Tag Archives: pregnant-chick

Pregnant Bar Refaeli Ass in a Bikini of the Day

Like any husband who has knocked up his wife and is forced to deal with the pregnancy…I don’t think there is anything hot about a pregnant chick…other than that the pregnant girl in question lets dudes cum inside them..whether it’s husband or boyfriends…I approve of the creampie…it’s my favorite kind of pie…more American than Apple pie… There’s a window of opportunity where a pregnant chick, as long as she’s pregnant with another dude’s kid, is hot…otherwise those good months of pregnancy go unappreciated knowing bitch is trying to ruin your life…and make it more of a nightmare…but when she’s pregnant with someone else in the first few weeks, you can’t get her pregnant and you can statistically assume she’s got no STDs as the doctor checks for that, while appreciating her hormonal tits… Bar Refaeli, married model, is no longer in that zone, but some really lonely and sad people love Ready to Drop porn….so here it is…. The post Pregnant Bar Refaeli Ass in a Bikini of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Pregnant Bar Refaeli Ass in a Bikini of the Day

Hilary Duff Pregnancy Leggings of the Day

I am a sick, sick, sick fucking man…The thoughts I have of Hilary Duff as a pregnant chick are almost criminal…I’m exagerating…I’m not that weird…but I find it weird that I am having sexual thoughts about Hilary Duff in recent years, you know since she went from teen billionaire, skinny and wholesome and underaget to some thick married bitch you laugh about once wanting to fuck her when you run into her at the CVS buying chocoloate on sale….I didn’t even find her being used in Hockey team initiations hot, she did nothing for me as her back got muscular and I assumed her husband tried to make her look more like his teammates for sexual purposes……but the second that uterus got filled, and his shit stuck, I got to paying attention…one might even say obsessing over everything about this thing…mainly what it’d be like to be her gynecologist…playing with her vagina during routine exams…using my tongue as a speculum hoping she doesn’t notice….lucky bastard….here are her pregnancy leggings holding it all together….

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Hilary Duff Pregnancy Leggings of the Day

Hilary Duff’s Sweet Pregnancy Booty

I don’t know man, I’m really having a tough time with Hilary Duff’s pregnancy. One minute she looks all bloated and softening up and the next she’s rocking some tight pants and showing off an incredible booty. Make up your mind princess. Here she is kinda doing both. She’s wearing the standard ‘hide everything’ pregnant chick sweater and just when you’re about to look away… Bam! Hilary Duff booty. I’m confused again.

Jennifer Love Hewitt in a Tight Red Cleavage Exposing Dress of the Day

I like to laugh at Jennifer Love Hewitt for being a lot fatter than the skinny little frame with big tits that got her famous…you know because I like to point out the flaws of a girl who probably had a serious ego years ago….before the cankles caught up with her chest….but it turns out that with the right straps, harnesses, and tightness of a dress in place, she can look pretty fucking good…and that kind of movie magic, high budget wardrobe, coupled with her feelings of inadequacy cuz she can’t keep a man long enough to get pregnant to justify her body, makes her a pretty good fucking catch, all broken down and alone….and really she’s probably better than any of the trash you’ve fucked..not that that pile of rotting sandwich meat covered in cum in the corner of your bedroom is all that hard to beat when it comes to vagina copetitions….so here she is doing the Chris Deburgh in red….titties out and better than she’s been in a while all modeling and shit…I’m sure she’s thanking god for spanx…I know I am….you know on girls I look at in pictures and not girls I bring home…cuz that false marketing fucks me up when I get a bitch naked and am forced to face the truth when it’s too late to run….Luckily I have no standards….

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Jennifer Love Hewitt in a Tight Red Cleavage Exposing Dress of the Day

Michelle Williams is an Ugly Marilyn Monroe for Vogue of the Day

I never found Michelle Williams good looking, I always just assumed she was a front for Heath Ledger’s homosexuality with Jake Gyllenhaal, because she had the sex appeal of dude and to someone who wasn’t into women, but got a little drunk on set, knocking her up, leading to serious drug use, to deal with being a gay man with a pregnant chick, forced to get married, and off himself because it was too much for him to live with…..so when I saw that Vogue cast her to play out Marilyn Monroe, I knew it wouldn’t be as hot as seeing Marilyn Monroe, or even as hot as WATCHING HER FUCK IN BLUE VALENTINE ….if anything I knew it’d be comical seeing a bitch who isn’t hot trying to be sexy…..and it turns out they gave her cleavage…and it’s not nearly as bad as I wanted it to be…but that’s just because cleavage always wins me over….and here are the pics…

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Michelle Williams is an Ugly Marilyn Monroe for Vogue of the Day

Hilary Duff Pregnancy Continues of the Day

I think my biological clock is ticking, maybe my last half retarded sperm is dying of cancer and telling the rest of me I’m almost officially infertile, because the last few weeks, I’ve been really wanting to fuck a pregnant chick….but not a pregnant chick of my own…since I don’t think girls will ever let me get them pregnant…I’m one of those guys who is the reason abortions were invented…but a pregnant chick who is pregnant with another dude’s baby….maybe it’s the challenge, cuz pregnant chicks generally don’t cheat on their husbands, or maybe I just like illegit children and the slutty mothers who make them… Making Hilary Duff pretty desirable….even though she has a foreign object growing inside her….and she’s not even in revealing or tight clothes…

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Hilary Duff Pregnancy Continues of the Day

Tila Tequila and Her Latest Publicity Stunt of the Day

Tila Tequila is on drugs. She’s a total fucking joke of a person and she knows it.

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Tila Tequila and Her Latest Publicity Stunt of the Day