Tag Archives: power-plants

1.25 Gigawatts of Solar Thermal Power Approved in California in Past Two Days Will Double US Capacity

photo: BLM There’ve been multiple gigawatts of solar thermal power plants planned for various places in the California desert for some time, but finally some more of them are getting the approvals need so that construction can start: The US Bureau of Land Management has issued a final environmental impact statement for the 1,000 MW Blythe Solar Power Project ; and the 250 MW

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1.25 Gigawatts of Solar Thermal Power Approved in California in Past Two Days Will Double US Capacity

US Govt May Back 9 GW of Coal Power Plants in India & South Africa, When It Should Support Renewables

photo: Duncan Harris via flickr Despite a Congressional mandate directing the Export-Import Bank of the United States to use 10% of its 2009-2010 financing towards renewable energy project, according to a US Government Accountability Office report the Bank will fall “well short of the 10% Congressional target”–as in only spending 2% on renewables. In fact right now in may back nearly 9 gigawatts of humungous coal-fired power plants in India and South Africa…. Read the full story on TreeHugger

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US Govt May Back 9 GW of Coal Power Plants in India & South Africa, When It Should Support Renewables

What’s The Latest With FutureGen, The CCS Project In The Corn?

photo via flickr The story of FutureGen, the first of its kind carbon capture and storage project, has more ups and downs than an episode of “Gossip Girl.” The project was first conceived and financed under the Bush Administration, but they dropped it before leaving office , citing costs. But the Obama Administration revived the project, promising that the test project would be the first of many CCS projects, giving coal and oil power plants a new lease on life. … Read the full story on TreeHugger

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What’s The Latest With FutureGen, The CCS Project In The Corn?

The Funeral of John F. Kennedy in colour

On Sunday afternoon, November 24th 1963, about 300000 people watched a horse-drawn caisson, which had borne the body of Franklin D. http://www.youtube.com/v/AiqrUMvxbbs&f=videos&app=youtube_gdata More: The Funeral of John F. Kennedy in colour

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The Funeral of John F. Kennedy in colour

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. talks about coal fired power plants

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. was the Keynote speaker at the Forecastle Festival held July 25-27 in Louisville, KY.

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Robert F. Kennedy Jr. talks about coal fired power plants