!

If you are looking for a way to feel even more guilty about spending your money (this economy and what not!) this is definitely a good solution for you. Contribute: Add an image, link, video or comment

US Coal Plants Dump Thousands of Gallons of Waste Into Drinking Water Supplies a Day

Why is anyone fighting to save these things again? A detailed report in the New York Times just revealed that hundreds of coal plants across the country are routinely dumping thousands of gallons of waste water into rivers and lakes–rivers and lakes that millions of people get their drinking water from. So here's why all that dumping is going on, in a nutshell–coal plants, as you well know, are extremely heavy polluters

See more here:
US Coal Plants Dump Thousands of Gallons of Waste Into Drinking Water Supplies a Day

Plant Eating a Rat

I saw this news story and was kind of “whatevs” about it until I saw that there was a video!!! I'd like to see that plant face off against one of these . Contribute: Add an image, link, video or comment

Vaporizer Alternative to Smoking

The vaporizer is used to sublimate the ingredients of plant substance or other type of herbs .

Go here to see the original:
Vaporizer Alternative to Smoking